Third party packages required for building the open source WebKit port for Windows.
WebKitRequirements uses vcpkg to drive
building the libraries. A helper script, Install-Vcpkg.ps1
, configures
to be able to build the repository.
> Install-Vcpkg.ps1 -vcpkgPath <path-to-vcpkg> [-update]
The script clones vcpkg
at the given location if it is not already there. If
the vcpkg
repository was already checked out at that location the script does
not automatically update the sources. An optional flag, -update
, is required
to trigger a git pull
After the repository is ready the script will copy over any resources from the
checkout that are required to do the build. View the
Install-Vcpkg.ps1 script for additional options.
After installing vcpkg
the requirements can be fully built using the
script, which is just a wrapper around vcpkg
builds the listed ports. A default is chosen based on the triplet, for windows
WindowsRequirements.json is used.
> Install-Requirements.ps1 -triplet <triplet-file>
After the script runs the requirements will be built in the expected manner for use within WebKit. View the Install-Requirements.ps1 script for additional options.
Ports can be manually built using vcpkg
directly. The
is just provided as a convenience for fully building
the requirements.
> vcpkg.exe install <port> --triplet <triplet>
Library | Version | Release Date |
icu | 73.1 | 2023-04-12 |
zlib | 2.0.7 | 2023-03-17 |
brotli | 1.0.9 | 2020-08-27 |
boringssl | 04989786 | 2022-09-14 |
libressl | 3.7.2 | 2023-04-04 |
nghttp2 | 1.53.0 | 2023-05-10 |
nghttp3 | 0.11.0 | 2023-04-26 |
ngtcp2 | 0.15.0 | 2023-04-26 |
c-ares | 1.19.0 | 2023-01-28 |
curl | 8.1.0 | 2023-05-16 |
libxml2 | 2.11.3 | 2023-05-11 |
libxslt | 1.1.38 | 2023-05-08 |
lcms | 2.15.0 | 2023-03-01 |
highway | 1.0.4 | 2023-03-17 |
libpng | 1.6.39 | 2022-11-20 |
libjpeg-turbo | 2.1.5 | 2023-01-31 |
libwebp | 1.3.0 | 2023-01-12 |
openjpeg | 2.5.0 | 2022-05-13 |
libjxl | 0.8.1 | 2023-02-03 |
sqlite | 3.42.0 | 2023-05-16 |
woff2 | 1.0.2 | 2017-11-13 |
freetype | 2.13.0 | 2023-02-08 |
harfbuzz | 7.3.0 | 2023-05-09 |
pixman | 0.42.2 | 2022-11-02 |
cairo | 1.17.8 | 2023-02-02 |
libpsl | 0.21.2 | 2022-12-26 |