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Not recommended for new designs.

DECUP is an acronym for Decoder Update, a protocol for ZPP and ZSU updates over the track. The protocol is currently supported by the following products:

Table of Contents
  1. Protocol
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage



The protocol was developed for the MXDECUP, an update device without a microprocessor. The device placed a UART signal (at that time ±12V) more or less directly on the tracks. The connection itself uses LSB first 38400 baud 8N2, i.e. 8 data bits, no parity and 2 stop bits. A special feature is that the RTS line is used to switch the track voltage on and off.


In principle, the receiver (decoder) has the option of responding with one or two short-circuit pulses after a transmission in the time window provided for this purpose. These pulses are <8µs long and, if two pulses are made, come at an interval of exactly 300µs. The duration of the entire time window can unfortunately vary, which is why in the following it is explicitly stated for each transmission how long, if at all, to wait for a response.


In its original version, the protocol was intended exclusively for ZSU updates. For this reason, the decoder update procedure does not have any meaningfully segmented packets, but simply sends a bunch of raw data whose meaning is determined solely by the sequence.


The following two bytes represent the entry sequence for a ZSU firmware update. The two bytes must each be sent at least 20 times, with a pause of at least 200µs between each byte.

Length Value Description
1 byte 0xBF First preamble byte
Length Value Description
1 byte 0xEF Second preamble byte

Decoder ID

After entry, the decoder IDs (e.g. 221 for MX645) are sent one by one to determine which decoder is connected. A connected decoder responds with a double pulse.

Length Value Description
1 byte >0x80 Single byte decoder ID (found in ZSU file)
1 ms || Double pulse on success

Block count

Next, the block count is transmitted.

Length Value Description
1 byte Block count
1 ms | Single pulse on success

The block count is directly proportional to the number of update blocks actually transmitted and is calculated as follows.

uint8_t block_count = firmware_size / 256u + 8u - 1u;

Security bytes

The block count followed by the transmission of two security bytes, first 0x55, then 0xAA.

Length Value Description
1 byte 0x55 First security byte
5 ms | Single pulse on success
Length Value Description
1 byte 0xAA Second security byte
5 ms | Single pulse on success


Then the transfer of the actual firmware blocks can finally begin.

Length Value Description
1 byte Current block count
32 or 64 byte Firmware data
1 byte XOR checksum
100 ms | or || Single pulse on failure
Double pulse on success

For feedback, a double pulse counts as ack and a single pulse as nak. If a decoder only responds with a single pulse, the block can be repeated.


Please note that the blocks must be of different lengths depending on the decoder ID. Decoders with ID 200, 202, 203, 204 and 205 use 32 byte long blocks, all other decoders use 64 bytes.


When the first generation of ZIMO sound decoders (MX) was developed, the DECUP protocol was extended to include ZPP updates.Fortunately, the meaning of the transmitted data no longer depends only on the order, but command codes have been defined.


In contrast to the ZSU update, the entry sequence has been extended by another 0xEF byte. The 200µs pause between each individual byte must also be observed here.

Length Value Description
1 byte 0xBF First preamble byte
Length Value Description
1 byte 0xEF Second preamble byte
Length Value Description
1 byte 0xEF Third preamble byte

CV Read

CV Read reads a single CV value from a decoder. Since a single CV value naturally has 8 bits, the receiver is offered 8 feedback windows within the packet, in each of which one bit must be reported back as set or cleared.

Length Value Description
1 byte 0x01 Command
1 byte CV address high byte
1 byte CV address low byte
1 ms | or || Single pulse if bit0 cleared
Double pulse if bit0 set
1 byte 0xFF
1 ms | or || Single pulse if bit1 cleared
Double pulse if bit1 set
1 byte 0xFF
1 ms | or || Single pulse if bit2 cleared
Double pulse if bit2 set
1 byte 0xFF
1 ms | or || Single pulse if bit3 cleared
Double pulse if bit3 set
1 byte 0xFF
1 ms | or || Single pulse if bit4 cleared
Double pulse if bit4 set
1 byte 0xFF
1 ms | or || Single pulse if bit5 cleared
Double pulse if bit5 set
1 byte 0xFF
1 ms | or || Single pulse if bit6 cleared
Double pulse if bit6 set
1 byte 0xFF
1 ms | or || Single pulse if bit7 cleared
Double pulse if bit7 set

CV Write (Deprecated)

CV Write writes a single CV value to a decoder.

Length Value Description
1 byte 0x02 Command
1 byte 0xAA
1 byte CV address high byte
1 byte CV address low byte
1 byte CV value
1 ms | Single pulse on success


This version of the command is deprecated and only provided here for documentation purposes. If your decoder expects this command, please update the firmware.

CV Write

CV Write writes a single CV value to a decoder.

Length Value Description
1 byte 0x06 Command
1 byte 0xAA
1 byte CV address high byte
1 byte CV address low byte
1 byte CRC8 checksum
1 byte CV value
1 ms | Single pulse on success

Flash Erase

Flash Erase erases the entire flash memory. Please note that deleting a NOR flash can take up to 60s depending on the manufacturer and type.

Length Value Description
1 byte 0x03 Command
1 byte 0x55
1 byte 0xFF
1 byte 0xFF
? | Single pulse on success

Flash Write (Deprecated)

Flash Write writes to flash memory.

Length Value Description
1 byte 0x03 Command
1 byte 0x55
1 byte Block count high byte
1 byte Block count low byte
256 byte
1 byte XOR checksum (starting at the block count)
1 ms | or || Single pulse on failure
Double pulse on success


This version of the command is deprecated and only provided here for documentation purposes. If your decoder expects this command, please update the firmware.

Flash Write

Flash Write writes to flash memory.

Length Value Description
1 byte 0x05 Command
1 byte 0x55
1 byte Block count high byte
1 byte Block count low byte
256 byte
1 byte CRC8 checksum (starting at the block count, initial value 0x55)
1 ms | or || Single pulse on failure
Double pulse on success

Decoder ID

Decoder ID reads a single byte decoder ID. Just like the CV Read command, this one contains 8 feedback windows.

Length Value Description
1 byte 0x04 Command
1 ms | or || Single pulse if bit0 cleared
Double pulse if bit0 set
1 byte 0xFF
1 ms | or || Single pulse if bit1 cleared
Double pulse if bit1 set
1 byte 0xFF
1 ms | or || Single pulse if bit2 cleared
Double pulse if bit2 set
1 byte 0xFF
1 ms | or || Single pulse if bit3 cleared
Double pulse if bit3 set
1 byte 0xFF
1 ms | or || Single pulse if bit4 cleared
Double pulse if bit4 set
1 byte 0xFF
1 ms | or || Single pulse if bit5 cleared
Double pulse if bit5 set
1 byte 0xFF
1 ms | or || Single pulse if bit6 cleared
Double pulse if bit6 set
1 byte 0xFF
1 ms | or || Single pulse if bit7 cleared
Double pulse if bit7 set

CRC or XOR Query (Deprecated)

Queries a decoder wether it support a CRC8 checksum. Just like the CV Read command, this one contains 8 feedback windows. A returned value of 1 indicates that CRC8 checksums are supported.

Length Value Description
1 byte 0x07 Command
1 ms | or || Single pulse if bit0 cleared
Double pulse if bit0 set
1 byte 0xFF
1 ms | or || Single pulse if bit1 cleared
Double pulse if bit1 set
1 byte 0xFF
1 ms | or || Single pulse if bit2 cleared
Double pulse if bit2 set
1 byte 0xFF
1 ms | or || Single pulse if bit3 cleared
Double pulse if bit3 set
1 byte 0xFF
1 ms | or || Single pulse if bit4 cleared
Double pulse if bit4 set
1 byte 0xFF
1 ms | or || Single pulse if bit5 cleared
Double pulse if bit5 set
1 byte 0xFF
1 ms | or || Single pulse if bit6 cleared
Double pulse if bit6 set
1 byte 0xFF
1 ms | or || Single pulse if bit7 cleared
Double pulse if bit7 set


This version of the command is deprecated and only provided here for documentation purposes. If your decoder expects this command, please update the firmware.

Typical process

ZSU Update

  1. Entry to enter ZSU firmware updates
  2. Decoder ID to find connected decoder type
  3. Block Count
  4. Security Bytes
  5. Blocks to transmit ZSU firmware data

ZPP Update

  1. Entry to enter ZPP sound updates
  2. CV Read to read CV8 (2x)
  3. Decoder ID to read decoder ID (2x)
  4. CV Read to read CV7 (2x)
  5. Flash Erase to erase ZPP sound flash
  6. Flash Write to write ZPP sound flash
  7. CV Write to write CVs

Getting Started


  • C++23 compatible compiler
  • CMake ( >= 3.25 )
  • Optional


This library is meant to be consumed with CMake,

# Either by including it with CPM

# or the FetchContent module
  GIT_TAG v0.1.0)

target_link_libraries(YourTarget PRIVATE DECUP::DECUP)

or, on ESP32 platforms, with the IDF Component Manager by adding it to a idf_component.yml file.

    version: "0.1.0"




On ESP32 platforms examples from the examples subfolder can be built directly using the IDF Frontend. create-project-from-example "zimo-elektronik/decup^0.1.0:esp32"




DECUP protocol for ZPP and ZSU updates




