Just for fun, this is a SAW Theme for Windows 11 made using PowerShell.
Should work on Windows 10 too.
You can Install it by running the powershell command bellow.
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/V0lk3n/SawTheme/main/setup.bat") | iex
- Default Cursor (Arrow)
- Hand (Hand)
- Busy (Wait)
- Warning (No)
- Help (Help)
- Move Arrow (SizeAll)
- Arrow up-down (SizeNS)
- Arrow left-right (SizeWE)
- Arrow Diagonal 1 (SizeNWSE)
- Arrow Diagonal 2 (SizeNESW)
- Spam Click (10 click in 2seconds or less)
- Dark Mode
- Red Environment
- Background Wallpaper
- LockScreen Wallpaper (Not stable yet)
- Local Account Profil Picture
- RecycleBin
- Discord (Not stable yet - Break at update)
- Firefox
- LogOn Media
- LowBattery Custom Scheduled Task Play Sound at 20% (Battery Monitoring)
- Easter Egg - Spam Click (Mouse Click Monitoring)
- EmptyRecycleBin
- WindowsUac
- Notification.Default
- SystemNotification
- SystemAsterisk
- LowBatteryAlarm
- LowBatteryAlarm (Custom Scheduled Task)
- DeviceConnect
- DeviceFail
- DeviceDisconnect
- LowBattery set from 10 to 15%