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This page contains SQL queries for Sierra and Postgres. The initial set of queries was converted from existing Millennium/Oracle queries that can be found at: Millennium SQL Queries (UNC Staff Wiki)
Append 'a'; prepend 'b', 'i', etc.
'b' || record_num || 'a' 'i' || record_num || 'a' and so on
WHERE record_last_updated_gmt > TO_DATE('2015-08-05', 'YYYY-MM-DD')
Postgres date format codes: https://www.techonthenet.com/postgresql/functions/to_date.php
This example will find records updated in the last 60 minutes:
WHERE record_last_updated_gmt > (localtimestamp - interval '60 minute')
This example will find records updated in the last 1.5 days (36 hours = 2160 minutes):
WHERE record_last_updated_gmt > (localtimestamp - interval '36 hour')
Postgres time functions and operators: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/functions-datetime.html
- Add the following to the WHERE section of your query.
- Used in a query where the set is already narrowed down to only bib records, adding the following would further narrow to exclude any bib with locations beginning with k, no, or w.
and NOT EXISTS (SELECT * from sierra_view.bib_record_location ll WHERE v.record_id = ll.bib_record_id AND (ll.location_code like 'k%' OR ll.location_code like 'no%' OR ll.location_code like 'w%') )
- Returns record number/key and list of comma separated locations for that bib – collapses multiple rows from the locations table into one row per record number
- Will be most useful as a join expression, so you can output the locations for some set of bib records
SELECT bib_record_id, STRING_AGG(Trim(trailing FROM location_code), ', ' order by id) AS locations FROM sierra_view.bib_record_location WHERE location_code != 'multi' GROUP BY bib_record_id
- Example of use within another query: This would return the record number (with 'a' appended), the bib locations, the marc_tag, indicators, and field value for all 020 fields in all bib records.
select 'b' || b.record_num || 'a' AS bnum, bp.material_code, locs.locations, v.marc_ind1, v.marc_ind2, v.field_content from sierra_view.varfield v inner join sierra_view.bib_view b on b.id = v.record_id inner join (SELECT bib_record_id, STRING_AGG(Trim(trailing FROM location_code), ', ' order by id) AS locations FROM sierra_view.bib_record_location WHERE location_code != 'multi' GROUP BY bib_record_id ) locs ON b.id = locs.bib_record_id
- Can also be used in a select clause, e.g:
select 'b' || rm.record_num || 'a', v.field_content, (select STRING_AGG(brl.location_code, ',') from sierra_view.bib_record_location brl where brl.bib_record_id = rm.id and brl.location_code != 'multi') as bib_locs, from...
(select STRING_AGG(distinct i.location_code, ',') from sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link bil inner join sierra_view.item_record i on i.id = bil.item_record_id where bil.bib_record_id = rm.id) as item_locs
See this query below for an example of this
This includes certain subfields and anything in parentheses
distinct regexp_replace(vi.field_content, '^.*?\|a|\|q.*|\(.*', '', 'g') as ISBN
Update the location code as desired and the preferred call no. criteria. In this case the MDC and anything with DVD in its call no.
select 'i'||i.record_num||'a', FROM sierra_view.varfield v, sierra_view.item_view i WHERE i.location_code ilike 'ul%' AND i.record_type_code = 'i' AND v.record_id = i.id AND (v.varfield_type_code = 'c' AND v.field_content ilike '%DVD%' )
Finds all "active" UnL materials in the LSC. It filters items in HSL and the two private collections: MRC unprocessed and Archives special. It lso filters items that are in process, withdrawn or declared lost.
SELECT i.barcode, i.agency_code_num, i.location_code, to_char( r.record_last_updated_gmt, 'MM/DD/YYYY' ) AS LastModded, i.itype_code_num, i.item_status_code FROM sierra_view.item_view i INNER JOIN sierra_view.record_metadata r ON r."id" = i."id" WHERE i.location_code LIKE 'tr%' AND i.location_code NOT IN ('trlnc', 'trnhb', 'trz', 'trulv', 'trwas') AND i.item_status_code NOT IN ('e', 'w', 'd', 'p') ORDER BY i.location_code ASC
Refer to recurring task instructions (STAFF WIKI) for how these are used
SELECT v.field_content, COUNT(v.record_id) FROM sierra_view.varfield v INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record b ON v.record_id = b.record_id AND b.bcode3 NOT IN ('d', 'n', 'c') WHERE v.varfield_type_code = 'w' AND v.marc_tag = '773' AND v.field_content ~ '\(online collection\)|Undergraduate library Kindle ebook collection' GROUP BY v.field_content ORDER BY v.field_content ASC;
select 'b' || rm.record_num || 'a' AS bnum, brp.material_code, (SELECT STRING_AGG(Trim(trailing FROM brl.location_code), ', ' order by id) FROM sierra_view.bib_record_location brl WHERE brl.bib_record_id = b.id AND brl.location_code != 'multi' ) AS locations, v.marc_ind1, v.marc_ind2, v.field_content from sierra_view.varfield v inner join sierra_view.bib_record b ON b.id = v.record_id and b.bcode3 not in ('d', 'n', 'c') inner join sierra_view.record_metadata rm on rm.id = b.id inner join sierra_view.bib_record_property brp ON brp.bib_record_id = b.id and brp.material_code = 'z' where v.marc_tag = '773' and v.field_content not like '%(online collection)%' and v.field_content not like '|tOCLC WorldShare Collection Manager managed collection.%' and v.field_content !~ '\|[7db]|\|w\(|\|x\d';
select v.field_content, bp.material_code from sierra_view.varfield v, sierra_view.bib_record b, sierra_view.bib_record_property bp where v.marc_tag = '001' AND b.bcode3 not in ('n', 'c') AND v.field_content ~* '^(\|a)?[0-9]+[a-z]+$' AND v.field_content !~* '^(\|a)?[0-9]+(abcc|wcm|dukeup|eeubo|ebr|momw|scidir|spr|wol)$' AND bp.bib_record_id = v.record_id AND bp.bib_record_id = b.record_id;
- ~* supplies the case-insensitive parameter
Can be adapted to check other field types.
SELECT 'b'||v.record_num||'a' FROM sierra_view.varfield_view v WHERE v.record_type_code = 'b' AND v.varfield_type_code = 'y' AND v.marc_tag = '001' ORDER BY v.record_num
select 'b' || b.record_num || 'a' as bnum, bp.bib_level_code, bp.material_code, b.bcode3, locs.locations, l.record_type_code "ldr rec type", vform.p23 "008 23", vform.p29 "008 29", vt.content "GMD", vdesc.field_content as "300 description", vof.field_content as "other format note", v.marc_tag, v.marc_ind1, v.marc_ind2, substring(v.field_content, '\|u[^|]*') "URL", substring(v.field_content, '\|y[^|]*') "856y" from sierra_view.varfield v inner join sierra_view.bib_view b on v.record_id = b.id and v.marc_tag = '856' and v.marc_ind1 = '4' and v.marc_ind2 = '0' inner join (select bib_record_id, STRING_AGG(Trim(trailing FROM location_code), ', ' order by id) AS locations FROM sierra_view.bib_record_location where location_code != 'multi' GROUP BY bib_record_id) locs ON b.id = locs.bib_record_id inner join sierra_view.bib_record_property bp on b.id = bp.bib_record_id and bp.material_code not in ('z', 'w', 's', 'm') left outer join sierra_view.leader_field l on l.record_id = b.id left outer join sierra_view.control_field vform on vform.record_id = b.id and vform.control_num = '8' left outer join sierra_view.subfield vt on v.record_id = vt.record_id and vt.marc_tag = '245' and tag = 'h' left outer join sierra_view.varfield vdesc on v.record_id = vdesc.record_id and vdesc.marc_tag = '300' left outer join sierra_view.varfield vof on v.record_id = vof.record_id and vof.marc_tag = '530' where NOT EXISTS (select * from sierra_view.bib_record_location bl WHERE v.record_id = bl.bib_record_id and (bl.location_code like 'e%') );
SELECT 'b' || rm.record_num || 'a' AS bnum, v.field_content FROM sierra_view.varfield v INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record br on br.id = v.record_id INNER JOIN sierra_view.record_metadata rm on rm.id = br.id WHERE v.marc_tag = '856' AND v.field_content ~ '\|[^abcdfhijklmnopqrstuvwxyz2368]'
SELECT 'b' || rm.record_num || 'a' AS bnum, v.marc_ind1, v.marc_ind2, v.field_content FROM sierra_view.varfield v INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record br on br.id = v.record_id INNER JOIN sierra_view.record_metadata rm on rm.id = br.id WHERE v.marc_tag = '856' AND v.field_content ~ '\|u.*\|u'
variable fields in unsuppressed bibs using oclc-style dagger subfield delimiter instead of sierra pipe
(Or approximation of the above...)
SELECT 'b' || rm.record_num || 'a' AS bnum, v.marc_tag, v.marc_ind1, v.marc_ind2, v.field_content FROM sierra_view.varfield v INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record b ON b. ID = v.record_id AND b.is_suppressed = 'f' INNER JOIN sierra_view.record_metadata rm ON rm. ID = v.record_id WHERE v.field_content ~ 'ǂ'
This query has to exclude e-resource bibs, which by design have all their attached records suppressed. It does this by excluding records with any bib locations starting with e. It is Kristina's understanding that any noheb-type item/holdings/order location should scope within III to include a bib location starting with e.
