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Releases: aaronmelton/BuildVRFIndex

BuildVRFIndex v0.0.9-alpha (2014-03-17)

17 Mar 18:56
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BuildVRFIndex v0.0.9-alpha (2014-03-17)

  • Replaced tab with four spaces.
  • Replaced ' with " to be consistent throughout the file.
  • Corrected problem where application would fail if logFileDirectory variable
    in settings.cfg was blank.

BuildVRFIndex v0.0.8-alpha (2013-09-09)

09 Sep 13:06
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BuildVRFIndex v0.0.8-alpha (2013-09-09)

  • Corrected makedirs() functionality: Directories with a trailing backslash
    in the config file were not being created thereby causing the application
    to fail.
  • Moved logFileDirectory makedirs() function such that the
    directory would only be created if/when the parent function was called
    instead of creating the directory whenever the application executed.

BuildVRFIndex v0.0.7-alpha (2013-08-29)

29 Aug 18:35
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BuildVRFIndex v0.0.7-alpha (2013-08-29)

  • Added basic logging to file to track results if application has to connect
    to a router to run buildIndex().
  • Suppressed error SPAM from stdout by adding stderr=(open(os.devnull, 'w'))
    to the Queue() function. (Errors are still written to the log.)

BuildVRFIndex v0.0.6-alpha (2013-08-28)

28 Aug 16:40
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BuildVRFIndex v0.0.6-alpha (2013-08-28)

  • Added functionality to specify configFile from the command line.
  • Updated

BuildVRFIndex v0.0.5-alpha (2013-08-23)

23 Aug 11:40
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BuildVRFIndex v0.0.5-alpha (2013-08-23)

  • Removed Python modules not required by this application.
  • Minor corrections to output spacing.

BuildVRFIndex v0.0.4-alpha (2013-08-20)

21 Aug 00:49
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BuildVRFIndex v0.0.4-alpha (2013-08-20)

  • Added additional comments to code, configFile, routerFile.
  • Added configFile functionality to give application the ability to retrieve
    user-specified settings from a config file. Application use now extended
    such that the list of routers, index and respective paths can be specified
    in the file. Application can also use configured username and password.

BuildVRFIndex v0.0.3-alpha (2013-08-16)

16 Aug 20:14
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BuildVRFIndex v0.0.3-alpha (2013-08-16)

  • Changed the configFile format in such a way that a single configFile
    can be used for my different VRF applications.
  • Updated error messages so they reflect the actual filename as read
    from the configFile.
  • Rewrote "Building index..." message so it does not take up most of the
    screen when working with a large batch of routers.
  • Updated example configFile output to reflect new changes in configFile format.

BuildVRFIndex v0.0.2-alpha (2013-08-15)

15 Aug 22:46
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BuildVRFIndex v0.0.2-alpha (2013-08-15)

  • Added instructions for creating a password to settings.cfg
  • Cleaned up module importing
  • Removed quotations around variables in function that writes the example
    configFile (not necessary)

BuildVRFIndex v0.0.1-alpha

14 Aug 19:40
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Initial commit.