_ _ _ _
| \ | | __ _| |_| |__ _ _
| \| |/ _` | __| '_ \| | | |
| |\ | (_| | |_| | | | |_| | By: Vycktor Stark
|_| \_|\__,_|\__|_| |_|\__, |
These instructions will give you a copy of the project for you to use for development and testing purposes.
Nathy is a virtual assistant who has basic artificial intelligence, she was developed in Python, her structure and plugins were created using lib Telepot and her artificial intelligence was used AIML
You should have your machine updated, and have Python (3.5 +) and pip (8.1+) installed, plus some libs: telepot, objectjson, requests, simplejson. What you need to do to install and use the project:
# Tested on Ubuntu 14.04, 15.04 and 16.04, Debian 7, Linux Mint 17.2
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
## To install the libraries, just run run.sh and select option 5 or execute:
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
Cloning the repository:
# Cloning the repository and giving the permissions to start the initiation script
$ git clone https://github.com/VycktorStark/Nathy.git
First of all, take a look at your bot settings:
• Make sure privacy is off (more information on the Bots official FAQ page). Send
for BotFather To check the current setting.
Before doing anything, open the config.py
file and with a text editor make the following changes:
• Set your Telegram ID to admin (in the
field).• Defina o ID do grupo Administradores (no campo
).• Set
with the authentication token received from the BotFather.
To start the bot, execute cd Nathy/ && sudo chmod 777 run.sh && ./run.sh
. To stop the bot, press Ctrl + c
You can also start the bot with cd Nathy/ && pyhton3 main.py
, but then it will not restart automatically.