SELECT 'b' || b.record_num || 'a' AS bib_rec_key, locs.locations, To_char(b.record_creation_date_gmt, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS "created date", to_char(b.cataloging_date_gmt, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as "cat date", b.bcode3, bp.material_code, (select string_agg(v.field_content, ' ; ') from sierra_view.varfield v where v.record_id = b.id AND v.marc_tag = '001')as OCLCNo, (select string_agg(v1.field_content, ' ; ') from sierra_view.varfield v1 where v1.record_id = b.id AND v1.marc_tag = '856')as URL, (select string_agg(v2.field_content, ' ; ') from sierra_view.varfield v2 where v2.record_id = b.id AND v2.marc_tag = '919')as ReviewNotes FROM sierra_view.bib_view b inner join (SELECT bib_record_id, STRING_AGG(Trim(trailing FROM location_code), ', ' order by id) AS locations FROM sierra_view.bib_record_location WHERE location_code != 'multi' GROUP BY bib_record_id) locs ON b.id = locs.bib_record_id INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record_property bp on bp.bib_record_id = b.id WHERE b.bcode3 NOT IN ( 'd', 'n', 'c' ) AND b.cataloging_date_gmt IS NOT NULL AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link lri INNER JOIN sierra_view.item_record i ON lri.item_record_id = i.id WHERE b.id = lri.bib_record_id AND i.icode2 <> 'n') AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sierra_view.bib_record_holding_record_link lrh INNER JOIN sierra_view.holding_record h ON lrh.holding_record_id = h.id WHERE b.id = lrh.bib_record_id AND h.is_suppressed <> 't') AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sierra_view.bib_record_order_record_link lro INNER JOIN sierra_view.order_record o ON lro.order_record_id = o.id WHERE b.id = lro.bib_record_id AND o.is_suppressed <> 't') AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sierra_view.bib_record_location bl WHERE b.id = bl.bib_record_id AND bl.location_code LIKE 'e%');
==items linked to more than one bib record, where icode2 is not set as linked or bound with==
This includes suppressed items (icode2 = n) that lack internal note about linked records (wanda)
select 'i' || rm.record_num || 'a' as item_rec_num , linkct.lbibs as linked_bib_count , (select string_agg('b' || rm2.record_num || 'a', ', ' ORDER BY rm2.record_num ASC) from sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link bil2 inner join sierra_view.record_metadata rm2 on rm2.id = bil2.bib_record_id where bil2.item_record_id = linkct.item_record_id ) as linked_to_bibs , i.icode2 , i.item_status_code , i.location_code , min(v.field_content) as barcode from -- The set of items attached to more than one bib, with icode2 not l or b, -- with count of bibs to which item is attached (lbibs) (SELECT bil.item_record_id , count(*) as lbibs FROM sierra_view.item_record i INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link bil ON bil.item_record_id = i.id WHERE i.icode2 NOT IN ('b', 'l') GROUP BY bil.item_record_id HAVING count(*) > 1) linkct -- inner join sierra_view.item_record i on i.id = linkct.item_record_id inner join sierra_view.record_metadata rm on rm.id = i.id left join sierra_view.varfield v on v.record_id = i.id and varfield_type_code = 'b' left join sierra_view.varfield vln on vln.record_id = i.id and vln.varfield_type_code = 'x' and vln.field_content like 'Item record linked to%' where i.icode2 != 'n' or (i.icode2 = 'n' and vln.field_content is null) group by item_rec_num, linkct.item_record_id, linkct.lbibs, i.icode2, i.item_status_code, i.location_code
Query now depends on whether field is a control field or variable field.
SELECT 'b' || b.record_num as bnum FROM sierra_view.control_field c, sierra_view.bib_view b WHERE c.control_num = '8' AND c.record_id = b.id GROUP BY bnum HAVING COUNT(*) > 1;
SELECT 'b' || b.record_num as bnum FROM sierra_view.varfield v, sierra_view.bib_view b WHERE v.marc_tag = '856' AND v.record_id = b.id GROUP BY bnum HAVING COUNT(*) > 1;
select i.location_code, 'i' || i.record_num as inum, 'b' || b.record_num as bnum, br.material_code, i.itype_code_num as itemType, i.item_status_code as itemStatus from sierra_view.item_view i, sierra_view.bib_view b, sierra_view.bib_record_property br, sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link L where br.material_code in ('s', 'w', 'z') and i.location_code not in ('dcpfi','dcya','dcyea','dcyef','dcyfa','eb','ebna','ebnb','ebz','ed','edas','er','erda','erdb','erra','errd','erri','erri@','errs','errw','estr','erz','hhya','hhyb','jjya','kwer','kwer2','nohe','noheb','uldah','wbcc','wbpab','wbpad','xcac','xcad','ydya') and L.item_record_id = i.id and L.bib_record_id = b.id and br.bib_record_id = b.id;
SELECT 'b' || rm.record_num || 'a' AS bnum, br.bcode1, ldr.blvl FROM ( SELECT bib_level_code AS blvl, record_id FROM sierra_view.leader_field )ldr INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record br ON ldr.record_id = br.record_id AND br.is_suppressed = 'f' INNER JOIN sierra_view.record_metadata rm ON ldr.record_id = rm. ID WHERE br.bcode1 != ldr.blvl
SELECT 'b' || bv.record_num || 'a' AS bnum FROM sierra_view.bib_view bv INNER JOIN sierra_view.control_field cf ON bv. ID = cf.record_id AND cf.control_num = '8' AND cf.p35 = 'k' AND cf.p36 = 'o' AND cf.p37 = 'r' WHERE bv.language_code != 'kor'
SELECT 'b' || bv.record_num || 'a' AS bnum FROM sierra_view.bib_view bv INNER JOIN sierra_view.control_field cf ON bv. ID = cf.record_id AND cf.control_num = '8' AND( cf.p35 != 'k' AND cf.p36 != 'o' AND cf.p37 != 'r' ) WHERE bv.language_code = 'kor'
(select 'b' || b.record_num AS bnum from sierra_view.bib_record_holding_record_link Lr inner join sierra_view.holding_record_location h on Lr.holding_record_id = h.holding_record_id inner join sierra_view.bib_view b on Lr.bib_record_id = b.id where h.location_code like 'xc%') EXCEPT (select 'b' || b.record_num AS bnum from sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link Lrr inner join sierra_view.item_record i on Lrr.item_record_id = i.record_id inner join sierra_view.bib_view b on Lrr.bib_record_id = b.id where i.location_code like 'xc%') ;
select count(b.id) from sierra_view.bib_view b where b.bcode3 not in ('d', 'n', 'c');
- Using bib_record (and .record_id) rather than bib_view (and .id) reporting more accurate results due to presumed sync issues prior to Sierra migration completion
SELECT DISTINCT 'b' || b.record_num as bnum, to_char(b.cataloging_date_gmt, 'YYYYMMDD'), br.material_code FROM sierra_view.item_view i, sierra_view.bib_view b, sierra_view.bib_record_property br, sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link L WHERE i.location_code LIKE 'yb%' AND b.bcode3 NOT IN ('n', 'c', 'd') AND b.id = br.bib_record_id AND b.id = L.bib_record_id AND i.id = L.item_record_id
remove "not" to get only those in reserve locations
SELECT 'i' || i.record_num AS inum, i.item_status_code, TO_CHAR(i.last_checkin_gmt, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') AS chkin, date_part('day', (localtimestamp - i.last_checkin_gmt)) AS days_since_chkin, i.location_code, TO_CHAR(i.due_gmt, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') AS due, TO_CHAR(i.record_creation_date_gmt, 'MM/DD/YYYY') AS created FROM (sierra_view.item_view iv LEFT JOIN sierra_view.checkout c ON iv.id = c.item_record_id) i WHERE i.last_checkin_gmt > (localtimestamp - interval '18 hour') AND i.icode2 != 'n' AND i.location_code !~* '^(aaba|bbb|ccb|ggb|kres|llb|mmb|nohv|rrb|ssb|ub|ulba|wcb|xcca|ydb).*$' ORDER BY i.last_checkin_gmt DESC ;
SELECT to_char(c.checkout_gmt, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as checkedout, 'b' || v.record_num AS bnum, v.field_content from sierra_view.checkout c, sierra_view.varfield_view v, sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link L where c.checkout_gmt > (localtimestamp - interval '1 hour') AND c.item_record_id = L.item_record_id AND L.bib_record_id = v.record_id AND v.marc_tag = '245' order by c.checkout_gmt DESC;
SELECT 'i' || i.record_num as inum, TO_CHAR(h.placed_gmt, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'), 'b' || b.record_num as bib, v.field_content as barcode, i.location_code from sierra_view.hold h INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link l ON h.record_id = l.item_record_id INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_view b ON b.id = l.bib_record_id INNER JOIN sierra_view.varfield v ON v.record_id = h.record_id AND v.varfield_type_code = 'b' INNER JOIN sierra_view.item_view i ON h.record_id = i.id where h.placed_gmt >= (localtimestamp - interval '24 hour') order by h.placed_gmt;
This first query is the equivalent of what we were using with Millennium. It yields unsuppressed items that have never been checked in (have null last_checkin_gmt fields). So, it includes unsuppressed items that are currently checked out, so long as they have never been checked in:
