-Server Side Rewind
-Capture the wing game mode
-Multiple weapon types
Players can create and join steam sessions from all over the world.
A peer-to-peer, client-server archeticture where the listen server maintains authority over important gameplay logic to prevent cheating and to replicate all relevant information to other clients.
Using replication and RPCs only when needed and make use of unreal functions that are set to replicate built-in like Destroy().
Create a lobby map where players join before traveling to the game map using seamless travel.
Game has a Type-Chat system in which players can send texts that will appear on all players screen before disappearing.
Return to main menu & leaving the game.
Player BookKeeping.
Elimination announcements.
Create a Teams Game mode.
Preventing friendly fire.
Create a Capture the wing Game mode.
- Retarget animations for the unreal learning kit character to implement movement functionality. including Crouching, Jumping, Aiming, Throwing greandes. etc..
Problem: Turning-in-place animations imported from mixamo didn't have a root bone, and since turning is based on rotating the root bone, the character turn animation doesn't seem natural.
Solution: Can add a root bone to the aniamtion's skeletal mesh in an external software like blender.
Players can have a primary and a secondary weapon to attach to their backpack and can swap between them.
Create Weapon class which will be used as base to projectile weapons ( Assault rifles, Rocket launchers, Grenade launchers )
and HitScan weapons that use line trace ( Shotgun, Sniper, SMG, pistol ). -
Shotguns/SMGs implement random scatter, making them ineffective in long range but lethal in close range combat.
Problem: Server is authoritative over the random scatter pattern. using client side prediction would result in two different scatter patterns between client and the server.
Solution: Make the client produce the scatter locally , then send an RPC to the server which in turn will inform all other clients. -
Dynamic Crosshairs that spread and shrink and turn red when aiming at other players.
Use FABRIK to always place the hand correctly on the weapon.
Weapons eject bullet shells with physics and sound.
Eliminated characters are dissolved with a dissolve material and a beam of light particle effect.
Characters are respawned after elimination.
Display all relevant data for the player on the HUD and update them only when a variable changes and not each frame.
Use GameMode to create custom match states (Warmup, Cooldown) and create a match time that turns red when there's 30 seconds left. Restart game after Cooldown finishes.
Use PlayerState to calculate player score and defeats and Use GameState to keep track of the top scoring players and announce the winner(s) at the end of each match.
Match time is synced among all palyers so all display the time on the server.
Add swap animation between primary and secondary weapon.
Headshots deal extra damage.
- Buff the player with pickups that spawn randomly in different places to boost the player's attributes for a configurable amount of time.
- Health: Increase player's Health.
- Shield: Increase player'sShield.
- Speed: Increase player's walk/crouch speed.
- Jump: Increase player's jump velocity.
- Ammo: Restore ammo for player's weapon type.
Problem: What happens when no player interacts with the pickup and it's time to spawn another one in its place?
Solution: Start the timer to spawn another pickup only when the first one got destroyed by attaching the timer to the pickups's OnDestroy() delegate.
When firing, client doesn't wait for the server tp play the lcoal fire effects. but waits till the server spawn the actual bullet.
Apply client-side prediction on Ammo count, reloading animation, Aiming.
Apply server-side rewinding
Problem: Limiting SSR by only depending on FrameHistory's MaxRecordTime is simple; but players above accepted lag won't cause damage when shooting.
Solution: Make the shooter character wait for the server to spawn bullets and cause damage (more complicated/bad gameplay experience) by:
-1: Creating a function that disables SSR on the currently equipped weapon.
-2: Bind this function to a delegate the gets broadcasted when the ping is above the accepeted levels in PlayerController class.
Selecting match type.
Add a packaged build and play test with some friends.