In order to integrate GridFTP and iRODS three components are needed:
- an iRODS server, see [1] for more information.
- a GridFTP server, see [2] for more information.
- the B2SAGE-iRODS DSI, see [3] for more information.
For the remainder of this guide we assume (1) an iRODS server is already installed (version 4.1.6 was used for this guide) and we'll focus on installing and configuring (2) the GridFTP server and (3) the B2STAGE-iRODS DSI.
The GridFTP server comes as part of the Globus toolkit, see [2] for more information and the installation manual. Out of the Globus toolkit we will be using the globus-gridftp
and globus-gsi
Before you can use a GridFTP server with grid security (gsi) enabled, you must install and configure the globus-gsi
components as described in [3]. In this guide we will use the /etc/grid-security
directory to store all gsi related information for the host system.
When starting out on a new system (no globus toolkit installed), your /etc/grid-security
directory should be similar to this:
├── certificates
├── grid-mapfile
├── gsi.conf
└── sshftp -> /etc/gridftp-sshftp
1 directory, 3 files
The gsi enabled GridFTP server needs:
- a host certificate.
- a user certificate for each user.
In this guide we will explain how to generate these certificates ourselves.
Download the proper Globus toolkit package for your system from and install this package on your system. You now should have all the globus tools available.
Installing simpleCA as the root user on the GridFTP server:
$ grid-ca-create
<Follow prompts and make sure to remember your PEM phassphrase>
This will install the CA in /var/lib/globus/simple_ca
with a CA subject similar to the following:
CA subject: cn=Globus Simple CA, ou=simpleCA-irods4.alice, ou=GlobusTest, o=Grid
The grid-ca-create
command places all filed needed to install the CA in /var/lib/globus/simple_ca/
. In order to activate this CA on this system, these files must be made available in /etc/grid-security
. To symlink the required files run the following commands:
root@iRODS4:/etc/grid-security# ln -s /var/lib/globus/simple_ca/grid-security.conf grid-security.conf
root@iRODS4:/etc/grid-security# ln -s /var/lib/globus/simple_ca/globus-host-ssl.conf globus-host-ssl.conf
root@iRODS4:/etc/grid-security# ln -s /var/lib/globus/simple_ca/globus-user-ssl.conf globus-user-ssl.conf
Directory layout of your /etc/grid-security
directory after following these instructions:
├── certificates
│ ├── dd5d9bb8.0
│ ├── dd5d9bb8.signing_policy
│ ├── globus-host-ssl.conf.dd5d9bb8
│ ├── globus-user-ssl.conf.dd5d9bb8
│ └── grid-security.conf.dd5d9bb8
├── globus-host-ssl.conf -> certificates/globus-host-ssl.conf.dd5d9bb8
├── globus-user-ssl.conf -> certificates/globus-user-ssl.conf.dd5d9bb8
├── grid-mapfile
├── grid-security.conf -> certificates/grid-security.conf.dd5d9bb8
├── gsi.conf
└── sshftp -> /etc/gridftp-sshftp
1 directory, 11 files
With the CA setup on the system we can now generate certificate requests and sign the with our CA.
We will create a host certificate request:
root@iRODS4:~#grid-cert-request -host iRODS4.alice
And then we will sign the request with our CA:
root@iRODS4:~#grid-ca-sign -in /etc/grid-security/hostcert_request.pem -out /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem
Now the /etc/grid-security
directory should look as follows:
├── certificates
│ ├── dd5d9bb8.0
│ ├── dd5d9bb8.signing_policy
│ ├── globus-host-ssl.conf.dd5d9bb8
│ ├── globus-user-ssl.conf.dd5d9bb8
│ └── grid-security.conf.dd5d9bb8
├── globus-host-ssl.conf -> certificates/globus-host-ssl.conf.dd5d9bb8
├── globus-user-ssl.conf -> certificates/globus-user-ssl.conf.dd5d9bb8
├── grid-mapfile
├── grid-security.conf -> certificates/grid-security.conf.dd5d9bb8
├── gsi.conf
├── hostcert.pem
├── hostcert_request.pem
├── hostkey.pem
└── sshftp -> /etc/gridftp-sshftp
1 directory, 14 files
To verify or inspect the host certificate we have generated, run:
openssl x509 -in /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem -text -noout
Restart grid ftp server:
/etc/init.d/globus-gridftp-server restart
Users must authenticate to the GridFTP server by presenting a certificate. Again we will use our CA to sign certificate request for each user.
Generate a user certificate request:
Sign this request with our CA:
grid-ca-sign -in /root/.globus/usercert_request.pem -out /root/.globus/usercert.pem
Place the user certificate and key in the users (alice in our case) home directory under ~/.globus/usercert.(pem|key)
Switch to user alice and inspect the certificate to obtain the DN:
alice@iRODS4:~# grid-cert-info -subject
Add the mapping to the gridmap file:
grid-mapfile-add-entry \
-dn "/O=Grid/OU=GlobusTest/OU=simpleCA-irods4.alice/OU=local/CN=GridFTP-001" \
-ln alice
Modifying /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile ...
New entry:
"/O=Grid/OU=GlobusTest/OU=simpleCA-irods4.alice/OU=local/CN=GridFTP-001" alice
(1) entry added
Typically the following ports are used and should be configured in your firewall:
Port | Usage |
2881 | GridFTP control port |
50000-51000 | Data transfer port range |
The following commands can be used to test the installion:
grid-proxy-init -verify -debug
globus-url-copy -list gsiftp://iRODS4.alice/tmp/
globus-url-copy file:/home/alice/test.txt gsiftp://iRODS4.alice/tmp/test.txt
We assume iRODS 4.1.6 is installed from packages. See for all available downloads.
apt-get install build-essential make git
apt-get install libglobus-common-dev libglobus-gridftp-server-dev libglobus-gridmap-callout-error-dev
mkdir -p ~/iRODS_DSI/deploy
cd ~/iRODS_DSI
git clone
<edit variables as follows>
export GLOBUS_LOCATION="/usr"
export IRODS_PATH="/usr"
#export FLAVOR=""
export DEST_LIB_DIR="/home/alice/iRODS_DSI"
export DEST_BIN_DIR="/home/alice/iRODS_DSI"
export DEST_ETC_DIR="/home/alice/iRODS_DSI"
#export IRODS_40_COMPAT=""
install irods dev tools and runtime
sudo dpkg -i irods-dev-4.1.6-ubuntu14-x86_64.deb
sudo dpkg -i irods-runtime-4.1.6-ubuntu14-x86_64.deb
verify installed packages:
dpkg-query -l | grep irods
cmake CMakeLists.txt
root@iRODS4:~# mkdir .irods
root@iRODS4:~# vi ~/.irods/irods_environment.json
root@iRODS4:~# cat ~/.irods/irods_environment.json
"irods_host" : "localhost",
"irods_port" : 1247,
"irods_user_name" : "alice",
"irods_zone_name" : "aliceZone",
"irods_default_resource" : "demoResc"
init as gridftp user. Credentials: “alice:alice"
root@iRODS4:~# vi /etc/gridftp.conf
$irodsConnectAsAdmin "rods"
load_dsi_module iRODS
auth_level 4
vi /etc/init.d/globus-gridftp-server