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Car Rental

This project is a vehicle rental application that allows users to add, edit, remove, and view vehicles. It also allows users to add client email and client address information if the vehicle is rented to someone. The application is built using Angular for the frontend, NestJS for the backend, and MySQL for the database. The development environment is managed using Docker Compose.

Docker Compose Setup

This project uses Docker Compose to manage the development environment. The setup includes three services: db, backend, and frontend.


Database (db)


The database service uses MySQL to store all the data related to the car rental application. When you run the db service for the first time, it will execute all SQL scripts located in the scripts directory to set up the database schema and seed initial data. The scripts currently included are:

  • 0_create_database.sql
  • 1_create_vehicle_brands_table.sql
  • 2_create_addresses_table.sql
  • 3_create_vehicles_table.sql
  • 4_seed_data.sql
Docker compose structure
  • Image: mysql:8.0
  • Ports: 3306:3306
  • Container Name: car_rental_db
  • Environment Variables:
    • MYSQL_CHARSET: utf8mb4
    • MYSQL_COLLATION: utf8mb4_unicode_ci
  • Volumes:
    • ./my.cnf:/etc/mysql/conf.d/my.cnf
    • ./mysql:/var/lib/mysql
    • ./scripts:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d:ro

Backend (backend)


The backend service is a Node.js application built with NestJS. It provides the API endpoints for the frontend to interact with the database. The backend service depends on the db service to be running.

Docker compose structure
  • Build Context: ./apps/car-rental-backend
  • Dockerfile: ./apps/car-rental-backend/Dockerfile
  • Command: npm run serve:car-rental-backend
  • Container Name: car_rental_backend
  • Expose: 3000
  • Ports: 3000:3000
  • Depends On: db
  • Environment Variables:
    • DATABASE_PORT: 3306
  • Volumes:
    • .:/app
    • /app/node_modules

Frontend (frontend)


The frontend service is an Angular application that provides the user interface for the car rental application. It depends on the backend service to be running to fetch and display data.

Docker compose structure
  • Build Context: ./apps/car-rental
  • Dockerfile: ./apps/car-rental/Dockerfile
  • Command: npm run serve:car-rental -- --host
  • Container Name: car_rental_frontend
  • Ports: 4200:4200
  • Depends On: backend
  • Volumes:
    • .:/app
    • /app/node_modules


  • Default Network: car_rental_network
    • Driver: bridge


To start the services, run:

docker-compose up

To stop the services, run:

docker-compose down

For more information on Docker Compose, refer to the official documentation.

Running Locally

To run the application locally, you need to uncomment the lines in app.module.ts that configure the database connection for local development:

import { ConfigModule, ConfigService } from '@nestjs/config';
import { TypeOrmModule } from '@nestjs/typeorm';
import { VehiclesModule } from '../resources/vehicles/vehicles.module';
import { Vehicle } from '../resources/vehicles/entities/vehicle.entity';
import { VehicleBrand } from '../resources/vehicle-brands/entities/vehicle-brand.entity';
import { Address } from '../resources/addresses/entities/address.entity';

  imports: [
    ConfigModule.forRoot({ isGlobal: true }),
      imports: [ConfigModule],
      useFactory: (configService: ConfigService) => ({
        type: 'mysql',
        // Use it when you run the app in Docker
        host: configService.get<string>('DATABASE_HOST'),
        port: configService.get<number>('DATABASE_PORT'),
        username: configService.get<string>('DATABASE_USER'),
        password: configService.get<string>('DATABASE_PASSWORD'),
        database: configService.get<string>('DATABASE_NAME'),
        // Use it when you run the app locally
        // host: 'localhost',
        // port: 3306,
        // username: 'root',
        // password: 'root',
        // database: 'car_rental',
        entities: [Vehicle, VehicleBrand, Address],
        synchronize: true,
      inject: [ConfigService],
export class AppModule {}

To run the frontend locally, use the following command:

npx nx run car-rental:serve

To run the backend locally, use the following command:

npx nx run car-rental-backend:serve

Before you run backend service, do not forget to run db service.

Running Tests

To run tests for all projects, use the following command:

npx nx run-many --targets=test

VS Code Run Settings

The project includes ./vscode run settings to facilitate running the application locally. Make sure to check the .vscode folder for predefined configurations.


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