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[ICLR 2022] "Optimizer Amalgamation" by Tianshu Huang, Tianlong Chen, Sijia Liu, Shiyu Chang, Lisa Amini, Zhangyang Wang


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Optimizer Amalgamation

Code for [ICLR 2022] "Optimizer Amalgamation" by Tianshu Huang, Tianlong Chen, Sijia Liu, Shiyu Chang, Lisa Amini, Zhangyang Wang

Setup and Basic Usage

Basic Setup

  1. Clone repository and submodules
git clone --recursive
  1. Check dependencies:
Library Known Working Known Not Working
tensorflow 2.3.0, 2.4.1 <= 2.2
tensorflow_datasets 3.1.0, 4.2.0 n/a
pandas 0.24.1, 1.2.4 n/a
numpy 1.18.5, 1.19.2 >=1.20
scipy 1.4.1, 1.6.2 n/a

See here for more dependency information.

Load pre-trained optimizer

Pre-trained weights can be found in the ``releases" tab on github. After downloading and unzipping, the optimizers can be loaded as an L2O framework extending tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer:

import tensorflow as tf
import l2o

# Folder is sorted as ```pre-trained/{distillation type}/{replicate #}
opt = l2o.load("pre-trained/choice-large/7")
# The following is True
isinstance(opt, tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer)

Pre-trained weights for Mean distillation (small pool), Min-max distillation (small pool), Choice distillation (small pool), and Choice distillation (large pool) are included. Each folder contains 8 replicates with varying performance.

Included scripts

See the docstring for each script for a full list of arguments (debug, other testing args).

Common (technical) arguments:

Arg Type Description
gpus int[] Comma separated list of GPUs (1)
cpu bool Whether to run on CPU instead of GPU

(1) GPUs are specified by GPU index (i.e. as returned by gpustat). If no --gpus are provided, all GPUs on the system are used. If no GPUs are installed, CPU will be used.

Arg Type Description
problem str Problem to evaluate on. Can pass a comma separated list.
directory str Target directory to load from. Can pass a comma separated list.
repeat int Number of times to run evaluation. Default: 10

Arg Type Description
strategy str Training strategy to use.
policy str Policy to train.
presets str[] Comma separated list of presets to apply.
(all other args) - Passed as overrides to strategy/policy building.

Arg Type Description
problem str Problem to evaluate on. Can pass a comma separated list.
optimizer str Name of optimizer to use.

Experiment folder structure

Experiment file path:


Experiment file structure:

  > [checkpoint]
      > stage_{stage_0.0.0}.index
      > stage_{stage_0.0.0}.data-00000-of-00001
      > stage_{stage_0.1.0}.index
      > ....
  > [eval]
      > [{eval_problem_1}]
          > stage_{x.x.x}.npz
      > ....
  > [log]
      > stage_{stage_0.0.0}.npz
      > stage_{stage_0.1.0}.npz
      > ....
  > config.json
  > summary.csv

Key files:

  • config.json: experiment configuration (hyperparameters, technical details, etc)
  • summary.csv: log of training details (losses, training time, etc)


Mean, min-max distillation

Training with min-max distillation, rnnprop as target, small pool, convolutional network for training:

python \
    --presets=conv_train,adam,rmsprop,il_more \
    --strategy=curriculum \
    --policy=rnnprop \


python \
    --problem=conv_train \
    --directory=results/rnnprop/min-max/1 \

Min-max distillation is the default setting. To use mean distillation, add the reduce_mean preset.

Choice distillation

Train the choice policy:

python \
    --presets=conv_train,cl_fixed \
    --strategy=repeat \
    --policy=less_choice \

Train for the final distillation step:

python \
    --presets=conv_train,less_choice,il_more \
    --strategy=curriculum \
    --policy=rnnprop \


python \
    --problem=conv_train \
    --directory=results/rnnprop/choice2/1 \

Stability-Aware Optimizer Distillation

FGSM, PGD, Adaptive PGD, Gaussian, and Adaptive Gaussian perturbations are implemented.

Perturbation Description Preset Name Magnitude Parameter
FGSM Fast Gradient Sign Method fgsm step_size
PGD Projected Gradient Descent pgd magnitude
Adaptive PGD Adaptive PGD / "Clipped" GD cgd magnitude
Random Random Gaussian gaussian noise_stddev
Adaptive Random Random Gaussian, Adaptive Magnitude gaussian_rel noise_stddev

Modify the magnitude of noise by passing

--policy/perturbation/config/[Magnitude Parameter]=[Desired Magnitude].

For PGD variants, the number of adversarial attack steps can also be modified:

--policy/perturbation/config/steps=[Desired Steps]


[ICLR 2022] "Optimizer Amalgamation" by Tianshu Huang, Tianlong Chen, Sijia Liu, Shiyu Chang, Lisa Amini, Zhangyang Wang








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