select 'i' || record_num || 'a' as inum , i.item_status_code , i.location_code , to_char(rm.creation_date_gmt,'MM/DD/YYYY') as created from sierra_view.item_record i inner join sierra_view.record_metadata rm on rm.id = i."id" where i.last_checkin_gmt is NULL and i.icode2 != 'n' order by i.location_code
This second query gets unsuppressed items that have never been checked out. It yields a subset of the first query's results; it excludes unsuppressed items that are currently checked out but have never been checked in. The "i.last_checkout_gmt is NULL" statement can be replaced with "i.last_checkin_gmt is NULL" without affecting the results:
select 'i' || record_num || 'a' as inum , i.item_status_code , i.location_code , to_char(rm.creation_date_gmt,'MM/DD/YYYY') as created from sierra_view.item_record i inner join sierra_view.record_metadata rm on rm.id = i."id" where i.last_checkout_gmt is NULL and i.icode2 != 'n' and not exists (select * from sierra_view.checkout chk where chk.item_record_id = i.id) order by i.location_code
This example finds records with more than one barcode field:
SELECT 'i' || i.record_num || 'a' AS inum FROM sierra_view.varfield v, sierra_view.item_view i WHERE v.varfield_type_code = 'b' AND i.record_type_code = 'i' AND v.record_id = i.id GROUP BY i.record_num HAVING COUNT(*) > 1;
select 'i' || vf.record_num || 'a' AS "item_num", vf.varfield_type_code AS "field type", vf.occ_num AS "field_order", vf.field_content AS "call_number_field_value" FROM sierra_view.varfield_view vf INNER JOIN (select vs.record_id from sierra_view.varfield_view vs where vs.record_type_code = 'i' and vs.varfield_type_code = 'c' group by vs.record_id having count(vs.record_id) > 1) vi ON vf.record_id = vi.record_id WHERE vf.varfield_type_code = 'c' order by vf.record_id ASC;
/*This pulls items for the main Robert House UL collection and UL Reserves. It does NOT include the MRC or the MRC's TRLN holdings (TRULS and TRULV) It filters out some, but not all statuses. Tweaking can be done as needed. */ SELECT 'i'||i.record_num || 'a' AS RecordNumber, ip.barcode AS Barcode, i.agency_code_num AS ItemAgency, i.location_code AS ItemLocation, i.itype_code_num AS ItemType, i.item_status_code AS ItemStatus, ( SELECT STRING_AGG(v.field_content, ' ; ') FROM sierra_view.varfield v WHERE v.record_id = i.id AND v.varfield_type_code = 'x' ) AS XNotes FROM sierra_view.item_view i INNER JOIN sierra_view.record_metadata r ON r."id" = i."id" INNER JOIN sierra_view.item_record_property ip on ip.item_record_id = i.id WHERE i.location_code LIKE 'u%' AND i.location_code NOT LIKE '%z' AND i.location_code NOT LIKE 'ul%' AND i.item_status_code NOT IN ('b','e', 'w', 'd', 'p') ORDER BY i.location_code ASC
select v.marc_tag, count(v.marc_tag) from sierra_view.varfield v, sierra_view.bib_record b where b.bcode3 not in ('d', 'n', 'c') AND b.record_id = v.record_id group by v.marc_tag;
SELECT 'b' || rm.record_num || 'a' AS bnum, CHAR_LENGTH(sf. CONTENT)AS URLlength, sf. CONTENT AS URL FROM sierra_view.subfield sf INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record br ON sf.record_id = br. ID INNER JOIN sierra_view.record_metadata rm ON rm. ID = br. ID WHERE sf.marc_tag = '856' AND sf.tag = 'u' AND CHAR_LENGTH(sf. CONTENT)> 300 ORDER BY CHAR_LENGTH(sf. CONTENT)DESC;
Returns ALL 020s from any record with a repeated 020|a
SELECT 'b' || relbibs.record_num || 'a' AS bnum, allbibs.varfield_type_code, allbibs.marc_tag, allbibs.marc_ind1, allbibs.marc_ind2, allbibs.field_content FROM (SELECT v.record_id, v.varfield_type_code, v.marc_tag, v.marc_ind1, v.marc_ind2, v.field_content FROM sierra_view.varfield v, sierra_view.bib_record b WHERE v.record_id = b.record_id AND marc_tag = '020') allbibs INNER JOIN (SELECT vv.record_id, bb.record_num FROM sierra_view.varfield vv, sierra_view.bib_view bb WHERE marc_tag = '020' AND vv.record_id = bb.id AND field_content ~ '\|a.*\|a') relbibs ON allbibs.record_id = relbibs.record_id ORDER by bnum ASC;
select 'b' || rm.record_num || 'a' as bnum , b.bcode3 , case when v.field_content !~ '\|a' then 'none' else 'multi' end as sf_count , ldr.bib_level_code as blvl , (SELECT STRING_AGG(Trim(trailing FROM brl.location_code), ', ' order by id) FROM sierra_view.bib_record_location brl WHERE brl.location_code != 'multi' and brl.bib_record_id = b.id GROUP BY bib_record_id ) as locs , marc_tag , v.field_content , rm.creation_date_gmt from sierra_view.bib_record b inner join sierra_view.varfield v on v.record_id = b."id" and v.marc_tag in ('100', '110', '700', '710', '600', '610') inner join sierra_view.record_metadata rm on rm.id = b.id inner join sierra_view.leader_field ldr on ldr.record_id = b.id where (v.field_content !~ '\|a' or v.field_content ~ '\|a.*\|a') order by creation_date_gmt
bib variable fields that are too long (primarily used to identify long notes fields that need to be split up for endeca ingest)
select 'b' || b.record_num as bnum, octet_length(v.field_content) as octet_length, length(v.field_content) as char_length, * from sierra_view.varfield v, sierra_view.bib_view as b WHERE length(v.field_content) >= 2985 AND b.id = v.record_id;
select 'b' || b.record_num as bnum, octet_length(v.field_content) as octet_length, length(v.field_content) as char_length, * from sierra_view.varfield v, sierra_view.bib_view as b WHERE octet_length(v.field_content) >= 3950 AND b.id = v.record_id;
- measuring the octet length directly cuts the number of results down to ~680 from ~2400, and should still identify fields with a length of >4k bytes. Perhaps a useful alternative, perhaps not.
select 'i' || i.record_num AS inum, i.location_code, i.item_status_code, r.record_last_updated_gmt, vc.field_content AS "callnumber", vv.field_content AS "volume", v.field_content AS "barcode" from sierra_view.varfield v left join sierra_view.item_view i on v.record_id = i.id left outer join sierra_view.varfield vc on v.record_id = vc.record_id and vc.varfield_type_code = 'c' left outer join sierra_view.varfield vv on v.record_id = vv.record_id and vv.varfield_type_code = 'v' left join sierra_view.record_metadata r on i.id = r.id where v.varfield_type_code = 'b' and NOT i.item_status_code = 'w' and NOT v.field_content ~ '^0\d{10}$' /* AAL Mill normal 11-char */ and NOT v.field_content ~ '^1\d{10}$' /* AAL Mill on-the-fly 11-char */ and NOT v.field_content ~ '^H[ABX][A-Z]{2}-\d{4}-\d{5}$' /* AAL DRA autogenerated placeholder */ and NOT v.field_content ~ '^L[AB][A-Z]{2}-\d{4}-\d{5}$' /* AAL DRA loaned */ and NOT v.field_content ~ '^L\d{8}[A-Z]$' /* LAW Mill 10-char with ending letter */ and NOT v.field_content ~ '^H\d{8}[A-Z]$' /* HSL Mill 10-char with ending letter */ and NOT v.field_content ~ '^CPC\d{8}$' /* Carolina Pop Ctr Mill*/ and NOT v.field_content ~ '^PL\d{8}$' /* Park Library Mill*/ and NOT v.field_content ~ '^9\d{10}$' /* Hwy Saftey Mill*/ and NOT v.field_content ~ '^\d{8}$' /* ESM PRR serials barcode (bnum without the b on the front) */ and NOT v.field_content ~ '^HAYA-\d{4}-\d{6}$' /* Gov doc serial items never inventoried/barcoded by staff */ /* The following are NOT in Wanda's list of valid patterns, but there are a lot of them */ and NOT v.field_content ~ '^L\d{9}$' /* LAW Mill 10-char, no ending letter: L003987970 */ and NOT v.field_content ~ '^L\d{8}(-|[%.$+`])$' /* LAW Mill 10-char, ending punctuation: L00399687% L00399456- L00399457. L00399459$ L00399479+ */ and NOT v.field_content ~ '^H\d{8}(-|[%.$+`])$' /* HSL Mill 10-char, ending punctuation: H00098769$ H00467879+ H00158797. H00129996- */ and NOT v.field_content ~ '^L\d{8}$' /* LAW Mill 9-char, no ending letter: L00399485 */ and NOT v.field_content ~ '^H\d{8}$' /* HSL Mill 9-char, no ending letter: H00099758 */ and NOT v.field_content ~ '^H\d{9}$' /* HSL Mill 10-char, no ending letter: H001130005 */ and NOT v.field_content ~ '^[01]\d{10}0+$' /* AAL Mill 11-char followed by addtl 0s: 000030389101 */ and NOT v.field_content ~ '^[01]\d{11}$' /* AAL Mill 12-char: 000455125050 */ and NOT v.field_content ~ '^[0]\d{9}$' /* AAL Mill normal 10-char: 0000337460 */ and NOT v.field_content ~ '^[0]\d{8}$' /* AAL Mill normal 9-char: 000362186 */ and NOT v.field_content ~ '^[01]\d{10}(-|[%.$+`])$' /* AAL Mill 11-char followed by punctuation: 00046484641- 00038189888` */ ;
Use as pattern for any time you need to get all occurrences of a field from only those records where at least one instance of that field meets criteria
SELECT 'b' || b.record_num || 'a' as bnum, v.field_content as note FROM sierra_view.varfield v INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_view b ON b.id = v.record_id WHERE v.marc_tag = '590' AND b.bcode3 NOT IN ('d', 'n', 'c') AND EXISTS (select * from sierra_view.varfield vo where v.record_id = vo.record_id and vo.marc_tag = '001' and vo.field_content like 'sse%') AND EXISTS (select * from sierra_view.varfield vd where v.record_id = vd.record_id and vd.marc_tag = '590' and vd.field_content ~ '\|a.*\|a') ;
bib 500s and 588s for ebooks without law, hsl, or wilson locations, and not from marcive or serialssolutions, which have 'title from' in the field
