- Operating System: Windows 11
- Status Bar: yasb 🔥🔥🔥 crossplatform WOOOOO
- Terminal: Windows Terminal 🍚🍚 riced terminal
- Shell: Powershell 🐚 very good crossplatform shell
- Application Launcher: Flow Launcher ⚡🔍⚡ quick to index and very customizable
- Theme Patchers: UltraUX Theme Patcher & WinAero Tweaker 😎⚙️ to make windows look cool
- Fetch: Fetch by @Hexality ⚙️ℹ️ similar to neofetch but for powershell
- Tiling WM: Komorebi 🎆🖥️🎆 tiling window manager for windows
- Code editor/IDE: Neovim + NvChad 💻⌨️
theres a bug on windows 10 atm that fucks with your scoop installation so you have to install them manually
heres a guide on how to do it
If you dont have powershell 7, install it with this command:
winget install Microsoft.PowerShell
If you dont have scoop install it using this command. please restart your shell after installing scoop
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://get.scoop.sh | Invoke-Expression
then install the buckets and git
scoop install git
scoop bucket add extras
scoop bucket add nerd-fonts
scoop update
scoop install python JetBrainsMono-NF
OPTIONAL installing the misc apps using scoop
scoop install komorebi whkd altsnap flow-launcher
installing my status bar
Set-Location -Path "$env:USERPROFILE"
git clone https://github.com/Welpyes/Welpyes-Dotfiles
mkdir "$env:USERPROFILE\.yasb"
Copy-Item "$env:USERPROFILE\welpyes-dotfiles\yasb-themes\simple\config.yaml" "$env:USERPROFILE\.yasb\"
Copy-Item "$env:USERPROFILE\welpyes-dotfiles\yasb-themes\simple\styles.css" "$env:USERPROFILE\.yasb\"
git clone https://github.com/Welpyes/welpyes-yasb
Set-Location -Path "$env:USERPROFILE\welpyes-yasb"
pip install -r requirements.txt
Move-Item $env:USERPROFILE\welpyes-dotfiles\uninstall.ps1 $env:USERPROFILE
Remove-Item -Path "$env:USERPROFILE\welpyes-dotfiles\install.ps1"
Set-Location -Path "$env:USERPROFILE"
Copy-Item "welpyes-dotfiles\run-silent.vbs" "desktop"
the installation is finished after that
if you want the bar to run at startup put the run-silent.vbs
in shell:startup
to change the theme you can run:
HOW TO INSTALL(windows 11)
for optimal installation please make sure your windows installation is updated
Run this command on an elevated Powershell tab
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
Then run this on a normal one
irm https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Welpyes/Welpyes-Dotfiles/main/install.ps1 | iex
additional apps
apps that i feel like doesnt belong from anything above
- altsnap ▪ Window manipulation using the alt key
- quick look ▪ Brings Quicklook to Windows from MacOs
- vencord ▪ Cutest Discord Client -w-
- greenshot ▪ Screenshotting application
- Yt Music ▪ A YT music client with a bunch of plugins