You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.Dismiss alert
Links to demo site with this issue (链接到这个 Issue 的演示网站)
Links to source code of the blog with this issue (链接到这个 Issue 的博客源代码)
Steps to reproduce the behavior | 重现步骤
First step ... (第一步 ...)
Second step ... (第二步 ...)
Third step ... (第三步 ...)
Node.js and NPM Information | Node.js 和 NPM 信息
$ node -v && npm -v
Hexo Configuration | Hexo 配置
# Hexo Configuration## Docs: Source: Sitetitle: NgHon's Blogsubtitle: ''description: Personal Blogkeywords:
author: Nghonlanguage: entimezone: ''# URL## Set your site url here. For example, if you use GitHub Page, set url as ''url: http://example.compermalink: :year/:month/:day/:title/permalink_defaults:
trailing_index: true # Set to false to remove trailing 'index.html' from permalinkstrailing_html: true # Set to false to remove trailing '.html' from permalinks# Directorysource_dir: sourcepublic_dir: publictag_dir: tagsarchive_dir: archivescategory_dir: categoriescode_dir: downloads/codei18n_dir: :langskip_render:
# Writingnew_post_name: # File name of new postsdefault_layout: posttitlecase: false # Transform title into titlecaseexternal_link:
enable: true # Open external links in new tabfield: site # Apply to the whole siteexclude: ''filename_case: 0render_drafts: falsepost_asset_folder: falserelative_link: falsefuture: truesyntax_highlighter: highlight.jshighlight:
line_number: trueauto_detect: truetab_replace: ''wrap: truehljs: falseprismjs:
enable: falsepreprocess: trueline_number: truetab_replace: ''# Home page setting# path: Root path for your blogs index page. (default = '')# per_page: Posts displayed per page. (0 = disable pagination)# order_by: Posts order. (Order by date descending by default)index_generator:
path: ''per_page: 10order_by: -date# Category & Tagdefault_category: uncategorizedcategory_map:
# Metadata elements## true# Date / Time format## Hexo uses Moment.js to parse and display date## You can customize the date format as defined in## YYYY-MM-DDtime_format: HH:mm## updated_option supports 'mtime', 'date', 'empty'updated_option: 'mtime'# Pagination## Set per_page to 0 to disable paginationper_page: 10pagination_dir: page# Include / Exclude file(s)## include:/exclude: options only apply to the 'source/' folderinclude:
# Extensions## Plugins: Themes: ils# Deployment## Docs:
type: gitrepo: mainjsonContent:
meta: falsepages: falseposts:
title: truedate: truepath: truetext: trueraw: falsecontent: falseslug: falseupdated: falsecomments: falselink: falsepermalink: falseexcerpt: falsecategories: falsetags: truemathjax:
tags: none # or 'ams' or 'all'single_dollars: true # enable single dollar signs as in-line math delimiterscjk_width: 0.9# relative CJK char widthnormal_width: 0.6# relative normal (monospace) widthappend_css: true # add CSS to every pageevery_page: false # if true, every page will be rendered by mathjax regardless the `mathjax` setting in Front-matter of each article
Keep Configuration | Keep 配置
## ======================================================================================## Hexo Theme Keep## Documents: Repository: ======================================================================================# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Docs: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------base_info:
# Theme primary colorprimary_color: "#0066cc"# Blog website titletitle: Han's Blog# Blog website author nameauthor: NgHon# Author avatar, You can use local image path or image linkavatar: Website LOGO, You can use local image path or image linklogo: Website favicon, You can use local image path or image linkfavicon: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Docs: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# If you want to enable a new navigation menu, you need to create a corresponding page# e.g. to enable categories, you need to execute `hexo new page categories`# Use `||` to set icon for navigation menu, e.g. `home: / || fa-solid fa-home`menu:
home: / || fa-solid fa-homearchives: /archives || fa-solid fa-box-archive# tags: /tags # || fa-solid fa-tagscategories: /categories || fa-solid fa-layer-group# links: /links # || fa-solid fa-link# photos: /photos # || fa-solid fa-image# tools: /tools # || fa-solid fa-toolsabout: /about || fa-solid fa-user-graduate# ......# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Docs: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------first_screen:
enable: true # Option values: true | false# First screen background image in light mode, You can use local image path or image linkbackground_img: /images/bg.svg# First screen background image in dark mode, You can use local image path or image linkbackground_img_dark: /images/bg.svg# First screen description# You can use the "||" to begin a newline, maximum is two lines.description: The Future Only Depends on Current State, Not the History.# If enable hitokoto, first screen description is different every time when you enter the websitehitokoto: true # Option values: true | false# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Docs: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------social_contact:
enable: true # Option values: true | falselinks:
# Fill in your social platform links here, e.g. `github:`# If you want to click open the picture, you need to add a prefix `img | `,# at the same time change your link to the image link.# e.g. `weixin: img | ./images/qrcode.png`github: ''# GitHubweixin: img | ./images/wechat.jpg # WeChat# qq: # QQ# weibo: # WeiBo# zhihu: # ZhiHu# twitter: # Twitter# x: # X# facebook: # Facebookemail: # Email# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Docs: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------scroll:
# Show progress bar in top when page scrollprogress_bar: true # Option values: true | false# Show percent when page scrollpercent: true # Option values: true | false# Hide header in top when page scrollhide_header: true # Option values: true | false# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Docs: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------home:
# Website announcement in home pageannouncement:
# Show category in home page post blockcategory: true # Option values: true | false# Show tags in home page post blocktag: true # Option values: true | false# Set the datetime type of home page post blockpost_datetime: updated # Option values: updated | created# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Docs: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------post:
# Author badge in the postauthor_badge:
enable: true # Option values: true | false# If true, show Lv1, Lv2, Lv3 ...# If false, show custom badgelevel_badge: false # Option values: true | false# Custom badge array, You can be fill one or more itemcustom_badge: ["萌新"]# Post word count# Depend on Hexo Plugin: hexo-wordcount (`npm install hexo-wordcount`)# See:
