This is a Simple Student Management System Developed for Educational Purpose using Python (Django). Feel free to make changes based on your requirements.
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- See Overall Summary Charts of Stuudents Performance, Staffs Perfomrances, Courses, Subjects, Leave, etc.
- Manage Staffs (Add, Update and Delete)
- Manage Students (Add, Update and Delete)
- Manage Course (Add, Update and Delete)
- Manage Subjects (Add, Update and Delete)
- Manage Sessions (Add, Update and Delete)
- View Student Attendance
- Review and Reply Student/Staff Feedback
- Review (Approve/Reject) Student/Staff Leave
- See the Overall Summary Charts related to their students, their subjects, leave status, etc.
- Take/Update Students Attendance
- Add/Update Result
- Apply for Leave
- Send Feedback to HOD
- See the Overall Summary Charts related to their attendance, their subjects, leave status, etc.
- View Attendance
- View Result
- Apply for Leave
- Send Feedback to HOD
- Subscribe & Share my YouTube Channel -
- Add a Star 🌟 to this 👆 Repository
Donate by wire transfer: contact for wire transfer details.
Install Git Version Control [ ]
Install Python Latest Version [ ]
Install Pip (Package Manager) [ ]
Alternative to Pip is Homebrew
1. Create a Folder where you want to save the project
2. Create a Virtual Environment and Activate
Install Virtual Environment First
$ pip install virtualenv
Create Virtual Environment
For Windows
$ python -m venv venv
For Mac
$ python3 -m venv venv
Activate Virtual Environment
For Windows
$ source venv/scripts/activate
For Mac
$ source venv/bin/activate
3. Clone this project
$ git clone
Then, Enter the project
$ cd django-student-management-system
4. Install Requirements from 'requirements.txt'
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
5. Add the hosts
- Got to file
- Then, On allowed hosts, Add [‘*’].
No need to change on Mac.
6. Now Run Server
Command for PC:
$ python runserver
Command for Mac:
$ python3 runserver
7. Login Credentials
Create Super User (HOD)
$ python createsuperuser
Then Add Email, Username and Password
or Use Default Credentials
For HOD /SuperAdmin Email: Password: admin
For Staff Email: Password: staff
For Student Email: Password: student
- Email -
- LinkedIn - vijaythapa