Build install the libtiledb
shared library.
Download and install conda
Update conda
conda update conda
the root environmentconda install conda-build
Create a new tiledb conda environment
conda create --name tiledb python=3.6
Activate the new tiledb environment
source activate tiledb
Clone the tiledb recipe
git clone
Add the conda-forge channel
conda config --add channels conda-forge
Build the local conda package
cd tiledb-conda && conda build .
Install the built package locally
conda install --use-local tiledb=dev
- Download the anaconda-builder Docker image
docker pull continuumio/anaconda-build-linux-64
- Run the Docker image
docker run -i -t continuumio/anaconda-build-linux-64 /bin/bash
- Clone the tiledb-conda repo
git clone
- If debugging a pull-request, checkout the pull request
git fetch origin pull/ID/head:BRANCHNAME
git checkout BRANCHNAME
- Run conda build enabling the conda-forge channel
conda build -c conda-forge tiledb-conda