wordcount: true # Word count, one post. Option values: true | falsemin2read: true # Time to read, one post. Option values: true | false# Post datetimedatetime_format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"# Datetime format. e.g. "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"# Post copyright infocopyright_info: true # Option values: true | false# Post shareshare: false # Option values: true | false# Reward authorreward:
enable: false # Option values: true | falseimg_link: # Image link for the payment QR codetext: # Custom reward text, Can be null# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Docs: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------code_block:
# Toolbar include: "code copy", "code block collapse" and "code language"tools:
enable: true # Option values: true | falsestyle: mac # Option values: default | machighlight_theme: obsidian # Option values: default | obsidian# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Docs: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------toc:
enable: true # Option values: true | false# Automatically add list number to tocnumber: false # Option values: true | false# If true, all level of TOC in a post will be displayed, rather than the activated part of it.expand_all: true # Option values: true | false# If true, auto open TOC every time when you enter post pageinit_open: true # Option values: true | false# TOC layout on post pagelayout: right # Option values: left | right# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Docs: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------website_count:
# busuanzi# See:
enable: true # Option values: true | falsesite_uv: false # Option values: true | falsesite_pv: true # Option values: true | falsepage_pv: true # Option values: true | false# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Docs: Depend on Hexo Plugin: hexo-generator-searchdb (`npm install hexo-generator-searchdb`)# See: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------local_search:
enable: false# If auto, trigger search by changing input.# If manual, trigger search by pressing enter key or search button.# 输入关键字后的触发搜索,可选 自动 auto 或 手动 manual。# auto 每输入或删除一个字符后,自动触发搜索。# manual 每输入或删除一个字符后,需要按回车键触发搜索。trigger: auto # values: auto | manual# Unescape html strings to the readable one.# 转义 HTML 字符串为可读字符串。unescape: false# Preload the search data when the page loads.# 在页面加载时预加载搜索数据preload: true# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Docs: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------comment:
enable: false # Option values: true | falseuse: valine # Option values: valine | gitalk | twikoo | waline | giscus | artalk | disqus# Valine# See: https://valine.js.orgvaline:
appid: # Your leancloud application appidappkey: # Your leancloud application appkeyserver_urls: # Your Server URLplaceholder: # Input box placeholder# Gitalk# See: https://gitalk.github.iogitalk:
github_id: # GitHub repo ownergithub_admins: # GitHub Admins (in Array type), optionalrepository: # Repository name to store issuesclient_id: # GitHub Application Client IDclient_secret: # GitHub Application Client Secretproxy: # GitHub oauth request reverse proxy for CORS# Twikoo# See: https://twikoo.js.orgtwikoo:
env_id: # Environment IDregion: # Environment region, Can be nullversion: 1.6.36 # Twikoo version, default use v1.6.36# Waline# See:
server_url: # Server URLreaction: false # Post reactions, option values: true | falseversion: 3.2.1 # Waline version, default use v3.2.1# Giscus# See: Please generate your configuration items in https://giscus.appgiscus:
category: Announcements # Recommend use Announcementscategory_id:
reactions_enabled: false # Option values: true | false# Artalk# See: https://artalk.js.orgartalk:
server: # Server URL# Disqus# See:
shortname: # Disqus Shortname# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Docs: Depend on Hexo Plugin: hexo-generator-feed (`npm install hexo-generator-feed`)# See: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rss:
enable: false # Option values: true | false# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Docs: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------lazyload:
enable: false # Option values: true | false# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Docs: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cdn:
enable: false # Option values: true | falseprovider: cdnjs # Option values: cdnjs | jsdelivr | unpkg# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Docs: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------pjax:
enable: false # Option values: true | false# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Docs: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------footer:
since: 2020# The starting year of your website, Can be nullword_count: false # Option values: true | falsesite_deploy:
enable: false # Option values: true | falseprovider: github # Option values: github | vercel | netlify | cloudflare | gitee | aliyun | tencent_cloud | upyunurl: # Your deployment provider url, Can be nullrecord:
enable: false # Option values: true | falselist:
- code: # record code of your websitelink: # record link of your website, Can be null# e.g.# - code: ICP 001# - link: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Docs: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------inject:
enable: false # Option values: true | falsecss:
# e.g.# - /css/custom-1.css# - /css/custom-2.css# - ...js:
# e.g.# - /js/custom-1.js# - /js/custom-2.js# - ...
Other Information | 其它信息
No response
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
Issue Checklist | Issue 检查清单
or later. (使用 Keep4.1.5
或更高版本)Expected behavior | 预期行为


当我使用在head中使用 code_block_shrink: false
此时codeBlock的折叠功能失效,code_block_shrink: true正常,但是对于长代码快会自动折叠不是很喜欢
Actual behavior | 实际行为
Steps to reproduce the behavior | 重现步骤
Node.js and NPM Information | Node.js 和 NPM 信息
Hexo Configuration | Hexo 配置
Keep Configuration | Keep 配置
Other Information | 其它信息
No response
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: