📚 Documentation • 🚀 Getting Started • 📃 Support Policy • 💬 Feedback
Migrating from v1? Check the Migration Guide.
- Quickstart - shows how to integrate Auth0.swift into an iOS / macOS app from scratch.
- Sample App - a complete, running iOS / macOS app you can try.
- Examples - explains how to use most features.
- API Documentation - documentation auto-generated from the code comments that explains all the available features.
- FAQ - answers some common questions about Auth0.swift.
- Auth0 Documentation - explore our docs site and learn more about Auth0.
- iOS 14.0+ / macOS 11.0+ / tvOS 14.0+ / watchOS 7.0+
- Xcode 15.x
- Swift 5.9+
Check the Support Policy to learn when dropping Xcode, Swift, and platform versions will not be considered a breaking change.
Open the following menu item in Xcode:
File > Add Package Dependencies...
In the Search or Enter Package URL search box enter this URL:
Then, select the dependency rule and press Add Package.
Add the following line to your Podfile
pod 'Auth0', '~> 2.9'
Then, run pod install
Add the following line to your Cartfile
github "auth0/Auth0.swift" ~> 2.9
Then, run carthage bootstrap --use-xcframeworks
Head to the Auth0 Dashboard and create a new Native application.
Auth0.swift needs the Client ID and Domain of the Auth0 application to communicate with Auth0. You can find these details in the settings page of your Auth0 application. If you have a custom domain, use your custom domain instead of the value from the settings page.
Make sure that the Auth0 application type is Native. Otherwise, you might run into errors due to the different configuration of other application types.
Create a plist
file named Auth0.plist
in your app bundle with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
For Web Auth
.webAuth(clientId: "YOUR_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID", domain: "YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN")
// ...
For the Authentication API client
.authentication(clientId: "YOUR_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID", domain: "YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN")
// ...
For the Management API client (Users)
.users(token: credentials.accessToken, domain: "YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN")
// ...
The callback and logout URLs are the URLs that Auth0 invokes to redirect back to your app. Auth0 invokes the callback URL after authenticating the user, and the logout URL after removing the session cookie.
Since callback and logout URLs can be manipulated, you will need to add your URLs to the Allowed Callback URLs and Allowed Logout URLs fields in the settings page of your Auth0 application. This will enable Auth0 to recognize these URLs as valid. If the callback and logout URLs are not set, users will be unable to log in and out of the app and will get an error.
Go to the settings page of your Auth0 application and add the corresponding URLs to Allowed Callback URLs and Allowed Logout URLs, according to the platform of your app. If you have a custom domain, replace YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN
with your custom domain instead of the value from the settings page.
On iOS 17.4+ and macOS 14.4+ it is possible to use Universal Links as callback and logout URLs. When enabled, Auth0.swift will fall back to using a custom URL scheme on older iOS / macOS versions.
This feature requires Xcode 15.3+ and a paid Apple Developer account.
If your iOS bundle identifier were com.example.MyApp
and your Auth0 Domain were example.us.auth0.com
, then this value would be:
This step requires a paid Apple Developer account. It is needed to use Universal Links as callback and logout URLs. Skip this step to use a custom URL scheme instead.
Scroll to the end of the settings page of your Auth0 application and open Advanced Settings > Device Settings. In the iOS section, set Team ID to your Apple Team ID, and App ID to your app's bundle identifier.
This will add your app to your Auth0 tenant's apple-app-site-association
In Xcode, go to the Signing and Capabilities tab of your app's target settings, and press the + Capability button. Then select Associated Domains.
Next, add the following entry under Associated Domains:
If your Auth0 Domain were example.us.auth0.com
, then this value would be:
If you have a custom domain, replace YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN
with your custom domain.
For the associated domain to work, your app must be signed with your team certificate even when building for the iOS simulator. Make sure you are using the Apple Team whose Team ID is configured in the settings page of your Auth0 application.
