Clone this repository somewhere on your file system.
Source the appropriate shell file in your $HOME/.<shell>rc
Ensure hub
is in your $PATH
variable before running
Clone github-sh
mkdir $HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugin/github-sh
cd $HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugin/github-sh
ln -s /path/to/github-sh/clone/github-sh.plugin.zsh .
ln -s /path/to/github-sh/clone/_hub .
Add github-sh
to the plugins
array in your .zshrc
Add the following to your .zshrc
fpath=(/path/to/github-sh/clone $fpath)
compdef _hub hub
source /path/to/github-sh/clone/github-sh.plugin.zsh
Add the following to your .bashrc
source /path/to/github-sh/clone/github-sh.plugin.bash
Add the following to your .kshrc
source /path/to/github-sh/clone/github-sh.plugin.ksh
Go to
Click your picture in the top right and select "Settings"
Click "Developer Settings" near the bottom on the right
Click "Personal access tokens"
Click the "Generate new token" button in the top right
Confirm your password
Enter a token description (something like "hub in AFS")
Check the following:
[x] repo
[x] repo:status
[x] repo_deployment
[x] public_repo
[x] repo:invite
[x] notifications
[x] user
[x] read:user
[x] user:email
[x] user:follow
[x] write:discussion
[x] read:discussion
Copy the token value IMPORTANT This is the only time you will see this token value!
Run add-gh-host
to get everything set.
add-gh-host <hostname> <alias>
<hostname> The github hostname to add a hub function for i.e.
<alias> The generated function name i.e. gh-pub. $ gh-pub clone my-repo"