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Backend API for managing personal banking accounts

(CTU - SIT winter semester 2024)

Authors: Dmitry Rastvorov

Java version: 21

Spring Boot version: 3.2.4

● Project documentation can be found by clicking here.

● Project also contains a user manual which can be found by clicking here.


Installation Process

This section describes the step-by-step process to install and configure the project, including the necessary tools, database setup, and configuration settings required to successfully run the application.

1. Setting requirements

Before running the project, You need to have the following requirements:

  1. Installed Java 21 and Maven 4.0.0.
  2. Installed PostgreSQL.
  3. Installed IDE for running the app (Preferable: IntelliJ IDEA).
  4. Installed Postman or web version.
  5. Installed Git.
  6. Installed Kafka 3.1.0.

2. GitHub Installation

After You have installed all the requirements, You can start the installation process:

  1. Copy an SSH link from the repository.
  2. Open terminal and execute git clone
  3. Open the project folder in Your IDE.

3. Database configuration

Next, You need to set up the database:

 1. Open the database in IntelliJ, click on "+" button.

 2. Choose the datasource and then find and choose the PostgreSQL database.
 3. Set the port (if port 5432 is already in use), username and password 
 to Your requirements and click "Apply".

4. Application Configuration

After You have set up the database, open the src/main/resources/application.yml file and review the configuration. If it does not meet your requirements, modify it accordingly:

  1. Set the server.port to 8082, or to any other desired port for your web services.

  2. Update the spring.datasource.username and spring.datasource.password with the credentials you configured in your PostgreSQL database.

  3. Specify the spring.datasource.url as jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres or as appropriate for your database setup.

  4. Configure the security settings by setting and to the appropriate values (default: postgres).

  5. Set spring.kafka.bootstrap-servers to your server's IP address and port (default: localhost:9092).

  6. Enter the generated API key from the ExchangeRate-API in the api.key field.

  7. For JWT security, set the security.jwt.secret-key to your desired secret and configure security.jwt.expiration-time as needed (default: 3600000 milliseconds).

5. Execution of the Kafka

To run the Kafka, You need to follow these steps:

  1. Open the installed folder of Kafka cd {path to kafka folder}/bin.
  2. Run Zookeeper:
zookeeper-server-start ../config/ 
  1. Run Kafka server:
 kafka-server-start ../config/
  1. Run the Kafka console for reading events:
kafka-console-consumer --topic messages --from-beginning --bootstrap-server Your_ip:Your_port

6. Executing the project

To run the project, follow these steps:

  1. Run Maven command: mvn clean install (or mvn clean install -U).

  2. Run the project by executing class.

Third-party APIs

Also in this application was used third-party APIs:

  1. Exchange Rate API for getting exchange rate currencies.
  2. REST Countries API for validation of existing countries.


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