Sunny has been upgraded from 2.x to 3.x, with changes to the repository name and domain. This site serves as a transitional platform to prevent issues such as broken links or parsing errors.
由于 Sunny 从 2.x 升级到 3.x,仓库名称和域名已更改变。 因此,本网站作为过渡站点,以避免链接跳转失败或解析异常等问题。
Site changed: →
SunnyCapturer is a simple and beautiful cross-platform screenshot software tool that supports OCR to extract text from images, image translation, and pinning images to the screen, among other features.
SunnyCapturer 是一款简单且漂亮的跨平台截图软件工具,支持 OCR 从图片中提取文本,图片翻译,以及将图片钉在屏幕上等功能。
Official Website & Download & Doc | 官网 & 下载 & 用户手册:
open source Code | 代码开源: