We are the Zclassic Community Development Team.
We are the organic continuation of the vibrant Zclassic Community that launched Bitcoin Private into being. We are in no way preempting other groups from making their own proposal or from starting their own efforts. We are in no way preempting the Bitcoin Private team in their further plans about Zclassic. All our volunteer efforts and contributions are made in the community spirit to maintain both Zclassic code and network and to further promote its properties of antifragility, openness and decentralization. Zclassic MUST be ROBUST.
(this is originally partly based on this list: https://workflowy.com/s/IBvO.xDLlYhUKoy)
- as the first and foremost fork of Zcash and the most immaculate version of zk-SNARKs with just the Founders' Tax removed from its code, Zclassic has great historical, technological, and philosophical value in the world of cryptocurrency, if not in the world itself — No Taxation without Representation!
- alternate and continuing developers of Zclassic code have been testing an updated version at par with the core code of Zcash 1.0.14 full node client and experimenting with a user-friendly alternate ZCL wallet based on Electron wrapper as a front-end, both of which we encourage users and collaborators to try and test:
- Zclassic Full Node: version 1.0.14 released—https://github.com/ZclassicDev/zclassic/releases
- Electron ZCL Wallet: alpha web UI demo—http://zcl.biorec.org.uk/Web/
- we intend to skip merging code changes from Zcash 1.0.15 and go straight to integrating development for version 1.1.1 #OverWinter scheduled for end of June, and it is possible to implement a network upgrade later in July after testing and thorough discussion with the Zclassic community and in consultation with miners, mining pool operators, previous maintainers of Zclassic code and the Bitcoin Private Team
- the foregoing proposed schedule may be subject to change accordingly after such discussion and consultation with the wider community, it is possible that mandatory network upgrades could be delayed if stakeholders would want to stall until a new “official team” is announced
- it is our intention to continue developing Zclassic independently, as well as to keep in pace with developments from Zcash, ZenCash and Bitcoin Private with relevant code back-ported after rigorous testing, fostering values enshrined in every successful free software project and open source development
- we intend to continue the collaboration of the Zclassic community and its developers with the Bitcoin Private community, on the basis not only of common history and common code between them but also in parallel developments in the future
- in this area lies a role yet still for Zclassic in future Bitcoin Private development:
- any consensus-changing major network upgrade parallel or analogue to Zcash upgrades can be tested on Zclassic first before proper implementation in Bitcoin Private (should developers decide to adopt it), based on a well-founded premise that Zclassic remains the closest fork to Zcash, and we intend to maintain it that way; it is Zclassic's greatest strength and viability;
- we invite not only the Bitcoin Private Team but potentially other Zcash-forks as well to look at Zclassic development as a principled and stable staging ground for major upgrades parallel to Zcash itself;
- zk-STARKs are coming, and Zclassic is the North, successful preparation and testing on Zclassic will be beneficial to the entire ecosystem of the Z-fork family
- aside from trying to get Zclassic listed on more centralized exchanges, we welcome the possibility of more closely collaborating with decentralized exchanges like BarterDEX because on-boarding new users requires Zclassic to become easier to acquire online on more platforms
- BarterDEX is an especially attractive partner, not only because of its decentralized model but also because its core Komodo platform is a fellow Zcash-fork at its core, integration with a user-friendly interface on a secure and private platform would be very interesting, to say the least
- if a special partnership and collaboration with BarterDEX developers is successful, [
it could pave the way to a possible listing of Bitcoin Private there, as well,]—DONE this is good for the wider ecosystem because centralized exchanges are, well, centralized and closed off to public scrutiny, yet subject to state regulation, therefore: uncensorable, anonymous, decentralized exchanges using free software, open protocols and open source development is a major improvement
- other frequently requested features or proposals from the community are:
- [DONE] setting up Zclassic Community Nodes to replace those marked for decommissioning
- [DONE] Community-hosted ElectrumX Servers for Electrum light-client wallets
- [UfD] additional incentive for miners/mining pools
- [UfD] TOR/i2p integration /obfuscation
- [UfD] Master Nodes System /Staking System
- [WiP] Block Explorers (IQUIDUS and INSIGHT)
- these requests will be considered and discussed further as more details come from their proponents and will be assesed if viable
- Project ZCLAWS — in support of Work-in-Progress #1: we have spawned Amazon EC2 instances of Zclassic Community Full Nodes, a public custom AMI (Amazon Machine Image) is published as
in AWS Regionus-east-1
(N. Virginia) and will be cloned shortly to as many regions as possible to provide the community with ways to easily setup their own full nodes.
In support of Work-in-Progress #2: we are using a similar approach to setup Zclassic Community ElectrumX Servers. A load-balancing Electrum service provider is live and available onelectrum.zclassic.community:50002
for you to try:
new Zclassic Community-based ElectrumX Server, share it!
new Zclassic Community Fleet of Full Nodes now online: live link here
- an initial Board of Zclassic Volunteers will be setup from supporters, developers, miners, mining pool operators, other stakeholders, and at least one representative invited from the Bitcoin Private Team, preferably a previous maintainer of or contributor to Zclassic
- a system of governance on how to maintain Zclassic code and network will be discussed by the initial Board of Zclassic Stakeholders and an appropriate jurisdiction or territory will be discussed where such a future legal entity may be setup in the best interest of the Zclassic community
- funding through donation of hashpower on fund.zclassic.org will be assesed if feasible and an arrangement will be discussed with different mining pools on setting aside a portion of their pool fees to sponsor the maintenance and development of Zclassic code and its network (for example, 30% of mining fees?), operators of cooperating mining pools may be invited to join the Board of Zclassic Stakeholders or any successor organization it may decide to form afterwards
if you want to join us in bearing the torch of Zclassic forward,
or if you have any suggestion, open an issue or send a pull request,
or email us: team@Zclassic-CE.org
or join our Zclassic Community Edition Discord Channel: 
and find us here on
our Website: Zclassic-CE.org
Medium: medium.com/@ZclassicCE
GitHub: github.com/ZclassicDev
Twitter: twitter.com/ZclassicDev
Telegram: T.me/ZclassicCE
Facebook: FB.me/ZclassicCE