Wrapper to connect with https://api.conekta.io.
Add Conekta to your mix.exs
defp deps do
{:conekta, "~> 1.0"}
Add your keys in your config.exs
# config.exs
config :conekta,
public_key: "YOUR-PUBLIC-KEY",
private_key: "YOUR-PRIVATE-KEY"
Get all current customers
#Get the last
Create a customer by passing a %Conekta.Customer{}
#Create a new customer map
new_customer = %Customer{
name: "Fake Name",
email: "fake@email.com",
corporate: true,
payment_sources: [%{
token_id: "tok_test_visa_4242",
type: "card"
#Create a new customer
Find a customer by passing the unique ID
Delete a customer by passing the unique ID
#Create a new order map
new_order = %Order{currency: "MXN",
customer_info: %{
customer_id: content.id
}, line_items: [%{
name: "Product 1",
unit_price: 35000,
quantity: 1
}], charges: [%{
payment_method: %{
type: "default"
#Create an order
response = Conekta.Orders.create(new_order)
iex> Conekta.Checkouts.create_payment_link(%PaymentLink{
name: "a payment link",
type: "PaymentLink",
expires_at: 1637714928,
recurrent: false,
allowed_payment_methods: ["cash", "card", "bank_transfer"],
monthly_installments_enabled: false,
order_template: %{
currency: "MXN",
customer_info: %{
name: "test paymentlink",
email: "pedro+test@ventup.com.mx",
phone: "8115898281"
line_items: [
name: "ventup month",
unit_price: 10000,
quantity: 1
needs_shipping_contact: false
iex> {:ok,
"allowed_payment_methods" => ["card", "cash", "bank_transfer"],
"can_not_expire" => false,
"emails_sent" => 0,
"exclude_card_networks" => [],
"expires_at" => 1637714928,
"force_3ds_flow" => false,
"id" => "d8d629ef-4d34-4b59-bf24-17acdddb7553",
"livemode" => false,
"metadata" => %{},
"monthly_installments_enabled" => false,
"monthly_installments_options" => [],
"name" => "a payment link",
"needs_shipping_contact" => false,
"object" => "checkout",
"paid_payments_count" => 0,
"recurrent" => false,
"slug" => "d8d629ef4d344b59bf2417acdddb7553",
"sms_sent" => 0,
"starts_at" => 1637647200,
"status" => "Issued",
"type" => "PaymentLink",
"url" => "https://pay.conekta.com/link/d8d629ef4d344b59bf2417acdddb7553"
Helper function for webhook handling. check possible events
case Conekta.WebHook.received(params) do
{:charge_created, struct} -> ...
{:charge_paid, struct} -> ...
{:plan_created, struct} -> ...
{:customer_created, struct} -> ...
{:subscription_created, struct} -> ...
{:subscription_paid, struct} -> ...
{:subscription_canceled, struct} -> ...
{:chargeback_created, struct} -> ...
{:chargeback_lost, struct} -> ...
If you want to add something new, make sure all the tests pass before making a PR
mix test
I would love to check new contributions to this repository. Fork from dev and do a PR into dev again.
Developed by Jorge Chavez.
Available with MIT License.
Maintainer of this fork: Ventup