select 'b' || b.record_num || 'a' AS bnum, vc.field_content as coll, locs.locations, v.marc_tag, v.marc_ind1, v.marc_ind2, v.field_content from sierra_view.varfield v inner join sierra_view.bib_view b on v.record_id = b.id inner join sierra_view.bib_record_property bp on v.record_id = bp.bib_record_id and bp.material_code = 'z' inner join (select bib_record_id, STRING_AGG(Trim(trailing FROM location_code), ', ' order by id) AS locations FROM sierra_view.bib_record_location where location_code != 'multi' GROUP BY bib_record_id) locs ON b.id = locs.bib_record_id left outer join sierra_view.varfield vg on v.record_id = vg.record_id and vg.marc_tag = '040' left outer join sierra_view.varfield vc on v.record_id = vc.record_id and vc.marc_tag = '773' and vc.field_content like '%online collection%' where v.marc_tag in ('500', '588') and v.field_content like '%title from%' and vg.field_content not like '%WaSeSS%' and vg.field_content not like '%GPO%' and b.cataloging_date_gmt is not null and NOT EXISTS (select * from sierra_view.bib_record_location ll WHERE v.record_id = ll.bib_record_id and (ll.location_code like 'k%' or ll.location_code like 'no%' or ll.location_code like 'w%') ) ;
select DISTINCT(concat(c.p35, c.p36, c.p37)) as lang_code from sierra_view.control_field c, sierra_view.bib_record b where c.control_num = '8' AND b.record_id = c.record_id ;
- Using concat(n1, n2, n3) rather than n1 || n2 || n3 preserves spaces (i.e. does not collapse "n e" into "ne")
SELECT tmp.marc_tag, tmp.heading, COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT v.marc_tag, btrim( REPLACE( REPLACE( v.field_content, '|2local', '' ), '|a', '' ), ' ' )AS heading FROM sierra_view.varfield v INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record_location loc ON loc.bib_record_id = v.record_id AND loc.location_code = 'ul' INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record br ON br. ID = v.record_id AND br.is_suppressed = 'f' WHERE v.marc_tag IN('655', '690') AND v.field_content LIKE '%|2local%' )tmp GROUP BY 1, 2 ORDER BY COUNT(*)DESC
Used to determine whether such 690s tend to be genre or subject headings.
SELECT v.field_content, COUNT(v.field_content) FROM sierra_view.varfield v INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record br ON br. ID = v.record_id AND br.is_suppressed = 'f' INNER JOIN sierra_view.record_metadata rm ON rm. ID = v.record_id WHERE v.marc_tag = '690' AND v.field_content LIKE '%|2local%' AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM sierra_view.bib_record_location bl WHERE bl.bib_record_id = v.record_id AND bl.location_code IN ('ul', 'ulz') ) GROUP BY v.field_content ORDER BY COUNT(v.field_content)DESC
select 'b' || record_num AS bnum, to_char(cataloging_date_gmt, 'YYYYMMDD'), bcode2 from sierra_view.bib_view where record_num in ('4895022', '5191508', '6227008');
select 'b' || rm.record_num || 'a' as bnum, v001.field_content from sierra_view.varfield v inner join sierra_view.record_metadata rm on rm.id = v.record_id inner join sierra_view.varfield v001 on v001.record_id = rm.id and v001.marc_tag = '001' where v.marc_tag = '773' and v.field_content like '%|tEbscohost ebooks (online collection). Via NCLive%'
SELECT 'b' || rm.record_num || 'a' as bnum, v.field_content as collection, vi.field_content as isbn, vt.field_content as title FROM sierra_view.varfield v INNER JOIN sierra_view.varfield vi on vi.record_id = v.record_id and vi.marc_tag = '020' LEFT OUTER JOIN sierra_view.varfield vt on vt.record_id = v.record_id and vt.marc_tag = '245' INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record b on v.record_id = b.id INNER JOIN sierra_view.record_metadata rm on rm.id = b.id WHERE v.marc_tag = '773' and (v.field_content like '%|tEbscohost ebooks (online collection). HSL Via YBP%' or v.field_content like '%|tEbrary perpetual access (online collection). UNL title-by-title%' or v.field_content like '%|tEbrary perpetual access (online collection). UNL via YBP%')
Adjust date as needed:
SELECT 'b' || b.record_num || 'a' as bib_rec_key, locs.locations, to_char(b.cataloging_date_gmt, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as "cat_date", to_char(b.record_creation_date_gmt, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as "created", to_char(r.record_last_updated_gmt, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as "updated" FROM sierra_view.bib_view b inner join (select bib_record_id, STRING_AGG(Trim(trailing FROM location_code), ', ' order by id) AS locations FROM sierra_view.bib_record_location where location_code != 'multi' GROUP BY bib_record_id) locs ON b.id = locs.bib_record_id, sierra_view.record_metadata r WHERE b.cataloging_date_gmt > '2017-01-26'::date and r.id = b.id
In this example it is the wcm collection. Update the collection name as needed. You can also restrict by bcode3. Uncomment the bcode3 condition and update as needed.
select DISTINCT 'b' || rm.record_num || 'a' AS bnum, b.bcode3, ldr.encoding_level_code as elvl, v.field_content from sierra_view.varfield v inner join sierra_view.bib_record b ON b.id = v.record_id inner join sierra_view.record_metadata rm on rm.id = b.id inner join sierra_view.bib_record_property brp ON brp.bib_record_id = b.id inner join sierra_view.leader_field ldr on ldr.record_id = b.id where v.marc_tag = '773'and v.field_content like'|tOCLC WorldShare Collection Manager managed collection.%' and brp.material_code = 'z' --and b.bcode3 in ('x','d','n','c','@','t')
holdings record 866 fields (iii field tag = h) where the holdings record has more than 2 such 866 fields
SELECT * FROM sierra_view.varfield_view v INNER JOIN( SELECT vv.record_num FROM sierra_view.varfield_view vv WHERE vv.record_type_code = 'c' AND vv.varfield_type_code = 'h' AND vv.marc_tag = '866' GROUP BY vv.record_num HAVING COUNT(*)> 2 )vvv ON vvv.record_num = v.record_num WHERE v.record_type_code = 'c' AND v.varfield_type_code = 'h' AND v.marc_tag = '866' ORDER BY v.record_num, v.occ_num ASC;
holdings record numbers where holdings record is attached to a serial bib, is unsuppressed, contains more than one (h)863 field, and contains (h)866 field
SELECT 'c' || hr.record_num FROM sierra_view.holding_view hr INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record_holding_record_link bhl ON hr. ID = bhl.holding_record_id INNER JOIN sierra_view.leader_field ldr ON bhl.bib_record_id = ldr.record_id AND ldr.bib_level_code = 's' INNER JOIN sierra_view.varfield vf ON hr. ID = vf.record_id AND vf.varfield_type_code = 'h' AND vf.marc_tag = '863' AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sierra_view.varfield v2 WHERE v2.record_id = vf.record_id AND v2.varfield_type_code = 'h' AND v2.marc_tag = '866' ) WHERE hr.is_suppressed = 'f' INTERSECT SELECT 'c' || vv.record_num FROM sierra_view.varfield_view vv WHERE vv.record_type_code = 'c' AND vv.varfield_type_code = 'h' AND vv.marc_tag = '863' GROUP BY vv.record_num HAVING COUNT(*)> 1
unsuppressed monograph bibs with >2 unsuppressed holdings attached, where bib locations include k*, no*, or mm*, with count of unsuppressed holdings
SELECT 'b' || rm.record_num || 'a' AS bnum, aggct.hct FROM ( SELECT ubh.bib_record_id, COUNT(ubh.bib_record_id)AS hct FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT bh.bib_record_id, bh.holding_record_id FROM sierra_view.bib_record_holding_record_link bh INNER JOIN sierra_view.holding_record hr ON hr. ID = bh.holding_record_id AND hr.is_suppressed = 'f' INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record br ON br. ID = bh.bib_record_id AND br.is_suppressed = 'f' AND br.bcode1 = 'm' )ubh GROUP BY ubh.bib_record_id HAVING COUNT(*)> 2 )aggct INNER JOIN sierra_view.record_metadata rm ON rm. ID = aggct.bib_record_id WHERE EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sierra_view.bib_record_location ll WHERE aggct.bib_record_id = ll.bib_record_id AND( ll.location_code LIKE 'mm%' OR ll.location_code LIKE 'no%' OR ll.location_code LIKE 'mm%' ) )
Unsuppressed monograph bibs, with unsuppressed holdings for a location, which don't have any unsuppressed items for that location. Some locations are non-problematic and excluded. Display problems in search.lib.unc.edu
