The Dagger (XDAG) Qt Wallet
Community site:
The Main net was launched January 5, 2018 at 22:45 GMT.
The purpose of the project is making a light Xdag Wallet that can cross platform(such as Linux,Windows,MacOs) easily£¬and in the near future this project will be ported on Arm Architecture so that mobile devices can use the Xdag Wallet¡£
Install dependencies:
visual studio 2015(2017):
Notice: Remember choose the Visual C++ Componet
Windows SDK( windows software development kit ):
Notice: When you install the win debuger,you must choose the option "Debugging Tools for windows"£¬if your are a starter of Windows SDK£¬all options are suggested to choose¡£
Notice: Qt5.7.1 has been included Qt Creator 4.2.0
Clone from the git repository:
$ git clone
Open Qt Creator 4.2.0 and Configure the project
(1)Files --> Open Files Or Project Open the Qt project file in the relative path "qt\QtXdagWallet\" (2) Configure the compiler and debugger Tools --> Options --> Build and Run£¬and make sure the following option is auto detected Kit: make sure the kit is Desktop Qt %{Qt:Version} MSVC2015_64bit Debugger: make sure the Windows Debug Tools in the Windows SDK is auto detected: my Windows Debug Tools is auto detected in the path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x86\cdb.exe" Qt Version: make sure you qmake.exe path is auto detected my qt version is auto detected as "H:\Qt\Qt5.7.1\5.7\msvc2015_64\bin\qmake.exe"; Compiler: make sure your compiler is microsoft visual C++ 14.0 or higher (3) Set the build dir (Project --> Build) Click the project button in the Qt Creator 4.2.0 and Configure the Build Options£¬DISABLE the Shadow Build (4) Copy your Xdag Wallet File (if you already have an Xdag Wallet Account JUST FOR DEVELOPMENT) copy your xdag wallet file for development to the relative path "QtXdagWallet\qt\QtXdagWallet" (5) Right Click the Project "QtXdagWallet " and Run
Detailed Technical tutorials With Pictures
If you want to see the Technical tutorials with pictures you can view the document on this branch "QtXdagWallet/doc/cn/Run Xdag With Qt5.7.1+VS2015.docx"
Contact information ( )
If you have any question and suggest on this project you can send email to my GMail¡£
Bill (Xdag Address: ABnr08l/kpFfvKLDBzv0+smQhbJo1RVy )