This is a sample implementation of the conversion of InkML to UIM. The implementation is based on the InkML 1.0 specification. The implementation is written in Python and uses the lxml library for parsing InkML files.
The implementation is based on the following assumptions:
- The InkML file contains a single trace group.
- The trace group contains a single trace.
- The trace contains a sequence of points.
At a fundamental level, digital ink can be used producing content, such as text, math, diagrams, sketches etc.
The Wacom Ontology Description Language (WODL) provides a standardized, JSON-based way of annotating ink with a specialized schema definition.
The specification of WODL language is available here. Some of the most common schema definitions are:
- (Segmentation Schema)[]
- (Math Structures Schema)[]
- (Named Entity Recognition Schema)[]
To install the dependencies, run the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
In the following examples, we will demonstrate how to convert an InkML file from well-known datasets to UIM.
The implementation supports the IAM On-Line Handwriting Database as a sample dataset for testing the conversion of InkML to UIM. Its annotations can be converted to Wacom Ontology Definition Language (WODL) segmentation schema, by configuring the InkMLParser as follows:
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Any, List
from uim.codec.writer.encoder.encoder_3_1_0 import UIMEncoder310
from uim.model.helpers.schema_content_extractor import uim_schema_semantics_from
from import InkModel
from uim.model.semantics.schema import SegmentationSchema, IS
from inkml.helpers import build_tree
from inkml.parser import InkMLParser
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser: InkMLParser = InkMLParser()
parser.register_type('type', 'Document', SegmentationSchema.ROOT)
parser.register_type('type', 'Formula', SegmentationSchema.MATH_BLOCK)
parser.register_type('type', 'Arrow', SegmentationSchema.CONNECTOR)
parser.register_type('type', 'Table', SegmentationSchema.TABLE)
parser.register_type('type', 'Structure', SegmentationSchema.BORDER)
parser.register_type('type', 'Diagram', SegmentationSchema.DIAGRAM)
parser.register_type('type', 'Drawing', SegmentationSchema.DRAWING)
parser.register_type('type', 'Correction', SegmentationSchema.CORRECTION)
parser.register_type('type', 'Symbol', '<T>')
parser.register_type('type', 'Marking', SegmentationSchema.MARKING)
parser.register_type('type', 'Marking_Bracket', SegmentationSchema.MARKING,
subtypes=[(SegmentationSchema.HAS_MARKING_TYPE, 'other')])
parser.register_type('type', 'Marking_Encircling', SegmentationSchema.MARKING,
subtypes=[(SegmentationSchema.HAS_MARKING_TYPE, 'encircling')])
parser.register_type('type', 'Marking_Angle', SegmentationSchema.MARKING,
subtypes=[(SegmentationSchema.HAS_MARKING_TYPE, 'other')])
parser.register_type('type', 'Marking_Underline', SegmentationSchema.MARKING,
parser.register_type('type', 'Marking_Sideline', SegmentationSchema.MARKING,
subtypes=[(SegmentationSchema.HAS_MARKING_TYPE, 'other')])
parser.register_type('type', 'Marking_Connection', SegmentationSchema.CONNECTOR)
parser.register_type('type', 'Textblock', SegmentationSchema.TEXT_REGION)
parser.register_type('type', 'Textline', SegmentationSchema.TEXT_LINE)
parser.register_type('type', 'Word', SegmentationSchema.WORD)
parser.register_type('type', 'Garbage', SegmentationSchema.GARBAGE)
parser.register_type('type', 'List', SegmentationSchema.LIST)
parser.register_value('transcription', SegmentationSchema.HAS_CONTENT)
parser.cropping_ink = False
parser.cropping_offset = 10
ink_model: InkModel = parser.parse(Path(__file__).parent / '..' / 'ink' / 'inkml' / 'iamondb.inkml')
structures: List[Dict[str, Any]] = uim_schema_semantics_from(ink_model, "custom")
with Path("iamondb.uim").open("wb") as file:
The implementation is provided as a sample and may require additional configuration and testing to work with other datasets.
With the register_type
method, the parser can be configured to map the annotation types to the segmentation schema defined in the WODL.
The register_value
method can be used to map the annotation values to the content of the segmentation schema.
Note, that this mapping may fully comply with the WODL schema, but it is a sample implementation and may require additional configuration or post-processing.