Import the Auth0
module in the file where you want to present the login page.
import Auth0
Then, present the Universal Login page in the action of your Login button.
.useHTTPS() // Use a Universal Link callback URL on iOS 17.4+ / macOS 14.4+
.start { result in
switch result {
case .success(let credentials):
print("Obtained credentials: \(credentials)")
case .failure(let error):
print("Failed with: \(error)")
Using async/await
do {
let credentials = try await Auth0.webAuth().useHTTPS().start()
print("Obtained credentials: \(credentials)")
} catch {
print("Failed with: \(error)")
Using Combine
.useHTTPS() // Use a Universal Link callback URL on iOS 17.4+ / macOS 14.4+
.sink(receiveCompletion: { completion in
if case .failure(let error) = completion {
print("Failed with: \(error)")
}, receiveValue: { credentials in
print("Obtained credentials: \(credentials)")
.store(in: &cancellables)
Logging the user out involves clearing the Universal Login session cookie and then deleting the user's credentials from your app.
Call the clearSession()
method in the action of your Logout button. Once the session cookie has been cleared, delete the user's credentials.
.useHTTPS() // Use a Universal Link logout URL on iOS 17.4+ / macOS 14.4+
.clearSession { result in
switch result {
case .success:
print("Session cookie cleared")
// Delete credentials
case .failure(let error):
print("Failed with: \(error)")
Using async/await
do {
try await Auth0.webAuth().useHTTPS().clearSession()
print("Session cookie cleared")
// Delete credentials
} catch {
print("Failed with: \(error)")
Using Combine
.useHTTPS() // Use a Universal Link logout URL on iOS 17.4+ / macOS 14.4+
.sink(receiveCompletion: { completion in
switch completion {
case .finished:
print("Session cookie cleared")
// Delete credentials
case .failure(let error):
print("Failed with: \(error)")
}, receiveValue: {})
.store(in: &cancellables)
Check the FAQ for more information about the alert box that pops up by default when using Web Auth.
See also this blog post for a detailed overview of single sign-on (SSO) on iOS.
Learn about most features in Examples ↗
- Store credentials - store the user's credentials securely in the Keychain.
- Check for stored credentials - check if the user is already logged in when your app starts up.
- Retrieve stored credentials - fetch the user's credentials from the Keychain, automatically renewing them if they have expired.
- Clear stored credentials - delete the user's credentials to complete the logout process.
- Retrieve user information - fetch the latest user information from the
This Policy defines the extent of the support for Xcode, Swift, and platform (iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS) versions in Auth0.swift.
The only supported versions of Xcode are those that can be currently used to submit apps to the App Store. Once a Xcode version becomes unsupported, dropping it from Auth0.swift will not be considered a breaking change, and will be done in a minor release.
The minimum supported Swift minor version is the one released with the oldest-supported Xcode version. Once a Swift minor becomes unsupported, dropping it from Auth0.swift will not be considered a breaking change, and will be done in a minor release.
We support only the last four major versions of any platform, including the current major version.
Once a platform version becomes unsupported, dropping it from Auth0.swift will not be considered a breaking change, and will be done in a minor release. For example, iOS 14 will cease to be supported when iOS 18 gets released, and Auth0.swift will be able to drop it in a minor release.
In the case of macOS, the yearly named releases are considered a major platform version for the purposes of this Policy, regardless of the actual version numbers.
We appreciate feedback and contribution to this repo! Before you get started, please see the following:
- Auth0's general contribution guidelines
- Auth0's code of conduct guidelines
- Auth0.swift's contribution guide
To provide feedback or report a bug, please raise an issue on our issue tracker.
Please do not report security vulnerabilities on the public GitHub issue tracker. The Responsible Disclosure Program details the procedure for disclosing security issues.
Auth0 is an easy-to-implement, adaptable authentication and authorization platform. To learn more check out Why Auth0?
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.