Garfield is a WhatsApp user bot by NOIZE PROJECTS and powered by X-nodes server. Garfield can make your work easier and do whatever you want. You can easily install this. This is updated daily. Once you install it, it will continue to be an indispensable tool for you Contains over 120+ plugins. This will give you a better experience on WhatsApp. You can download songs and videos fast. This is updated daily so more features are always added .This allows you to have fun with friends

This module does not harm your privacy or personal data. We do not have any of your access. This is a completely secure program. This will not give us any funding. Only self-satisfaction is obtained You can use it without any hesitation
⬇️ First create a Heroku account Click Now Select Node js as your programming language
⬇️ After Click Deploy button
⬇️ First, give the app a name. Use only lowercase letters here. Try changing the name until the tick is green
Example - apple23bot
⬇️ CLICK to get your heroku API key
⬇️ Enter the token you received when you scanned the QR for the GARFIELD_SESSION
⬇️ Then click on the Deploy App button. The app will be ready in about three minutes.
⬇️ Do not let the screen turn off without switching to other apps
⬇️ Then go to the Manage app.
⬇️ Then go to Resources and turn on worker ✏️
⬇️ Then go More > View logs and Once loaded, open your WhatsApp and keep it online

This project is protected by GNU General Public Licence v3.0 ©️ Copyright 2022.
We offer this completely free of charge. Do not fall prey to fraudulent activities that sell this for money. If you see such a sale, notify the developer immediately
This only works when you are online. You can not use this from the number you created the bot yourself, so if you want to use it, use the command from another number. This works for any group you belong to. You can get the bot menu from the (.menu) Use the (.help) command to access the Help menu. Use only lowercase letters when applying commands Be sure to use a (.)dot at the beginning of the command - Hi 🥰 I m
I am 16 years old
developer... From Sri Lanka 🇱🇰
I am a Learning. Not more..
Also I am Student This has been updated to the latest 2022 npm module. There are 120+ plugins. Deploying is quick and easy. Download speeds and upload speeds are very fast.The speed of response has increased. Fixed some bugs. Updated daily baileys 2022 Updated

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