SELECT DISTINCT 'b' || rmb.record_num || 'a' as bnum, 'c' || rmc.record_num || 'a' as cnum, --bh.bib_record_id, --bh.holding_record_id, hL.location_code as problem_location, 'http://search.lib.unc.edu/search?R=UNCb' || rmb.record_num as url --holddisp.location_code as holdings_display FROM sierra_view.bib_record_holding_record_link bh INNER JOIN sierra_view.holding_record hr ON hr. ID = bh.holding_record_id AND hr.is_suppressed = 'f' INNER JOIN sierra_view.holding_record_location hL ON hL.holding_record_id = bh.holding_record_id AND hL.location_code not like 'n%' AND hL.location_code not like 'k%' AND hL.location_code not like '%z' INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record br ON br. ID = bh.bib_record_id AND br.is_suppressed = 'f' AND br.bcode1 = 'm' INNER JOIN sierra_view.record_metadata rmb ON rmb.id = bh.bib_record_id INNER JOIN sierra_view.record_metadata rmc ON rmc.id = bh.holding_record_id INNER JOIN ( select ibh.bib_record_id, ihL.location_code from sierra_view.bib_record_holding_record_link ibh INNER JOIN sierra_view.holding_record ihr ON ihr. ID = ibh.holding_record_id AND ihr.is_suppressed = 'f' INNER JOIN sierra_view.holding_record_location ihL ON ihL.holding_record_id = ibh.holding_record_id WHERE ihL.location_code like 'mm%' or ihL.location_code like 'n%' or ihL.location_code like 'k%' ) holddisp on holddisp.bib_record_id = bh.bib_record_id WHERE NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sierra_view.holding_record_item_record_link hi --hi! INNER JOIN sierra_view.item_record ir on ir.id = hi.item_record_id AND ir.is_suppressed = 'f' WHERE hr.id = hi.holding_record_id ) ORDER BY hL.location_code ASC
select * from sierra_view.varfield_view where marc_tag = '773' and record_type_code = 'b' and varfield_type_code != 'w'
SELECT 'b' || rm.record_num || 'a' as bnum, v001.field_content as _001, v.marc_tag, v.field_content FROM sierra_view.varfield v INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record b on b.record_id = v.record_id AND b.bcode3 not in ('d', 'c') INNER JOIN sierra_view.record_metadata rm on rm.id = b.id INNER JOIN sierra_view.varfield v001 on v001.record_id = v.record_id AND v001.marc_tag = '001' AND v001.field_content not ilike 'ss%' WHERE v.field_content ~ '<[/a-zA-Z]'
SELECT 'b' || rm.record_num || 'a' as bnum, v001.field_content as _001, b.bcode3, v.marc_tag, v.field_content FROM sierra_view.varfield v INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record b on b.record_id = v.record_id AND b.bcode3 not in ('d', 'n', 'c') INNER JOIN sierra_view.record_metadata rm on rm.id = b.id INNER JOIN sierra_view.varfield v001 on v001.record_id = v.record_id AND v001.marc_tag = '001' AND v001.field_content not ilike 'ss%' WHERE v.field_content ~ '&#?[a-z0-9]{2,25};'
normalize the 773 and prepend the index_tag ('t')
SELECT DATE_TRUNC('day', record_creation_date_gmt), count(*) FROM sierra_view.phrase_entry phe INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_view b ON b.id = phe.record_id WHERE phe.index_tag || phe.index_entry = 'toecd ilibrary online collection' GROUP BY DATE_TRUNC('day', record_creation_date_gmt) ORDER BY DATE_TRUNC('day', record_creation_date_gmt)
select distinct 'b' || rm.record_num || 'a' from sierra_view.bib_record b inner join sierra_view.record_metadata rm on rm.id = b.id inner join sierra_view.bib_record_location bl on bl.bib_record_id = b."id" and (bl.location_code = 'eb' or bl.location_code = 'er') inner join sierra_view.varfield v on v.record_id = b."id" and v.marc_tag = '915' and v.field_content like '%Under Authority Control%' where b.bcode3 = 'n'
- collection title from 773 field - count of all bib record with that 773 title - count of all bib records with that 773 title AND a UNC 506 field - difference between collection count and count of records with 506
SELECT fullct.colltitle as collectionTitle, fullct.fct as recsInCollection, authct.act as recsWith506, (fullct.fct - authct.act) as difference FROM ( SELECT tmp1.colltitle AS colltitle, COUNT(*)AS fct FROM ( SELECT v1.field_content AS colltitle FROM sierra_view.varfield v1 WHERE v1.marc_tag = '773' AND v1.field_content ~ '\(online collection\)|Undergraduate library Kindle ebook collection' )tmp1 GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY tmp1.colltitle ASC )fullct left OUTER JOIN ( SELECT tmp2.colltitle AS colltitle, COUNT(*)AS act FROM ( SELECT v1.field_content AS colltitle FROM sierra_view.varfield v1 WHERE v1.marc_tag = '773' AND v1.field_content ~ '\(online collection\)|Undergraduate library Kindle ebook collection' AND EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sierra_view.varfield v2 WHERE v2.record_id = v1.record_id AND v2.marc_tag = '506' AND v2.field_content ~ '\|aAccess limited to UNC Chapel Hill-authenticated users\.' ) )tmp2 GROUP BY 1 ) authct ON authct.colltitle = fullct.colltitle ORDER BY difference DESC
Supply list numbers in first CTE.
with lists as (select 222 as list1 --enter list numbers here , 242 as list2 --enter list numbers here ), diff as ( select bs.record_metadata_id , case when bs2.id is null then bs.bool_info_id::varchar else 'both' end as appears , case when bs2.id is null then bsi.name else 'both' end as name from sierra_view.bool_set bs cross join lists left join sierra_view.bool_set bs2 on bs2.record_metadata_id = bs.record_metadata_id and bs2.bool_info_id = lists.list2 inner join sierra_view.bool_info bsi on bsi.id = lists.list1 where bs.bool_info_id = lists.list1 -- UNION -- select bs2.record_metadata_id , bs2.bool_info_id::varchar as appears , bsi.name from sierra_view.bool_set bs2 cross join lists inner join sierra_view.bool_info bsi on bsi.id = lists.list2 where bs2.bool_info_id = lists.list2 and not exists ( select * from sierra_view.bool_set where record_metadata_id = bs2.record_metadata_id and bool_info_id = lists.list1 ) ) --end diff select rm.record_type_code || rm.record_num || 'a' as rnum, diff.appears, diff.name from diff inner join sierra_view.record_metadata rm on rm.id = diff.record_metadata_id order by diff.appears
This creates a list of resources and their license(s) if any. A separate record/row exists for each resource/license pair. When a resource or license record has multiple instances of the same kind of variable field, the STRING_AGG function is combining the values of each instance into a single result, with the values being separated by: "; " (semi-colon space). So a resource record with three separate subject fields in Sierra might have a "subjects" field in these results that looks like "Biology; Chemistry; Ecology". Resources with no license records attached can be excluded by changing one of the left joins to an inner join.
SELECT 'e' || rm.record_num || 'a' AS resource_num, (SELECT STRING_AGG(v.field_content, '; ' order by occ_num) FROM sierra_view.varfield v WHERE v.record_id = r.id AND v.varfield_type_code = 't' ) AS title, (SELECT STRING_AGG(v.field_content, '; ' order by occ_num) FROM sierra_view.varfield v WHERE v.record_id = r.id AND v.varfield_type_code = 'd' ) AS subject, (SELECT STRING_AGG(v.field_content, '; ' order by occ_num) FROM sierra_view.varfield v WHERE v.record_id = r.id AND v.varfield_type_code = 'y' ) AS link, (SELECT STRING_AGG(v.field_content, '; ' order by occ_num) FROM sierra_view.varfield v WHERE v.record_id = r.id AND v.varfield_type_code = 'e' ) AS description, 'l' || rml.record_num || 'a' AS license_num, (SELECT STRING_AGG(v.field_content, '; ' order by occ_num) FROM sierra_view.varfield v WHERE v.record_id = rll.license_record_id AND v.varfield_type_code = 'u' ) AS authorized_users, (SELECT STRING_AGG(v.field_content, '; ' order by occ_num) FROM sierra_view.varfield v WHERE v.record_id = rll.license_record_id AND v.varfield_type_code = 't' ) AS terms_of_use, (SELECT STRING_AGG(v.field_content, '; ' order by occ_num) FROM sierra_view.varfield v WHERE v.record_id = rll.license_record_id AND v.varfield_type_code = 'v' ) AS terms_notes FROM sierra_view.resource_record r INNER JOIN sierra_view.record_metadata rm ON rm.id = r.id LEFT JOIN sierra_view.resource_record_license_record_link rll ON rll.resource_record_id = rm.id LEFT JOIN sierra_view.record_metadata rml ON rml.id = rll.license_record_id ORDER BY rm.record_num
Courtesy of Nicole Allen and Jeremy Goldstein on the Sierra Discord Server
SELECT id2reckey(o.record_id)||'a' as OrderNum, b.best_title AS title, o.order_date_gmt::DATE AS order_date, o.order_status_code AS status, o.vendor_record_code AS vendor, cmf.copies, STRING_AGG (DISTINCT f.fund_code,', ') AS fund, COALESCE(vv.field_content) as published, COALESCE(string_agg(vz.field_content,',')) AS staffnote FROM sierra_view.order_record o JOIN sierra_view.bib_record_order_record_link l ON o.id = l.order_record_id JOIN sierra_view.bib_record_property b ON l.bib_record_id = b.bib_record_id JOIN sierra_view.order_record_cmf cmf ON o.id = cmf.order_record_id JOIN sierra_view.accounting_unit a ON o.accounting_unit_code_num = a.code_num JOIN sierra_view.fund_master fm ON fm.code_num = cmf.fund_code::INT AND fm.accounting_unit_id = a.id JOIN sierra_view.fund f ON fm.code = f.fund_code AND f.fund_type = 'fbal' JOIN sierra_view.fund_property fp ON fm.id = fp.fund_master_id AND fp.fund_type_id = '1' left JOIN sierra_view.varfield vv ON vv.record_id = o.record_id AND vv.varfield_type_code = 'n' left JOIN sierra_view.varfield vz ON vz.record_id = o.record_id AND vz.varfield_type_code = 'z' WHERE order_status_code IN ('o','q') GROUP BY o.record_id, b.best_title, o.order_date_gmt::DATE, o.order_status_code, o.vendor_record_code, cmf.copies, COALESCE(vv.field_content) ORDER BY 8 ;
holdings/item location mismatches, problem ac-az_call_no/location records, bib records with multiple holdings records with the same location, holdings with no items attached.
