XCFit a.k.a (XCUI, Cucumberish and Fitnesse Integration Tests) is a full stack Xcode BDD framework for iOS apps written in Swift. XCFit allows us to write BDD Style API/Contract level, UI and Acceptance Tests with Swift in human readable language using tools like Given/When/Then, Cucumber and Fitnesse in Xcode. We can still use Apple's brand new UI Testing framework (XCUI) under the hood of XCFit and Cucumberish. XCFit provides automated Xcode templates to setup skeleton of BDD which are available on Homebrew, RubyGem. XCFit also packaged as Swift Framework to provide pre-defined BDD Steps written in Swift for Protocol Oriented BDD. XCFit Swift framework is available on CocoaPods, Carthage and Swift Package Manager.
Important Note : XCFit does not support macOS application.
- XCFit : Full Stack iOS BDD in Xcode
- XCFit Features
- Tech & Software Requirements
- Installation
- XCFit Swift Framework
- Setting Cucumberish BDD Scenarios in Xcode
- Advide on using pre-defined BDD Steps
- Fitnesse for iOS: Acceptance/Contract Tests
- Continuous Integration with Xcode Server
- XCFit: Swift Package Manager
- Quick Demo with Example App
- Step By Step Video Demo
- Acknowledgements
- Author
- Contributing
- You can now write Given When Then (Gherkin), Predefined BDD Steps and Decision Table in Xcode. In Short, you can do BDD in Xcode for your iOS app.
- XCFit is purely in Swift so no need to use other languages like Ruby, Java, Python to write acceptance and UI tests for iOS.
- XCFit provides automated Xcode Target Templates for Protocol Oriented BDD, Page Object Pattern, Cucumberish, Fitnesse and Page Object Pattern(XCUI) targets which reduce hectic Xcode configuration steps. It also arrange code in Xcode groups.
- XCFit will setup Xcode Templates with skeleton code and provide BDD Style Steps with Swift Framework which is available on Cocoapods, Carthage and Swift Package Manager.
- XCFit- Xcode Templates and Swift Framework for Protocol Oriented BDD and Paget Objects
XCFit provides templates for Protocol Oriented BDD using 'Protocol BDD Bundle' and Page Object Pattern for Apple's XCUI Test using 'XCUI POM Test Bundle' Templates. We can get pre-defined BDD steps by using XCFit Swift Framework from CocoaPods, Carthage and Swift Package Manager.
- Cucumberish BDD Framework and Cucucmber Style Xcode Templates(Optional Objective-C)
XCFit setup Cucumber style BDD framework with "Cucumberish UI Test Bundle' Templates.
- Fitnesse Acceptance Tests for iOS using OCSlim Project (Optional Objective-C)
XCFit allows us to setup Fitnesse style decision table test framework with OCSlimProject using 'Acceptance Tests Bundle' templates.
- CocoaPods -- XCFit-CocoaPods : XCFit Swift Frameworks and BDD Style predefined steps for the iOS App to support Protocol Oriented BDD.
- Carthage -- You can install XCFit Swift Framework with Carthage as well for iOS Projects
- Swift Package Manager -- Swift Package Manager doesn't support iOS projects yet but XCFit is compatible with Swift Package manager as well.
Homebrew - We can tap 'shashikant86/homebrew-taps' and Install XCFit to download Xcode Templates
RubyGems -- xcfit-RubyGem to get automated Xcode Templates
The Rubygem method is preferred.
XCFit is pure Swift but other libraries like Fitnesse and Cucumberish need some additional softwares.
You must have Mac Operating System with OSX/MacOS Sierra or above.
- Xcode 9
- XCFit 4 only Supports Xcode 8.3 and above however XCFit 3 can be used with Xcode 8.2
- Swift 4
- XCFit currenly support Swift 3.0 and Swift 3.1.
- Ruby
- Ruby is required to setup XCFit templates either using Homebrew or Rubygem. Use RVM for GEM management. Ideally Ruby > 2.X. You can use system Ruby with sudo.
- Curl on Mac
- Might be pre-installed but worth double checking.
- Homebrew Optional
- Fitnesse - Optional : You might need to have iOS-Sim, Java if you want to use Fitnesse.
XCFit installation has two steps.
- Xcode Template Installation
This will install Xcode Templates with skeleton code to support BDD in iOS app. The templates are XCUI based Protocol-oriented BDD templates, Page Object Templates, Cucumberish BDD Templates and OCSlim Fitnesse Templates (optional). The templates can be installed with xcfit-RubyGem or Homebrew. You need to select only one method of installtion. The rubygem method is preferred.
