Select videos for deletion according to their last view date.
When the plugin is installed it will add a "Cleanup" => "Unseen Videos" in main menu.
Default configuration of the plugin disables deletion. The plugin will fake the deletion process but nothing will be done.
Deletion can be enabled from the plugin settings.
- fix: UI doesn't match the application identity
- fix: date display doesn't respect user locale
- fix: menu item is visible whatever the user profile
- huge refactoring
- UI layout
- support number of months
- minimal support of french language
- support for actual deletion
- collect public, private, instance and un-listed videos note : no choice is possible.
- TEST only : WARNING using DAYS instead YEARS
- minimal GUI : vanilla javascript
- collect video to delete but don't delete them
- collect only public videos ( neither private, instance or un-listed )
- does not honor 'deletion' checkbox in plugin settings
- fully client side, use basic server api
Initial codebase was developed with the financial support of the Direction générale de l'administration et de la fonction publique (DGAFP) for the Ministère de l'Action publique, de la Fonction publique et de la Simplification (french ministry of public service) in the context of the Mentor initiative.