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Peter Reutemann edited this page Nov 9, 2016 · 3 revisions

FCMS Tools

Hyperlink Grades (GUI)

  • Select PDF files to add hyperlinks to

  • The expression for detecting text is a regular expression. Here is an example:

    .*(possible a sem 15 completer|possible a sem 15 completion|potential sem a 2015 completion|potential a sem 2015 completion).*
  • Select the output directory to place the processed files in

  • If you choose the same directory for input files and output files, you need to specify a suffix that gets added to the files.

  • Check whether you want to perform case-sensitive matching (usually, you'd leave that unchecked).

  • Check Exclude completions if you don't want completions to be indexed as well.

Overlay filename (GUI)

  • Add the input files to overlay
  • Select the output directory to place the processed files in
  • Change the vertical position, if necessary (starts at the bottom)
  • Change the horizontal position, if necessary (starts at the left)
  • Check Strip path if you don't want the path to be part of the overlay
  • Check Strip extension if you don't want the file extension to be part of the overlay

Scripted PDF Overlay (GUI)

Uses a Groovy script to generate PDFs based on the provided template. For each row in the provided CSV spreadsheet (header row used as key names) a PDF is generated, with the row values being passed to the Groovy script. The Groovy script must implement the interface.

  • Select the PDF template
  • Select the CSV Spreadsheet with the parameters
  • Select the Groovy script that processes the data
  • Select the Output directory for the generated PDFs

Here are some example files:

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