Several queries collected here for now. It's not clear if these need to be scoped differently or what fields need to be output.
select distinct 'c' || rm.record_num || 'a' as cnum, hl.location_code,-- i.location_code, (select string_agg(distinct subi.location_code, '; ') from sierra_view.holding_record_item_record_link sublink inner join sierra_view.item_record subi on subi.id = sublink.item_record_id and subi.is_suppressed = 'f' where sublink.holding_record_id = h.id ) as attached_item_locs, (select case when count(*) > 10 then 'more than 10' else string_agg(distinct 'i' || rmi.record_num || 'a', '; ') end from sierra_view.holding_record_item_record_link sublink inner join sierra_view.item_record unmatchedi on unmatchedi.id = sublink.item_record_id and unmatchedi.is_suppressed = 'f' and unmatchedi.location_code != hl.location_code inner join sierra_view.record_metadata rmi on rmi.id = unmatchedi.id where sublink.holding_record_id = h.id ) as attached_nonmatching_inums, 'b' || rmb.record_num || 'a' as bnum, b.bcode1 as blvl from sierra_view.holding_record h inner join sierra_view.holding_record_location hl on hl.holding_record_id = h.id inner join sierra_view.holding_record_item_record_link hil on hil.holding_record_id = h.id inner join sierra_view.record_metadata rm on rm.id = h.id inner join sierra_view.item_record i on i.id = hil.item_record_id and i.is_suppressed = 'f' and i.location_code != hl.location_code inner join sierra_view.bib_record_holding_record_link bhl on bhl.holding_record_id = h.id inner join sierra_view.bib_record b on b.id = bhl.bib_record_id and b.bcode3 not in ('d', 'n', 'c') inner join sierra_view.record_metadata rmb on rmb.id = bhl.bib_record_id where h.is_suppressed = 'f' and (b.bcode1 in ('b', 'i', 's') or hl.location_code ~ '^(m|n)' or i.location_code ~ '^(m|n)') order by hl.location_code, attached_item_locs, cnum
select 'i' || rm.record_num || 'a' as inum, 'b' || rmb.record_num || 'a' as bnum, b.bcode1, b.bcode3, i.location_code, v.field_content as item_callno, regexp_replace(v.field_content, '\|.', ' ', 'g') as cleaner_callno from sierra_view.item_record i inner join sierra_view.varfield v on v.record_id = i.id and v.varfield_type_code = 'c' inner join sierra_view.subfield sf on sf.varfield_id = v.id and sf.tag ='a' and sf.content ~* '^A' inner join sierra_view.record_metadata rm on rm.id = i.id inner join sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link bil on bil.item_record_id = i.id inner join sierra_view.bib_record b on b.id = bil.bib_record_id inner join sierra_view.record_metadata rmb on rmb.id = b.id where i.location_code in ('ddca', 'ddcb', 'ddcc', 'ddda', 'dhca') order by v.field_content ASC
select 'i' || rm.record_num || 'a' as inum, 'b' || rmb.record_num || 'a' as bnum, b.bcode1, b.bcode3, i.location_code, v.field_content as item_callno, regexp_replace(v.field_content, '\|.', ' ', 'g') as cleaner_callno from sierra_view.item_record i inner join sierra_view.varfield v on v.record_id = i.id and v.varfield_type_code = 'c' inner join sierra_view.subfield sf on sf.varfield_id = v.id and sf.tag ='a' and sf.content ~* '^A' inner join sierra_view.record_metadata rm on rm.id = i.id inner join sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link bil on bil.item_record_id = i.id inner join sierra_view.bib_record b on b.id = bil.bib_record_id inner join sierra_view.record_metadata rmb on rmb.id = b.id where i.location_code in ('ddca', 'ddcb', 'ddcc', 'ddda', 'dhca') order by v.field_content ASC
Written using ChatGPT on 2/28/2025
SELECT 'b' || bv.record_num || 'a' AS bnum, to_char(bv.cataloging_date_gmt, 'YYYY') as CatDate, bv.bcode3, hrl.location_code as HoldingsLoc, ARRAY_AGG('c'||hv.record_num||'a') AS holding_record_numbers FROM sierra_view.bib_view bv JOIN sierra_view.bib_record_holding_record_link brhr ON bv.id = brhr.bib_record_id JOIN sierra_view.holding_record hr ON brhr.holding_record_id = hr.id JOIN sierra_view.holding_view hv ON hr.id = hv.id JOIN sierra_view.holding_record_location hrl ON hr.id = hrl.holding_record_id GROUP BY bv.record_num, bv.cataloging_date_gmt, bv.bcode3, hrl.location_code HAVING COUNT(hr.id) >= 2;
SELECT 'c'||hv.record_num || 'a' as cnum, hrl.location_code AS location_code, to_char(hv.record_creation_date_gmt,'MM/DD/YYYY') AS HoldingCreateDate FROM sierra_view.holding_record hr JOIN sierra_view. holding_view hv ON hr.id = hv.id LEFT JOIN sierra_view.holding_record_location hrl ON hr.id = hrl.holding_record_id LEFT JOIN sierra_view.holding_record_item_record_link hrir ON hr.id = hrir.holding_record_id WHERE hrir.holding_record_id IS NULL AND hrl.location_code NOT IN ('dcya','dcyab','dcyb','ebna','ebnb','er', 'erra','erri','erri@','erz','ggha', 'ggz','kwer','kwer2','nohe','noheb') --eliminates the various eresource locations. ORDER BY hrl.location_code ASC
select 'b' || rm.record_num || 'a', * from sierra_view.varfield v inner join sierra_view.record_metadata rm on rm.id = v.record_id and rm.record_type_code = 'b' where v.marc_tag != '880' and v.field_content ~ '[\u1200-\u137F]'
when h2.run = 'late'
then to_char(placed_gmt, 'YYYYMMDD')
when to_char(placed_gmt, 'dy') = 'sat'
then to_char(placed_gmt + INTERVAL '2 days', 'YYYYMMDD')
when to_char(placed_gmt, 'dy') = 'sun'
then to_char(placed_gmt + INTERVAL '1 days', 'YYYYMMDD')
when placed_gmt::time < make_time(6, 30,0)
then to_char(placed_gmt, 'YYYYMMDD')
else to_char(placed_gmt + INTERVAL '1 days', 'YYYYMMDD')
end as run_date
, h2.run
--, to_char(placed_gmt, 'dy') as day_placed
, i.barcode as item_barcode
, p.barcode as patron_barcode
, concat_ws (' ', pnf.last_name, pnf.first_name, pnf.middle_name, pnf.suffix) as patron
, h.placed_gmt
, brp.best_title as title
, brp.best_author as author
--, *
from sierra_view.hold h
inner join ( select id,
when to_char(placed_gmt, 'dy') in ('sat', 'sun')
then 'early'
when placed_gmt::time >= make_time(6, 30,0) and placed_gmt::time < make_time(12, 0,0)
then 'late'
else 'early'
end as run
from sierra_view.hold ) h2 on h2.id = h.id
inner join sierra_view.item_view i on i.id = h.record_id
inner join sierra_view.patron_view p on p.id = h.patron_record_id
inner join sierra_view.patron_record_fullname pnf on pnf.patron_record_id = p.id
inner join sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link bil on bil.item_record_id = i.id
inner join sierra_view.bib_record b on b.id = bil.bib_record_id
inner join sierra_view.bib_record_property brp on brp.bib_record_id = b.id
and i.location_code in ('trln', 'troup')
--where to_char(placed_gmt, 'dy') = 'friday'
order by h.placed_gmt
This pulls data that Fiscal Services needs to report to the State each year. To use this code, the USER MUST UPDATE THE DATES TO REFLECT THE APPROPRIATE TIME PERIOD. Those reporting periods may change year to year. Then within that time frame the query looks for items with "Giftcat" in the Item Notes (x) or Item Gift (w) fields. It skips various locations: HSL, Law, the Wilson Specials (cuz they submit their own report) and the non-UnL affiliates like Highway Safety, Park Library of Journalism, NC Botanical Gardens... and it skips items that are backlogged or in process. It sorts on GiftNotes, then Location
SELECT iv.barcode, 'i'||iv.record_num||'a' AS ItemNumber, to_char( iv.record_creation_date_gmt, 'MM/DD/YYYY' ) AS CreatedDate, iv.agency_code_num, iv.location_code, iv.item_status_code, iv.itype_code_num AS ItemType, ( SELECT STRING_AGG(v.field_content, ' ; ') FROM sierra_view.varfield v WHERE v.record_id = iv.id AND v.varfield_type_code = 'j' ) AS StatsNotes, ( SELECT STRING_AGG(v.field_content, ' ; ') FROM sierra_view.varfield v WHERE v.record_id = iv.id AND v.varfield_type_code = 'w' ) AS GiftNotes FROM sierra_view.item_view iv INNER JOIN sierra_view.varfield v on v.record_id = iv.id WHERE (v.varfield_type_code = 'j' AND v.field_content ILIKE '%Cataloged FY 2020-21%') AND EXISTS (Select * from sierra_view.varfield vo where v.record_id = vo.record_id AND vo.varfield_type_code='w' and vo.field_content ILIKE '%Gift%') AND iv.location_code NOT IN ('k%','y%','hh%','wa%','wb%','wc%','xb%','xc%','xd%') AND iv.item_status_code NOT IN ('e','w','d','p','b') ORDER BY GiftNotes, iv.location_code ASC
This generates a row for each bib that an item is attached to. You must update the Cat Stats year note for each fiscal year.
