This package contains launch files and configuration files for the Magni robot.
Runs everything for the fiducial follow demo.
Runs a simple fiducial based navigation demo using fiducials and move_basic. The robot is controllable using Robot Commander.
This launch file runs the fiducial marker based localization system using Raspberry Pi camera, configured to run on Magni. For more information, see fiducials and raspicam_node
This launch file runs the move_basic simple navigation system with the parameters needed for Magni.
To be run on a workstation, not the pi. This brings up rviz in a way suitable to visualize fiducial based navigation.
To be run on a workstation, not the pi. This brings up rviz in a way suitable to visualize just the state of the robot and sensors, without a navigation stack.
Runs everything needed for teleop, including Robot Commander based teleop (no navigation). Runs on robot boot. To see the full detailed documented boot procedure see magni_bringup README
Internal launch file for making the URDF load and robot_state_publisher work.
You should not have to run this launch file directly.
Deprecated, now aliased to magni_bringup base.launch
Deprecated, now aliased to magni_bringup base.launch - Makes the Motors work; Package; no UI; no documentation - Makes the Cameras work; Package; Calibration UI (documented)--is this exposed to User?
Motor controller firmware -- not to be released.