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Vurv edited this page Mar 6, 2021 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the VExtensions wiki!

You will find all of the documentation on the E2, StarfallEx functions added in this addon, all of the sub-addons and all of the clientside and serverside convars.

General Q&A:

What can you do with this?

Check out our Discussions for some show-and-tell demos of things created with VExtensions, and feel free to post more there.

What are these for?

These are extensions that were never added to E2 or Starfall for a number of reasons. Either the functions didn't want to be added to E2/SF, They can be potentially dangerous, or nobody felt like making them. VExtensions breaks all of this by making it safe with whitelists, being easy to disable, and modular. You aren't going to find an addon that goes through as much effort to add Coroutines to E2.

How can I contribute?


Safety Q&A:

This is a general q&a for if you are paranoid about this addon being just another security hole.

Is printGlobal safe?


Unlike the chatPrint extension, it has burst print limits, character max limits and argument limits that can all be customized with the following ConVars to prevent net message spam and potentially client crashers.


Is CoroutineCore safe?


As of 0.3.0, Coroutines have been reworked to be much safer and faster. They are now:

  • Hard limited on how many coroutines you can have at once. (To avoid memory drain)
  • Checked to avoid stack overflows
  • Optimized to leave a tiny memory footprint.

Are webmaterials safe?

For the Server, YES, for the Client, 99%.

I want to disclose that there is currently no clientside whitelist to prevent servers from setting their whitelist to nothing. But then again, you shouldn't be on a server like that, and they could abuse your client anyways.
If you encounter a server with the whitelist disabled, disable webmaterials with vex_webmaterials_enabled_cl 0.
See for a tracking issue on adding a clientside whitelist to URLs.

Is everything else safe?

Pretty much. The rest of the items in VExtensions are mostly technical.
You may want to look into the specific functions yourself and if you find one to be unsafe or intrusive, make an issue.