The sample document from the IAM On-Line Handwriting Database can't be uploaded to the repository due to the license restrictions.
The implementation supports the Kondate dataset as a sample dataset for testing the conversion of InkML to UIM.
import uuid
from pathlib import Path
from uim.codec.writer.encoder.encoder_3_1_0 import UIMEncoder310
from import InkModel
from uim.model.inkdata.brush import BrushPolygonUri, VectorBrush
from uim.model.semantics.schema import SegmentationSchema, CommonViews
from inkml.parser import InkMLParser
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser: InkMLParser = InkMLParser()
# Add a brush specified with shape Uris
bpu_1: BrushPolygonUri = BrushPolygonUri("will://brush/3.0/shape/Circle?precision=20&radius=1", min_scale=0.)
bpu_2: BrushPolygonUri = BrushPolygonUri("will://brush/3.0/shape/Circle?precision=20&radius=0.5", min_scale=4.)
poly_uris: list = [
bpu_1, bpu_2
vector_brush_1: VectorBrush = VectorBrush(
parser.register_brush(brush_uri='default', brush=vector_brush_1)
parser.use_brush = 'default'
device_id: str = uuid.uuid4().hex
parser.update_default_context(sample_rate=80, serial_number=device_id, manufacturer="Test Manufacturer",
model="Test Model")
parser.content_view = CommonViews.HWR_VIEW.value
parser.cropping_ink = True
parser.default_annotation_type = SegmentationSchema.UNLABELED
parser.default_xy_resolution = 10
parser.default_position_precision = 3
parser.default_value_resolution = 42
# Kondate database is not using namespace
parser.default_namespace = ''
ink_model: InkModel = parser.parse(Path(__file__).parent / '..' / 'ink' / 'inkml' / 'kondate.inkml')
with Path("kondate.uim").open("wb") as file:
The sample document from the Kondate dataset can't be uploaded to the repository due to the license restrictions.
The format encodes the ink as InkML, but additionally it encodes a template image as base64.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<paper xmlns:inkml=""
<templateImage Content-Type="image/bmp">
<!-- Base64 encoded template -->
<!-- Ink content encoded as InkML -->
This sample implementation provides a way to convert the IOT Paper Format to UIM and extract the template image.
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List
from PIL import Image
from uim.codec.writer.encoder.encoder_3_1_0 import UIMEncoder310
from uim.model.helpers.serialize import json_encode, serialize_raw_sensor_data_csv
from import InkModel
from uim.model.inkinput.inputdata import InkSensorType, Unit
from inkml.iot.parser import IOTPaperParser
if __name__ == '__main__':
paper_file: Path = Path(__file__).parent / '..' / 'ink' / 'iot' / 'HelloInk.paper'
parser: IOTPaperParser = IOTPaperParser()
parser.cropping_ink = False
parser.cropping_offset = 10
ink_model: InkModel = parser.parse(paper_file)
img: Image = parser.parse_template(paper_file)
with Path("iot.uim").open("wb") as file:
layout: List[InkSensorType] = [
InkSensorType.TIMESTAMP, InkSensorType.X, InkSensorType.Y, InkSensorType.Z,
InkSensorType.PRESSURE, InkSensorType.ALTITUDE,
# In the Universal Ink Model, the sensor data is in SI units:
# - timestamp: seconds
# - x, y, z: meters
# - pressure: N
serialize_raw_sensor_data_csv(ink_model, Path('sensor_data.csv'), layout)
# If you want to convert the data to different units, you can use the following code:
serialize_raw_sensor_data_csv(ink_model, Path('sensor_data_unit.csv'), layout,
InkSensorType.X: Unit.MM, # Convert meters to millimeters
InkSensorType.Y: Unit.MM, # Convert meters to millimeters
InkSensorType.Z: Unit.MM, # Convert meters to millimeters
InkSensorType.TIMESTAMP: Unit.MS # Convert seconds to milliseconds
# Convert the model to JSON
with open('ink.json', 'w') as f:
# json_encode is a helper function to convert the model to JSON
This implementation is a sample implementation and does not cover all possible cases of InkML files. There is no guarantee that the implementation will work for all InkML files. Additional testing and validation may be required to ensure the correctness of the implementation. Finally, the implementation is provided as-is and without any warranty or support.