HesaiLidar_General_ROS project includes the ROS Driver for:
LiDAR sensor manufactured by Hesai Technology.
Developed based on HesaiLidar_General_SDK, After launched, the project will monitor UDP packets from Lidar, parse data and publish point clouds frames into ROS under topic: /pandar
. It can also be used as an official demo showing how to work with HesaiLidar_General_SDK.
System environment requirement: Linux + ROS
Ubuntu 16.04 - with ROS kinetic desktop-full installed or
Ubuntu 18.04 - with ROS melodic desktop-full installed or
Ubuntu 20.04 - with ROS noetic desktop-full installed
Check resources on http://ros.org for installation guide
Library Dependencies: libpcap-dev + libyaml-cpp-dev
$sudo apt install libpcap-dev libyaml-cpp-dev
Install catkin_tools
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python-catkin-tools
Download code
$ mkdir -p rosworkspace/src
$ cd rosworkspace/src
$ git clone https://github.com/HesaiTechnology/HesaiLidar_General_ROS.git --recursive
$ cd ..
$ catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
$ gedit install/share/hesai_lidar/launch/hesai_lidar.launch
Reciving data from connected Lidar: config lidar ip&port, leave the pcap_file empty
Parameter | Default Value |
server_ip | |
lidar_recv_port | 2368 |
gps_recv_port | 10110 |
pcap_file | |
multicast_ip |
Data source will be from connected Lidar when "pcap_file" set to empty, when "multicast_ip" configured, driver will get data packets from multicast ip address. keep "multicast_ip" empty if you are not using multicast, thus driver will monitor the "liar_recv_port" to get data. Make sure parameters above set to the same with Lidar setting
Reciving data from pcap file: config pcap_file and correction file path
Parameter | Value |
pcap_file | pcap file path |
lidar_correction_file | lidar correction file path |
Data source will be from pcap file once "pcap_file" not empty
Reciving data from rosbag: config data_type and publish_type,leave the pcap_file empty
Parameter | Value |
pcap_file | |
publish_type | points |
data_type | rosbag |
Data source will be from rosbag when "pcap_file" is set to empty and "data_type" is set to "rosbag" Make sure the parameter "publish_type" is set to "points" Make sure the parameter "namespace" in file hesai_lidar.launch is same with the namespace in rosbag
- Make sure current path in the
$ source devel/setup.bash
for PandarQT
$ roslaunch hesai_lidar hesai_lidar.launch lidar_type:="PandarQT" frame_id:="PandarQT"
for Pandar64
$ roslaunch hesai_lidar hesai_lidar.launch lidar_type:="Pandar64" frame_id:="Pandar64"
for Pandar20A
$ roslaunch hesai_lidar hesai_lidar.launch lidar_type:="Pandar20A" frame_id:="Pandar20A"
for Pandar20B
$ roslaunch hesai_lidar hesai_lidar.launch lidar_type:="Pandar20B" frame_id:="Pandar20B"
for Pandar40P
$ roslaunch hesai_lidar hesai_lidar.launch lidar_type:="Pandar40P" frame_id:="Pandar40P"
for Pandar40M
$ roslaunch hesai_lidar hesai_lidar.launch lidar_type:="Pandar40M" frame_id:="Pandar40M"
for PandarXT-32
$ roslaunch hesai_lidar hesai_lidar.launch lidar_type:="PandarXT-32" frame_id:="PandarXT-32"
for PandarXT-16
$ roslaunch hesai_lidar hesai_lidar.launch lidar_type:="PandarXT-16" frame_id:="PandarXT-16"
for PandarXTM
$ roslaunch hesai_lidar hesai_lidar.launch lidar_type:="PandarXTM" frame_id:="PandarXTM"
- The driver will publish PointCloud messages to the topic
- Open Rviz and add display by topic
- Change fixed frame to frame_id to view published point clouds
- Make sure current path in the
$ source devel/setup.bash
for PandarQT
$ roslaunch hesai_lidar cloud_nodelet.launch lidar_type:="PandarQT" frame_id:="PandarQT"
for Pandar64
$ roslaunch hesai_lidar cloud_nodelet.launch lidar_type:="Pandar64" frame_id:="Pandar64"
for Pandar20A
$ roslaunch hesai_lidar cloud_nodelet.launch lidar_type:="Pandar20A" frame_id:="Pandar20A"
for Pandar20B
$ roslaunch hesai_lidar cloud_nodelet.launch lidar_type:="Pandar20B" frame_id:="Pandar20B"
for Pandar40P
$ roslaunch hesai_lidar cloud_nodelet.launch lidar_type:="Pandar40P" frame_id:="Pandar40P"
for Pandar40M
$ roslaunch hesai_lidar cloud_nodelet.launch lidar_type:="Pandar40M" frame_id:="Pandar40M"
for PandarXT-32
$ roslaunch hesai_lidar cloud_nodelet.launch lidar_type:="PandarXT-32" frame_id:="PandarXT-32"
for PandarXT-16
$ roslaunch hesai_lidar cloud_nodelet.launch lidar_type:="PandarXT-16" frame_id:="PandarXT-16"
for PandarXTM
$ roslaunch hesai_lidar cloud_nodelet.launch lidar_type:="PandarXTM" frame_id:="PandarXTM"
- The driver will publish PointCloud messages to the topic
- Open Rviz and add display by topic
- Change fixed frame to frame_id to view published point clouds
Parameter | Default Value |
pcap_file | Path of the pcap file, once not empty, driver will get data from pcap file instead of a connected Lidar |
server_ip | The IP address of connected Lidar, will be used to get calibration file |
lidar_recv_port | The destination port of Lidar, driver will monitor this port to get point clouds packets from Lidar |
gps_port | The destination port for Lidar GPS packets, driver will monitor this port to get GPS packets from Lidar |
start_angle | Driver will publish one frame point clouds data when azimuth angle step over start_angle, make sure set to within FOV |
lidar_type | Lidar module type |
frame_id | frame id of published messages |
pcldata_type | 0:mixed point clouds data type 1:structured point clouds data type |
publish_type | default "points":publish point clouds "raw":publish raw UDP packets "both":publish point clouds and UDP packets |
timestamp_type | default "": use timestamp from Lidar "realtime" use timestamp from the system driver running on |
data_type | default "":driver will get point clouds packets from Lidar or PCAP "rosbag":driver will subscribe topic /pandar_packets to get point clouds packets |
namespace | namesapce of the launching node |
lidar_correction_file | Path of calibration file, will be used when not able to get calibration file from a connected Liar |
multicast_ip | The multicast IP address of connected Lidar, will be used to get udp packets from multicast ip address |
coordinate_correction_flag | default "false":Disable coordinate correction "true":Enable coordinate correction |