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A 3rd person view multiplayer shooter game built with C++ and Unreal Engine 5

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Check out video Demos of the game here:

-Server Side Rewind
-Capture the wing game mode
-Multiple weapon types

A 3rd person view fast-paced multiplayer shooter game built with c++ and Unreal Engine 5




  • Players can create and join steam sessions from all over the world.

  • A peer-to-peer, client-server archeticture where the listen server maintains authority over important gameplay logic to prevent cheating and to replicate all relevant information to other clients.

  • Using replication and RPCs only when needed and make use of unreal functions that are set to replicate built-in like Destroy().

  • Create a lobby map where players join before traveling to the game map using seamless travel.

  • Game has a Type-Chat system in which players can send texts that will appear on all players screen before disappearing.

  • Return to main menu & leaving the game.

  • Player BookKeeping.

  • Elimination announcements.

  • Create a Teams Game mode.

  • Preventing friendly fire.

  • Create a Capture the wing Game mode.


  • Retarget animations for the unreal learning kit character to implement movement functionality. including Crouching, Jumping, Aiming, Throwing greandes. etc..

    Problem: Turning-in-place animations imported from mixamo didn't have a root bone, and since turning is based on rotating the root bone, the character turn animation doesn't seem natural.
    Solution: Can add a root bone to the aniamtion's skeletal mesh in an external software like blender.


  • Players can have a primary and a secondary weapon to attach to their backpack and can swap between them.

  • Create Weapon class which will be used as base to projectile weapons ( Assault rifles, Rocket launchers, Grenade launchers )
    and HitScan weapons that use line trace ( Shotgun, Sniper, SMG, pistol ).

  • Shotguns/SMGs implement random scatter, making them ineffective in long range but lethal in close range combat.

    Problem: Server is authoritative over the random scatter pattern. using client side prediction would result in two different scatter patterns between client and the server.
    Solution: Make the client produce the scatter locally , then send an RPC to the server which in turn will inform all other clients.

  • Dynamic Crosshairs that spread and shrink and turn red when aiming at other players.

  • Use FABRIK to always place the hand correctly on the weapon.

  • Weapons eject bullet shells with physics and sound.

  • Eliminated characters are dissolved with a dissolve material and a beam of light particle effect.

  • Characters are respawned after elimination.

  • Display all relevant data for the player on the HUD and update them only when a variable changes and not each frame.

  • Use GameMode to create custom match states (Warmup, Cooldown) and create a match time that turns red when there's 30 seconds left. Restart game after Cooldown finishes.

  • Use PlayerState to calculate player score and defeats and Use GameState to keep track of the top scoring players and announce the winner(s) at the end of each match.

  • Match time is synced among all palyers so all display the time on the server.

  • Add swap animation between primary and secondary weapon.

  • Headshots deal extra damage.

Buffs & Pickups

  • Buff the player with pickups that spawn randomly in different places to boost the player's attributes for a configurable amount of time.
    • Health: Increase player's Health.
    • Shield: Increase player'sShield.
    • Speed: Increase player's walk/crouch speed.
    • Jump: Increase player's jump velocity.
    • Ammo: Restore ammo for player's weapon type.

Problem: What happens when no player interacts with the pickup and it's time to spawn another one in its place?
Solution: Start the timer to spawn another pickup only when the first one got destroyed by attaching the timer to the pickups's OnDestroy() delegate.

Lag Compenstion

  • When firing, client doesn't wait for the server tp play the lcoal fire effects. but waits till the server spawn the actual bullet.

  • Apply client-side prediction on Ammo count, reloading animation, Aiming.

  • Apply server-side rewinding

Problem: Limiting SSR by only depending on FrameHistory's MaxRecordTime is simple; but players above accepted lag won't cause damage when shooting.
Solution: Make the shooter character wait for the server to spawn bullets and cause damage (more complicated/bad gameplay experience) by:
-1: Creating a function that disables SSR on the currently equipped weapon.
-2: Bind this function to a delegate the gets broadcasted when the ping is above the accepeted levels in PlayerController class.



  • Selecting match type.

  • Add a packaged build and play test with some friends.


A 3rd person view multiplayer shooter game built with C++ and Unreal Engine 5






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