SELECT 'i' || i.record_num ||'a' AS iNum, i.location_code AS iLoc, i.icode2 as LinkedOrNot, i.itype_code_num AS Itype, i.item_status_code, ( SELECT STRING_AGG(v.field_content, ' ; ') FROM sierra_view.varfield v WHERE v.record_id = i.id AND v.varfield_type_code = 'x' ) AS XNotes, ( SELECT STRING_AGG(v.field_content, ' ; ') FROM sierra_view.varfield v WHERE v.record_id = i.id AND v.varfield_type_code = 'j' ) AS StatsNotes, 'b' || b.record_num || 'a' AS bNum, to_char(b.cataloging_date_gmt, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as "cat_date", ( SELECT STRING_AGG(Trim(trailing FROM brl.location_code), ', ') FROM sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link br INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record_location brl on brl.bib_record_id = br.bib_record_id WHERE br.item_record_id=i.id AND brl.location_code != 'multi' ) AS BibLoc FROM sierra_view.item_view i INNER JOIN sierra_view.varfield v on v.record_id = i.id inner join sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link bil on bil.item_record_id = i.id inner join sierra_view.bib_view b on b.id = bil.bib_record_id WHERE (varfield_type_code='j' and v.field_content ILIKE '%Cataloged FY 2024-25%') AND i.item_status_code NOT IN ('b','p') -- leave in withdrawn found, they will be taken out in the withdrawn reprot AND i.location_code NOT LIKE 'dqda' --weeds out global browse AND i.location_code NOT LIKE 'yh%' --weeds out latin american film library AND i.location_code NOT LIKE 'err%' --weeds out electronic that will be pulled under eresources AND i.icode2 in ('b','l') -- restricts to the boundwith analytics only ORDER BY b.record_num
Select 'b' || rm.record_num || 'a' as bnum, marc_tag, v.field_content, to_char(rm.creation_date_gmt, 'YYYY-MM-DD') As "Bib Created Date", to_char(b.cataloging_date_gmt, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS "Bib Cat Date", to_char(rm.record_last_updated_gmt, 'YYYY-MM-DD') As "Last Update" FROM sierra_view.bib_record b inner join sierra_view.varfield v on v.record_id = b."id" inner join sierra_view.record_metadata rm on rm.id = b.id WHERE v.marc_tag in ('880') AND b.language_code IN ('rus','ukr') AND v.field_content ~ '\{' AND v.field_content !~'\}'
SELECT 'b' || rm.record_num || 'a' AS bnum, aggct.ict FROM ( SELECT ubi.bib_record_id, COUNT(ubi.bib_record_id)AS ict FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT bi.bib_record_id, bi.item_record_id FROM sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link bi INNER JOIN sierra_view.item_record ir ON ir. ID = bi.item_record_id AND ir.is_suppressed = 'f' AND ir.item_status_code = '-' AND ir.location_code like 'dn%' INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record br ON br. ID = bi.bib_record_id AND br.is_suppressed = 'f' )ubi GROUP BY ubi.bib_record_id HAVING COUNT(*) = 1 )aggct INNER JOIN sierra_view.record_metadata rm ON rm. ID = aggct.bib_record_id WHERE NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link bi2 INNER JOIN sierra_view.item_record i ON bi2.item_record_id = i.id AND i.location_code !~ '^dn' WHERE aggct.bib_record_id = bi2.bib_record_id )
Pulls information from active NCC items (i.e. the script eliminates Withdrawn, Lost and In Process items). Provides assorted info on the Items and the Title associated with it per the request of Eileen Dewitya.
For post processing: for unique items, run dedupe on the item number (as it can get multiple entries due to linked records). Also, you can translate item type codes into human labels with a vlookup. Current item code/label table is online at https://afton.lib.unc.edu:4444/itypes/
SELECT iv.barcode, 'i'||iv.record_num||'a' AS ItemNumber, iv.location_code, to_char( iv.record_creation_date_gmt, 'MM/YYYY' ) AS ItemCreatedDate, iv.icode2, iv.item_status_code, iv.itype_code_num AS ItemType, ( SELECT STRING_AGG(v.field_content, ' ; ') FROM sierra_view.varfield v WHERE v.record_id = iv.id AND v.varfield_type_code = 'c' ) AS CallNum, iv.copy_num, ( SELECT STRING_AGG(v.field_content, ' ; ') FROM sierra_view.varfield v WHERE v.record_id = iv.id AND v.varfield_type_code = 'v' ) AS VolInfo, ( SELECT STRING_AGG(v.field_content, ' ; ') FROM sierra_view.varfield v WHERE v.record_id = iv.id AND v.varfield_type_code = 'x' ) AS XNotes, ( SELECT STRING_AGG(v.field_content, ' ; ') FROM sierra_view.varfield v WHERE v.record_id = iv.id AND v.varfield_type_code = 'w' ) AS GiftNotes, ( SELECT STRING_AGG(v.field_content, ' ; ') FROM sierra_view.varfield v WHERE v.record_id = iv.id AND v.varfield_type_code = 'j' ) AS StatNotes, rp.best_title FROM sierra_view.item_view iv INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link br on br.item_record_id = iv.id INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record_property rp on rp.bib_record_id = br.bib_record_id WHERE (iv.location_code ILIKE 'wb%') AND iv.item_status_code NOT IN ('w', 'd', 'p') ORDER BY ItemNumber ASC
/*Pull bib records with possible 856 nuisance links. Run quarterly. Just update the dates in the script with each run. You may also have to update the parameters as well. These are based on the Deletes documented in the wiki at https://internal.lib.unc.edu/wikis/staff/index.php/F.3.1_Extended_guidelines_and_examples_for_856_indicators */ SELECT 'b' || rm.record_num || 'a' AS bnum FROM sierra_view.varfield v INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record br on br.id = v.record_id INNER JOIN sierra_view.record_metadata rm on rm.id = br.id WHERE br.cataloging_date_gmt BETWEEN to_date('07/01/2017', 'MM/DD/YYYY') AND to_date('03/27/2018', 'MM/DD/YYYY') AND v.marc_tag = '856' AND v.field_content NOT ILIKE '%|xchk%' --this removes URL's that Connie has vetted AND (v.field_content ILIKE ANY('{%buchcover%,%contributor biographical%,%cover image%,%klappentext%,%preliminary pages%,%publisher description%,%publisher information%,%publisher home page%,%reviews of resource%,%sample text%,%ausfuhrliche beschreibung%,%credits from Internet Movie database%,%notice et cote du catalogue%}') OR (v.field_content ILIKE '%more info%' AND v.field_content NOT ILIKE '%savine%' AND v.field_content NOT ILIKE '%russia beyond russia%'))
The GPO has restructured a number of their PURLs. However, they have not necessarily been updated in OCLC. This check is run monthly to identify any out of date PURLs that may have come in with retrocon/new cataloging.
SELECT 'b' || rm.record_num || 'a' AS bnum, br.bcode3, v.marc_tag, v.marc_ind1, v.marc_ind2, v.field_content FROM sierra_view.varfield v INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record br on br.id = v.record_id INNER JOIN sierra_view.record_metadata rm on rm.id = br.id WHERE (v.marc_tag = '856' AND v.field_content ilike '%purl\.access\.gpo%') OR (v.marc_tag = '856' AND v.field_content ilike '%permanent\.access\.gpo\.gov%') OR (v.marc_tag = '856' AND v.field_content ilike '%frwebgate\.access\.gpo\.gov%')
Designed to pull new cataloging based on the J stats note. Eliminates any items which have the status of b (backlogged) w(withdrawn) d (declared lost) and p in process. If an item is linked to more than one bib, it returns multiple entries for that item. This is deduped in later processing. NOTE: EACH YEAR THE CAT STAT NOTE NEEDS TO BE UPDATED IN THE QUERY
SELECT 'i' || i.record_num ||'a' AS iNum, i.location_code AS iLoc, i.itype_code_num AS Itype, i.item_status_code, ( SELECT STRING_AGG(v.field_content, ' ; ') FROM sierra_view.varfield v WHERE v.record_id = i.id AND v.varfield_type_code = 'x' ) AS XNotes, ( SELECT STRING_AGG(v.field_content, ' ; ') FROM sierra_view.varfield v WHERE v.record_id = i.id AND v.varfield_type_code = 'j' ) AS StatsNotes, 'b' || b.record_num || 'a' AS bNum, to_char(b.cataloging_date_gmt, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as "cat_date", ( SELECT STRING_AGG(Trim(trailing FROM brl.location_code), ', ') FROM sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link br INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record_location brl on brl.bib_record_id = br.bib_record_id WHERE br.item_record_id=i.id AND brl.location_code != 'multi' ) AS BibLoc FROM sierra_view.item_view i INNER JOIN sierra_view.varfield v on v.record_id = i.id inner join sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link bil on bil.item_record_id = i.id inner join sierra_view.bib_view b on b.id = bil.bib_record_id WHERE (varfield_type_code='j' and v.field_content LIKE '%Cataloged FY 2020-21%') AND i.item_status_code NOT IN ('b','w', 'd', 'p')
This verifies a cat date and that the title is not suppressed. Search pulls by language and place of publication.