- Framework Installation
XCFit Swift Framework provides pre-defined BDD Style steps with XCUITest to support Protocol-oriented BDD and writing tests using Page Object pattern. The supporting Frameworks like Cucumberish and OCSlim which can be used to write BDD Steps. XCFit Swift Framework is available on XCFit-CocoaPods, Carthage and Swift Package manager. Cucumberish and OCSlimProject are available on Cocoapods.
XCFit templates can be installed using Rubygem.
If you can't use HomeBrew for some reason then XCFit can be installed using RubyGems. This will set our Xcode with BDD templates for XCFit and Cucumberish
$ gem install xcfit
You need to use with 'sudo' if you are using system (pre-installed) Ruby(2.0). XCFit gem will be used to set all the Xcode Templates for Xcode.
You can choose any of the above method. Rubygems method is prefered.
In existing app or brand new app, we have to enable the Xcode templates for targets to speed up the
To setup Templates for Xcode 8 for XCUI ptotocol-oriented BDD, Cucumberish target and Gherkin File Type.
$ xcfit setup_xcode_templates
- This will add couple of templates to your Xcode for iOS apps. In your app if you go to 'File--->New--->Target'
You will see new option for iOS i.e 'XCFit'. Once Clicked on it. You will see Protocol BDD, Cucumberish UI and Fitnesse Acceptance Tests. XCUI POM, Fitnesse Acceptance Unit Test bundles.
Note: With Xcode 10 New Build System, This target generated duplicate build phases like Compile Sources, Link Binary with Libraries, Cou Resources etc which blocks build. Workaround is simple visit the Target----> Build Phases and remove the duplicate build Phases.
XCFit, Cucumberish or OCSlimProject Framework can be installed using Cocoapods. XCFit and Cuucmberish can be installed using Carthage as well.
Cocoapods is quicker and more automated than Carthage. We can create Podfile
and add specific dependency for the target or we can use XCFit template Podfile
using command.
$ xcfit setup_xcfit_podfile
This will create a Podfile, you need to replace your XCFIT, CUCUMBERISH or FITNESSE target names as required.
We can install XCFit Cocoapods depending on Swift version we are using
Latest version should support
target '$_YOUR__TARGET' do
pod 'XCFit'
You can use any of the method above to setup Podfile
Now that, we have Podfile
setup, we can install dependencies using command
$ pod install
You need to close the existing Xcode session and Xcode Workspace .xcworkspace next time.
XCFit and Cucumberish can be installed as Cartahge. We need to create Cartfile
in the root of the project. Depending on which version of Swift you are using, we can use different tag
You can get latest tag to work with Swift 3.1 then Cartfile
can have following
github "Shashikant86/XCFit"
Now, we can fetch and build Carthage Dependencies using following command.
$ carthage update --platform iOS
This will checkout and build XCFit frameworks then we can manually drag those frameworks in the Build Phases
of the test targets. This will create 'Carthage' directory with built framework. We need to manually drag and drop this to our XCUIPoMTest' target build settings. On your application targets’ “General” settings tab, in the “Linked Frameworks and Libraries” section, drag and drop each framework you want to use from the Carthage/Build folder on disk. On your application targets’ “Build Phases” settings tab, click the “+” icon and choose “New Run Script Phase”. Create a Run Script in which you specify your shell (ex: bin/sh), add the following contents to the script area below the shell:
/usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks
and add the paths to the frameworks you want to use under “Input Files”, e.g.:
You can choose any of the above method but Cocoapods is easy and less manual.
XCFit can be installed with Swift Package Manager however Swift Package Manager isn't officially supported for iOS so we can use XCFit only for the standalone Libraries. We need to create Package.swift
file with following content.
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "XCFit",
dependencies: [
.Package(url: "https://github.com/Shashikant86/XCFit.git", majorVersion: 4.0.0),
Now we can use fetch XCFit using
$ swift package fetch
We can build, test package using the Commands available for the Swift Package Manager.
You can read step by step tutorial on my blog on Protocol-Oriented BDD here
XCFit template supports Protocol Oriented BDD. Swift is a protocol oriented language and we don't want to miss the point of Protocol, Extensions and Enums. To setup template. You can read step by step tutorial on my blog on Protocol-Oriented BDD here
From Xcode, create a new app(Or use existing app) and select File ---> New ----> Target
Now Select 'XCFit' for iOS app and Click on 'Protocol Oriented BDD Bundle'
Once Clicked Xcode will create UI testing target with properly structured Xcode Groups and required files. You can then make physical directories on Disk Or change the folder/group structure as per your need.
You may want to delete autogenerated UI test from Apple's standard template.
