Install or upgrade all of your third-party tools.
Can run at startup or may be run manually via a command (see the Configuration section below).
Uses Mason to do nearly all the work. This is a simple plugin that helps users keep up-to-date with their tools and to make certain they have a consistent environment.
This plugin has the same requirements as Mason. And, of course, this plugin requires that Mason be installed.
- mason-lspconfig can be installed for the option to use lspconfig names instead of Mason names.
- mason-null-ls can be installed for the option to use null-ls names instead of Mason names.
- mason-nvim-dap can be installed for the option to use nvim-dap names instead of Mason names.
Install using your favorite plugin manager.
If you use vim-plug:
Plug 'WhoIsSethDaniel/mason-tool-installer.nvim'
Or if you use Vim 8 style packages:
cd <plugin dir>
git clone
When passing a list of tools to ensure_installed
, mason-tool-installer
is expecting Mason
package names by default.
If mason-lspconfig
is installed, mason-tool-installer
can accept lspconfig
package names unless the integration is disabled.
If mason-null-ls
is installed, mason-tool-installer
can accept null-ls
package names unless the integration is disabled.
If mason-nvim-dap
is installed, mason-tool-installer
can accept nvim-dap
package names unless the integration is disabled.
require('mason-tool-installer').setup {
-- a list of all tools you want to ensure are installed upon
-- start
ensure_installed = {
-- you can pin a tool to a particular version
{ 'golangci-lint', version = 'v1.47.0' },
-- you can turn off/on auto_update per tool
{ 'bash-language-server', auto_update = true },
-- you can do conditional installing
{ 'gopls', condition = function() return not os.execute("go version") end },
-- if set to true this will check each tool for updates. If updates
-- are available the tool will be updated. This setting does not
-- affect :MasonToolsUpdate or :MasonToolsInstall.
-- Default: false
auto_update = false,
-- automatically install / update on startup. If set to false nothing
-- will happen on startup. You can use :MasonToolsInstall or
-- :MasonToolsUpdate to install tools and check for updates.
-- Default: true
run_on_start = true,
-- set a delay (in ms) before the installation starts. This is only
-- effective if run_on_start is set to true.
-- e.g.: 5000 = 5 second delay, 10000 = 10 second delay, etc...
-- Default: 0
start_delay = 3000, -- 3 second delay
-- Only attempt to install if 'debounce_hours' number of hours has
-- elapsed since the last time Neovim was started. This stores a
-- timestamp in a file named stdpath('data')/mason-tool-installer-debounce.
-- This is only relevant when you are using 'run_on_start'. It has no
-- effect when running manually via ':MasonToolsInstall' etc....
-- Default: nil
debounce_hours = 5, -- at least 5 hours between attempts to install/update
-- By default all integrations are enabled. If you turn on an integration
-- and you have the required module(s) installed this means you can use
-- alternative names, supplied by the modules, for the thing that you want
-- to install. If you turn off the integration (by setting it to false) you
-- cannot use these alternative names. It also suppresses loading of those
-- module(s) (assuming any are installed) which is sometimes wanted when
-- doing lazy loading.
integrations = {
['mason-lspconfig'] = true,
['mason-null-ls'] = true,
['mason-nvim-dap'] = true,
- only installs tools that are missing or at the incorrect version
- execute :MasonToolsInstall
in blocking manner. It's useful in Neovim headless mode.
- install missing tools and update already installed tools
- execute :MasonToolsUpdate
in blocking manner. It's useful in Neovim headless mode.
- remove installed packages that are not listed in ensure_installed
Prior to installing the first package mason-tool-installer
will emit a user event named
. If there are no packages to install then no event will be emitted.
This event will only be emitted once -- at the start of installing packages. To use this
event you can setup an event handler like so:
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('User', {
pattern = 'MasonToolsStartingInstall',
callback = function()
print 'mason-tool-installer is starting'
Upon completion of any mason-tool-installer
initiated installation/update a user event will be
emitted named MasonToolsUpdateCompleted
. If you have at least neovim 0.8 the programs that were
just installed or updated will be in the data
element of the argument to the callback (see :h nvim_create_autocmd
for much more information). To use this event you can setup an event handler
like so:
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('User', {
pattern = 'MasonToolsUpdateCompleted',
callback = function(e)
print(vim.inspect( -- print the table that lists the programs that were installed
Please feel free to start a discussion or file a bug report.