SELECT distinct 'b' || b.record_num ||'a' AS bNum, brp.material_code, b. country_code as Ctry, b.language_code as Lang, to_char(b.cataloging_date_gmt, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), b.title as Title FROM sierra_view.item_view i INNER JOIN sierra_view.varfield v on v.record_id = i.id inner join sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link bil on bil.item_record_id = i.id inner join sierra_view.bib_view b on b.id = bil.bib_record_id inner join sierra_view.bib_record_property brp ON brp.bib_record_id = b.id WHERE b.cataloging_date_gmt is not null AND ((b.language_code IN ('chi', 'kor', 'jap') OR (b.country_code IN ('cc', 'hk', 'ja', 'ko')))) -- can add in more languages as desired AND b.bcode3 !~'n' --to weed out surpressed titles ORDER by b.country_code, b.language_code, b.title ASC
To find the materials with physical formats. (Each year must update the J stats note to reflect the current FY.)
SELECT 'i' || i.record_num ||'a' AS iNum, b. country_code as Ctry, b.language_code as Lang, i.itype_code_num AS Itype, ( SELECT STRING_AGG(v.field_content, ' ; ') FROM sierra_view.varfield v WHERE v.record_id = i.id AND v.varfield_type_code = 'w' ) AS GiftNotes, ( SELECT STRING_AGG(v.field_content, ' ; ') FROM sierra_view.varfield v WHERE v.record_id = i.id AND v.varfield_type_code = 'j' ) AS StatNotes, TO_CHAR(i.record_creation_date_gmt, 'YYYY')As AddedDate, b.title as Title FROM sierra_view.item_view i INNER JOIN sierra_view.varfield v on v.record_id = i.id inner join sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link bil on bil.item_record_id = i.id inner join sierra_view.bib_view b on b.id = bil.bib_record_id WHERE b.cataloging_date_gmt is not null AND (varfield_type_code='j' and v.field_content LIKE '%Cataloged FY 2020-21%') AND ((b.language_code IN ('ara', 'arm', 'ber', 'heb','kur','per', 'tur') OR (b.country_code IN ('aa','ae', 'ai', 'ba', 'cq', 'ft', 'gz', 'iq', 'ir', 'is', 'jo', 'ku', 'le', 'ly', 'mk', 'mr', 'mu', 'qa', 'sj', 'so', 'su', 'sy', 'ti', 'ts', 'tu', 'ua', 'wj', 'ye')))) ORDER by b.country_code, b.language_code, i.itype_code_num, b.title ASC
to find the e-resources. (Each year must update the Cat Date to reflect the current FY.)
select 'i' || i.record_num ||'a' AS iNum, 'b'||b.record_num || 'a' as Bnum, b.country_code, b.language_code, i.itype_code_num AS Itype, ( SELECT STRING_AGG(v.field_content, ' ; ') FROM sierra_view.varfield v WHERE v.record_id = i.id AND v.varfield_type_code = 'w' ) AS GiftNotes, to_char(b.cataloging_date_gmt, 'YYYY') As CatDate, brp.material_code, brp.best_title FROM sierra_view.item_view i INNER JOIN sierra_view.varfield v on v.record_id = i.id inner join sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link bil on bil.item_record_id = i.id inner join sierra_view.bib_view b on b.id = bil.bib_record_id inner join sierra_view.bib_record_property brp ON brp.bib_record_id = b.id join sierra_view.bib_view bv on bv.id = b.id where b.cataloging_date_gmt between '2020-07-01'::date AND '2021-06-30'::date AND brp.material_code not in ('-','a','b','c','d','e','f','o','p','t') AND (b.language_code in ('ara', 'arm', 'ber', 'heb','kur','per', 'tur') OR b.country_code in('ae', 'ai', 'ba', 'cq', 'ft', 'gz', 'iq', 'ir', 'is', 'jo', 'ku', 'le', 'ly', 'mk', 'mr', 'mu', 'qa', 'sj', 'so', 'su', 'sy', 'ti', 'ts', 'tu', 'ua', 'wj', 'ye')) order by b.country_code, b.language_code, i.itype_code_num, b.title ASC
User can turn on|off a language code if they wish
SELECT 'b' || bv.record_num || 'a' AS bnum, bv.language_code, brl.location_code, brc.call_number_prefix AS CallNoBase, brp.best_title, brp.best_author, brp.publish_year FROM sierra_view.bib_view bv INNER JOIN sierra_view.control_field cf ON bv. ID = cf.record_id INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record_property brp on brp.bib_record_id = bv.id INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record_call_number_prefix brc on brc.bib_record_id = bv.id INNER JOIN sierra_view. bib_record_location brl on brl.bib_record_id = bv.id WHERE --bv.language_code != 'eng' bv.cataloging_date_gmt is not null AND bv.bcode3 !='n' AND cf.control_num = '8' AND (cf.p25= '6' OR cf.p23='6' OR cf.p24='6')
Using phe-index_tag = "o" checks against ocn, "i" against isxns
with id_dupe as (select phe.index_tag||phe.index_entry as identifier_entry, count(*) as rec_count from sierra_view.phrase_entry phe where phe.index_tag = 'o' -- phe.index_tag = 'i' for isxns group by 1 order by 2 DESC), hsl_dupes as (select 'b'||rm.record_num||'a' as hsl_bnum, phe.index_entry as identifier, id_dupe.identifier_entry, id_dupe.rec_count, phe.record_id as record_id from id_dupe inner join sierra_view.phrase_entry phe on phe.index_tag||phe.index_entry = id_dupe.identifier_entry inner join sierra_view.record_metadata rm on rm.id = phe.record_id inner join sierra_view.bib_record b on b.id = rm.id and b.is_suppressed = 'f' inner join sierra_view.bib_record_location brl on brl.bib_record_id = rm.id and brl.location_code ~ '^n' where id_dupe.rec_count > 1) select * from hsl_dupes where exists ( select * from sierra_view.phrase_entry phe inner join sierra_view.bib_record b on b.id = phe.record_id and b.is_suppressed = 'f' where phe.index_tag||phe.index_entry = hsl_dupes.identifier_entry and phe.record_id != hsl_dupes.record_id)
select rm.record_type_code||rm.record_num||'a', phe.index_entry, * from sierra_view.phrase_entry phe inner join sierra_view.record_metadata rm on rm.id = phe.record_id inner join sierra_view.bib_record b on b.id = rm.id and b.cataloging_date_gmt is null where phe.index_tag||phe.index_entry ~ '^otmp' and exists ( select * from sierra_view.phrase_entry phesub inner join sierra_view.bib_record_location brl on brl.bib_record_id = phesub.record_id and brl.location_code ~ '^dc' inner join sierra_view.bib_record bsub on bsub.id = phesub.record_id and bsub.cataloging_date_gmt is not null inner join sierra_view.varfield v on v.record_id = bsub.id and v.marc_tag = '001' and v.field_content ~ '^[0-9]' where phesub.record_id != phe.record_id and phesub.index_tag||phesub.index_entry = 'o'||phe.index_entry )
SELECT distinct('i' || i.record_num ||'a') AS iNum, i.location_code AS iLoc, i.itype_code_num AS Itype, i.icode2, i.item_status_code, ( SELECT count(distinct (b.record_num)) FROM sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link br INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_view b on b.id = br.bib_record_id WHERE br.item_record_id = i.id ) AS num FROM sierra_view.item_view i INNER JOIN sierra_view.varfield v on v.record_id = i.id inner join sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link bil on bil.item_record_id = i.id inner join sierra_view.bib_view b on b.id = bil.bib_record_id WHERE b.cataloging_date_gmt is not null AND b.bcode3 NOT IN ('n','d','x') AND i.item_status_code NOT IN ('b','w', 'd', 'p') AND i.icode2 in ('b','l') order by i.location_code
Use the 944 field to count how often bibs in a particular collection have been sent to the Marcive vendor
This example looks at springer records. Update the 944 value as needed for various collections.
Select count(distinct(v915.field_content)), 'b'||rm.record_num ||'a' as bnum from sierra_view.varfield v inner join sierra_view.record_metadata rm on rm.id = v.record_id inner join sierra_view.varfield v915 on v915.record_id = rm.id and v915.marc_tag = '915' and v915.field_content like '%MARCIVE%' where v.marc_tag = '944' and (v.field_content ilike '%sprold%' OR v.field_content ilike '%spnew%' or v.field_content ilike '%springer%') group by rm.record_num;
This query shows all unique field content values for a given MARC field, with a count of how many records each value appears in.
It is limited to unsuppressed bib records.
SELECT v.field_content, COUNT(v. ID)AS ct FROM sierra_view.varfield v INNER JOIN sierra_view.bib_record b ON b. ID = v.record_id AND b.is_suppressed = 'f' INNER JOIN sierra_view.record_metadata rm ON rm. ID = v.record_id WHERE v.marc_tag = '538' GROUP BY v.field_content ORDER BY ct DESC