In this repo , I will display you the underhood of YOLO algorithm it could be useful for making your object detection more precise and flexible.
Let's breakdown the steps:
- Your Deep-CNN yolo models take image as input and give you the emedding as output
- We will now take this embedding and convert it to the best bounding box,scores and class name using some of our custom functions.
- Yolo filter boxes : It returns the filter boxes above the threshold from all H_image X W_image X anchor_box ,
- IoU : It is a function used in non-max suppression to remove boudning box above the IoU threshold.
- Non-Max suppression : It select the most confidence bounding boxes among all the boxes.
- Converting yolo model encoding to the bounding box, scores and class
- Putting all together : Using above function to detect object from the image using pretrained model.