Gripsack is an android app that allows a user to plan trips, assist a user during their active trip and share completed trips with friends.
The following required functionality is completed:
User can act on places
[] A User can sign in to the app with facebook or google
[] A User can send invitation to their contacts to use an App
[] Users can explore places near by
- [] Users can search place by type, name or address.
- [] Users can add place to their bucketlist. Bucketlist is a list of places users must visit.
- [] Users can like place
- [] Users can checkin to a place and mark it as visited once user is located near the place.
- [] Users can recommend place to their friends once user checked in.
[] Users can view the list of places using the following tabs:
- [] Bucketlist Shows the list of places user must visit.
- [] User can remove place
- [] User can add new place
- [] Liked Shows the list of places user liked.
- [] User can unlike place by removing place from the list
- [] User can add place to the bucketlist
- [] Recommended Users can see the list of places recommended by their friends or an app.
- [] User can hide place by removing place from the list
- [] User can add place to the bucketlist
- [] User can like place
- [] Visited Users can see the list of places they visited.
- [] User can recommend place to their friends
- [] User can like place
- [] Bucketlist Shows the list of places user must visit.
[] User can create new trip:
- [] User can provide starting/ending dates, starting and ending points and trip type (business, personal)
- [] User can add places to the trip by using recommendation engine of the app
[] User can edit trip info:
- [] User can change starting/ending dates, starting and ending points and trip type (business, personal)
- [] User can add/remove places to the trip by using recommendation engine of the app
[] User can view trip info:
- [] User can check in to place near by
- [] User can take photo and it should create check point
[] Users can view the list of their trips using the following tabs:
- [] Upcoming Shows the list of upcoming trips.
- [] Active trip should have distinct look and provide useful info
- [] User can launch trip editor by clicking on the trip
- [] Completed Shows the list of completed trips.
- [] User can share trip with their friends
- [] User can archive trip
- [] User can launch trip viewer by clicking on the trip
- [] Maps Users can see the list of maps for all their trips.
- [] User can share map with others
- [] User can view map by clicking on item
- [] Photos Users can see the list of photos grouped by trip.
- [] User can share trip photos with others
- [] User can open photo galary viewer by clicking on items
- [] Upcoming Shows the list of upcoming trips.
The following optional features are implemented:
- [] Implements robust error handling, check if internet is available, handle error cases, network failures
- [] Replaced Filter Settings Activity with a lightweight modal overlay
- [] Improved the user interface and experiment with image assets and/or styling and coloring
The following bonus features are implemented:
- [] Use Parcelable instead of Serializable using the popular Parceler library.
- [] Leverages the data binding support module to bind data into layout templates.
- [] Replace all icon drawables and other static image assets with vector drawables where appropriate.
- [] Replace Picasso with Glide for more efficient image rendering.
- [] Uses retrolambda expressions to cleanup event handling blocks.
- [] Leverages the popular GSON library to streamline the parsing of JSON data.
- [] Leverages the Retrofit networking library to access the New York Times API.
- [] Replace the embedded
with Chrome Custom Tabs using a custom action button for sharing. (2 points)
Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:
Describe any challenges encountered while building the app.