You don't have to so any setting to run those demo XCUI tests. Just CMD+U and You are good to go !
Note: With Xcode 10 New Build System, This target generated duplicate build phases like Compile Sources, Link Binary with Libraries, Cou Resources etc which blocks build. Workaround is simple visit the Target----> Build Phases and remove the duplicate build Phases.
- Feature.swift
It's your feature will all the requirements which can be written as Acceptance tests
- FeatureSteps.swift
It's extension on the Feature where you need to implement step definition in Given When Then format
- FeatureElements.swift
All the XCUIElements for that Feature.
- YOUR_TARGET_Test.swift
This is test where you call Given When Then from Extensions. You can import XCFit
framework and extend this class 'XCFit' and also confirms to 'Feature' protocol
- UITestBase.swift This is a base class for all the Test. Once XCFit imported then we can extend this class with XCFit to get the pre-defined steps.
You can get XCFit Framework easily with methods mentioned above. If you choose decided to use Cocoapods then create Podfile
and add specific dependency for the target
Cocoapods is more automated than Carthage. We can create Podfile
and add specific dependency for the target or we can use XCFit template Podfile
using command.
$ xcfit setup_xcfit_podfile
This will create a Podfile, you need to replace your target names as required and then follow the instructions above.
There are some predefined XCFit steps we can use by importing XCFit
and extending out test class to XCFit
. There are plenty of Pre-Defined BDD Style Steps available here. You can use predefined steps wherever they make sense however it's fairly easy to write your own.
You can simply import XCFit
inside the UITestBase
class and extend it to XCFit. You can also use FeatureSteps.swift
to implement or override some steps. You can read step by step tutorial on my blog on Protocol-Oriented BDD here
I would strongly recommend to use Protocol Oriented Approach for BDD and you can ignore the below mentioned patterns
XCFit templates gives an option to use very polular Page Object Pattern with Apple's Xcode UI Testing framework. You can install templates and start using the code straight way, no need to use framework unless you want to use pre-defined BDD style tests.
From Xcode, create a new app(Or use existing app) and selct File ---> New ----> Target
Now Select 'XCFit' for iOS app and Click on 'Page Object Test Bundle'
Once Clicked on the target e.g 'XCUI POM Test Bundle' Xcode will create UI testing target with properly structured Xcode Groups and required files. You can then make physical directories on Disk Or change the folder/group structure as per your need.
You may want to delete autogenerated UI test from Apple's standard template.
You don't have to so any setting to run those demo XCUI tests. Just CMD+U and You are good to go !
- YOUR_APP_TARGETPageObjectTests.swift
This file is at the base of the target. It's exactly same file that Apple's XCUI Test generate at first. You may use it for recording the tests or simply delete it if not needed.
- Screens
This is groups where we can abstract logic of every screen in the app. Example file are 'HomeScreen.swift' and 'BaseScreen.swift' This assumes that your apps is made up of multiple screens. You can write individual screen class which extend BaseScreen. All the functionality related to screen can be included in this class.
- Tests
This group has all the test for our app. Currently demo template has two tests 'HomeScreenTest.swift' and 'ProtocolOrientedTest.swift'. This examples shows how XCUI test can be implemented in the Object Orinted way and Protocol oriented way.
- TestBase
Testbase is group where we can abstract all setup, teardown and common stuff in the base class. Every Screen then use this class as base. You can add more stuff as needed e.g Fixtures, Launch Arguments
You can simply import XCFit
inside the test class and extend it to XCFit
You will get access to lots of predefined BDD style human readable steps. It's not mandatory to use those steps unless you wish.
Don't like Pre-defined steps, you can easily override the steps, covered in the later section here
Fastlane is a awesome tool for iOS Continuous Delivery which automates most of the iOS development tasks. We can use it to run tests written using XCFit, We can setup sample Fastfile
using XCFit command
$ xcfit setup_xcfit_fastfile
This will create template Fastfile with all the required lanes. You can replace the YOUR_SCHEME, WORKSPACE and other variables as required. We can then run
$ fastlane xcfit
This will run all our tests using Fastlane that will be easy to plug it with any CI server.
From Xcode, create a new app(Or use existing app) and selct File ---> New ----> Target
Now Select 'XCFit' for iOS app and Click on 'Cucumberish UI Test Bundle'
Once Clicked on the target e.g 'Cucumberish UI Test Bundle' Xcode will create UI testing target with all the required files with Bridging header for Cucumberish UI Testing. It create Page Object Pattern with all required files with screens, steps definitions and Cucumberish initialiser swift file.
Let's see what is inside the Cucumberish templates.
This file is at the base of the target. This initiate Cucumberish for project. We need to register all step definitions in this file.
- Screens
This is groups where we can abstract logic of every screen in the app. Example file are 'HomeScreen.swift'.
- Step_Definitions
This groups has all the step definitions related to screen. Example file 'HomeScreenSteps.swift'. Once implemented we need to register it in the initialiser file mentioned above.
- Common
This group has common code like extensions and common steps. The example file 'CommonStepDefinitions.swift' has some steps that can be used in the feature file.
- Supporting Files
This groups all the Objective-C headers and Bridging headers needed to get Cucumberish working with Swift.
- Features Directory
We don't have 'Features' directory in the template because it needs to have directory on the disk and should be added to Xcode as 'Folder Reference' not Group.
Create a Direcory called "Feature"
Now Add sample Gherkin Feature File to 'Features' directory either by File->New->Gherkin Or Just add it using your favourite text editor e.g demo.feature with content
Feature: Demo App Feature
Scenario: Demo Scenario
Given the app is running
Now Drag and Drop 'Features' directory to Xcode Cucumberish target
Select only 'Create folder references' Option. ** Do Not Select 'Create groups' Or 'Copy items if needed**'
Now, We have to get cucumberish framework either using Carthage or Cocoapods.
Cucumberish is one of the dependency of XCFit so you will get Cucumberish with XCFit while using it with Cocoapods however Carthage need more setup.
In order to get Cucumberish source content. There are few ways we can do that
- Cocoapods
Create a 'Podfile' if you don't have already. In your Podfile, add following Pod entry and update/install pod
- Swift 3.1
You can doenload latest version 4.0.0 to work with Swift 3.1
target '$_YOUR__TARGET' do
pod 'XCFit'
Now, we can install dependencies
$ pod install
Now close the existing Xcode session and Xcode Workspace .xcworkspace
next time.
We now have everything we needed to run demo Cucumber demo test. Update Scheme if don't want to run unit test or other type of tests. and press 'CMD+U'
Congratulations !! You have just ran your first Cucumber BDD Scenario in the Xcode.
XCFit adds 'Cucumberish' target to existing Scheme. You can remove that target and run separate scheme to keep it independent from Unit tests. Make sure you make the new scheme executable for Running.
Once you have setup XCFit Cucumberish templates, we need to get Cucumberish framework. In order to get Cucumberish using Carthage, we need to create Cartfile
with following content
- Swift 3.1
You can get Cucumberish
github "Ahmed-Ali/Cucumberish"
Now install, Carthage frameworks using commamnd
$ carthage update --platform iOS
This will chekcout and build XCFit and Cucumberish frameworks inside the Carthage
directory. Now we need to manually drag and drop frameworks in the build phases
of the Cucumberish target.
- From the build phases of the cucumberish target select
Link Binary with Libraries
and dragCucumberish.framework
directory - Add
New Copy Files Phase
and select destination as 'Frameworks' and Add Cucumberish Frameworks fromCarthage/Build/iOS
directory. Select 'Create Group' and 'Copy if needed' when prompted.
Once drag and drop is don and we have "Features" directory then we are ready to launch our BDD Style tests using 'CMD+U'. The entire Carthage Setup looks like this
There are some pre-defined Cucumberish Steps available to use directly without any need to implement in the step definition. You can see list of steps here. You already have those steps in the 'CommonStepDefinitions.swift' file. You can modify the steps as per your project need or add your own. Don't like Pre-defined steps, you can easily override the steps, covered in the later section here
XCFit has pre-defined steps for both XCFit Swift framework as well as Cucumberish framework.
It's recommended to use your own steps as predefined steps might not read well for your project needs. Pre-defined steps gives you guidance on how to implement your own step, however you can use pre-defined steps wherever they make sense to avoid duplication.
You can easily override pre-defined BDD Style Steps by writing Swift Extensions and Changing Common step definitions in the Cucumberish 'CommonStepDefinitions.swift' file.
XCFit has a step givenILaunchedApplication()
and you are not happy about the wordings. You can easily write and Extension and your steps like this :
extension XCFit {
func givenMyiOSApplicationHasBeenLaunched() {
Now you can use your own givenMyiOSApplicationHasBeenLaunched()
step anywhere inside the Test target.
XCFit template for setting Cucumberish has the Swift code for the all pre-defined Cucumberish BDD Steps inside the 'CommonStepDefinitions.swift' file. You just need to add your own steps accordingly or change the exiasting one.
If you really wanted to get more information about Fitnnese for iOS, please follow documentation on OCSlim project. XCFit adopted the framework as dependeny to make it full stack BDD and might not be able to keep up with that for long. It's worth navigate to OCSlim Project from this point but I will cover basic setup here. Fitnesse is fully integrated standalone wiki and acceptance testing framework for BDD Style testing. As of now we have seen Cucumber and Page Object pattern test frameworks. We will cover basic setup as part of this document. Before get started make sure, you have Fitnesse Xcode templates installed
From Xcode, create a new app(Or use existing app) and select File ---> New ----> Target
Now Select 'XCFit' for iOS app and Click on 'iOS Acceptance Tests '
Once Clicked on the target e.g 'OS Acceptance Tests' Xcode will create new target with all required files and groups for Acceptance testing
Select 'Acceptance Test' Scheme from Xcode and try to build by pressing CMD+B
The build might fail as we need fix some Swift3 related issue as well as we need to add XCFit/OCSlimProject Pod to the to the podfile.
- To Fix Swift Issue : Just Click on ‘Edit-> Convert-> To Current Swift Syntax
- To Fix Pod issue : Add 'OCSlimProject' for AcceptanceTests target
target 'AcceptanceTests' do
pod 'OCSlimProject'
$ pod install
Now, You should be able to build 'Acceptance Tests" target.
You should also note that, the script 'Launch Fitnesse' has been created in the base of the project. Launch the fitness by exucuting that script from command line
$ sh Launch Fitnesse
The browser will popup with example test. You should be able to excute that suite and see then running and passing
If you get any errors at this stage, please confirm that you have Java as well as ios-sim node package installed.
So, Congratulations again.. You have just executed Fitnesse test fro browser which is talking to your app.
You can also setup Fitnesse Acceptance Tests but you need to use Cocoapods for this target.
You can find detailed blog post on Dzone
We have all the predefined targets for FitNesse. Just add “Acceptance Tests” target from the template and “AcceptanceUnitTests” target from the bundle. You will need “FitNesse Suite page name” to create this target but just put “OCSlimProjectExamplePage” there for now . Add your ‘AcceptanceTests’ target as a ‘Target Dependancy’ of this new target in Build Phases. This ensures that it the latest code has been built prior to the tests being run.
We need to create a “Podfile” at the root of the project with the following content.
target 'AcceptanceUnitTests' do
pod 'OCSlimProjectTestBundleSupport'
Now, we can run ‘pod install’ at this stage and close the current Xcode session and open project workspace.
At this stage, we should be able to build the “Acceptance Tests” target. If you are using Xcode8, you might see some warning related to the Swift3 Syntax. Just Click on ‘Edit-> Convert-> To Current Swift Syntax
Now you should be able to build an “Acceptance Tests” target. Once, build is successful, you should see “LaunchFitnesse” script is generated in the root of the project. We can launch and execute the fitness test as shown below.
Now if you select “AcceptanceUnitTarget” and press CMD+U.
Now we can see that FitNesse tests are running as shown above. We can add this to main scheme to make sure we are running it after the unit tests to follow proper development workflow. We can build and run it as our normal unit tests.
You can read my detailed blog on how to setup Xcode Server for XCFit package on Dzone Xcode Continuous Integration with Xcode Server
Swift Package Manager doesn't officially support iOS projects (Xcode Templates) but We can use it for building packages. XCFit will be having full on support for XCUI Test helpers so that we can use Apple's XCUI Test Framework painless to use. There is sample swift package on Github to test XCFit Full Documetation and API implementation still in progress. You can grab it like this
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "XCFit",
dependencies: [
.Package(url: "https://github.com/Shashikant86/XCFit.git", majorVersion: 4.0.0),
You can clone the existing repo which has a demo app we can run Unit, Fitnesse and Cucumbertish Tests as XCTest
$ git clone https://github.com/Shashikant86/XCFit4Demo
$ cd XCFit4Demo
$ open XCFit4Demo.xcworkspace/
Run XCUI and Cucumberish test with Xcode using 'XCFit4Demo' Scheme, press "cmd + U". You can also use "AcceptanceUnitTests" target/scheme and press "CMD+U" to run fitnesse tests. You can script it with xcodebuild
or Fastlane Tools.
You can watch step by step video demo on Youtube. Click the link below
Big Thanks to
- Cucumberish : Provide native Gherkin parser for iOS Apps to enable BDD in Xcode using Given When Then. Yay!
- OCSlimProject : Provide Xcode Templates to enable BDD with Decision Tables using Fitnesse
Shashikant86, shashikant.jagtap@icloud.com
Copyright © 2014 Shashikant Jagtap, http://shashikantjagtap.net
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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