Code for the paper Scaling Structure Aware Virtual Screening to Billions of Molecules with SPRINT and the MLSB 2024 paper SPRINT: Ultrafast Drug-Target Interaction Prediction with Structure-Aware Protein Embeddings.
Structure-aware PRotein ligand INTeraction (SPRINT) is a ultrafast deep learning framework for drug-target interaction prediction and binding affinity prediction.
SPRINT can be used in a Google Colab notebook here:
All datasets are located in the data
The protein and ligand are co-embedded in a shared space, enabling interaction prediction at the speed of a single dot product. Proteins are embedded with SaProt, followed by a Attention-Pooling layer, and small MLP. Ligands are embedded using Morgan Fingerprints and a small MLP. The model is trained in a fully supervised manner to predict the interaction between proteins and ligands.
# Install from source
git clone
cd panspecies-dti
pip install -e .
# Or install directly from pip
pip install git+
If you want to use DDP for faster training, first follow the above installation instructions.
Then manually downgrade lightning to 2.0.8 via pip install lightning==2.0.8
Script to download splits and data:
cd data/MERGED/huge_data/
cd -
Reproducing the drug-target interaction models in the paper.
The code below reproduces the DTI prediction on the DAVIS dataset.
# Reproducing ConPLex
ultrafast-train --exp-id DAVIS --config configs/conplex_config.yaml
# ConPLex-attn
ultrafast-train --exp-id DAVIS --config configs/saprot_agg_config.yaml --prot_proj agg
ultrafast-train --exp-id DAVIS --config configs/saprot_agg_config.yaml
ultrafast-train --exp-id DAVIS --config configs/saprot_agg_config.yaml --model-size large
Other DTI dataset models can be reproduced by adding --task
to the commandline with: biosnap
, bindingdb
, biosnap_prot
(Unseen Targets), biosnap_mol
(Unseen Drugs), or merged
ultrafast-train --exp-id LitPCBA --config configs/saprot_agg_config.yaml --epochs 15 --ship-model data/MERGED/huge_data/uniprots_excluded_at_90.txt
# SPRINT-Average
ultrafast-train --exp-id LitPCBA --config configs/saprot_agg_config.yaml --prot-proj avg --epochs 15 --ship-model data/MERGED/huge_data/uniprots_excluded_at_90.txt
# SPRINT-ProtBert
ultrafast-train --exp-id LitPCBA --config configs/saprot_agg_config.yaml --target-featurizer ProtBertFeaturizer --epochs 15 --ship-model data/MERGED/huge_data/uniprots_excluded_at_90.txt
Adding --eval-pcba
can show the performance on the Lit-PCBA dataset after epoch of training.
ultrafast-train --exp-id TDC --config configs/TDC_config.yaml
# SPRINT-ProtBert
ultrafast-train --exp-id TDC --config configs/TDC_config.yaml --target-featurizer ProtBertFeaturizer
ultrafast-train --exp-id TDC --config configs/TDC_config.yaml --target-featurizer ESM2Featurizer
Links to download pre-trained models used for Lit-PCBA evaluation in Table 2 are in checkpoints/
Embed a library of proteins/molecules, using --data-file
: a CSV/TSV file (separator inferred). The --data-file
to embed must contain a "SMILES" or "Target Sequence" column for drug or target embedding, respectively.
If using a SaProt trained checkpoint, the "Target Sequence" should be a structure-aware sequence with residue and structure tokens (e.g. "RaTcIqAvKvQqIwQdMfVd"). Structure-aware sequences can be generated following Generate SaProt sequence for a given protein structure. If no structure tokens are detected, a mask token will be used for each resiude's structure token.
# Get target embeddings with pre-trained model
ultrafast-embed --data-file data/DAVIS/test_foldseek.csv \
--checkpoint checkpoints/saprot.ckpt \
--moltype target \
--output-path results/DAVIS_test_target_embeddings.npy
# Get drug embeddings with pre-trained model
ultrafast-embed --data-file data/DAVIS/test_foldseek.csv \
--checkpoint checkpoints/saprot.ckpt \
--moltype drug \
--output-path results/DAVIS_test_drug_embeddings.npy
The following section details the usage of a ChromaDB for ultrafast retrieval of DTIs. Note that creation of the database is a computationally costly preprocessing step, but it only needs to be done once for a given library.
ultrafast-store --data-file data/DAVIS/test_foldseek.csv \
--embeddings results/DAVIS_test_drug_embeddings.npy \
--moltype drug \
--db_dir ./dbs \
--db_name davis_test_drug_embeddings
ultrafast-report --data-file data/DAVIS/test_foldseek.csv \
--embeddings results/DAVIS_test_target_embeddings.npy \
--moltype target \
--db_dir ./dbs \
--db_name biosnap_test_drug_embeddings \
--topk 100
This section details finding the TopK hits without using ChromaDB. This is likely faster if you are only going to query a library a few times or if you can massively parallelize the TopK search.
We can compute the TopK hits for a set of targets against a database of drugs.
ultrafast-topk --library-embeddings results/DAVIS_test_drug_embeddings.npy \
--library-type drug --library-data data/DAVIS/test_foldseek.csv \
--query-embeddings results/DAVIS_test_target_embeddings.npy \
--query-data data/DAVIS/test_foldseek.csv \
-K 100
or we can compute the TopK hits for a set of drugs against a database of targets by swapping the library and query arguments and changing the --library-type
If you are computing the TopK hits for a large database, it is often faster to break it up into smaller chunks and compute the TopK per chunk in a parallel fashion. The chunks can be combined at the end to get the final TopK hits for the entire database:
python utils/ [directory containing the TopK per chunk] -K 100 -O [output file]
foldseek must be installed somewhere in your path.
The protein structure can be in PDB or mmCIF format. The script will generate the sequence of the protein structure and save it to the specified csv file, appending the output to any existing data.
python utils/ -I [path to the protein structure] --chain [chain of protein] -O [path to the output file]
If the protein was NOT generated by AF2 or another tool that outputs a confidence score, add --no-plddt-mask
to the command.
When training a SPRINT DTI Classification model from scratch, you need train/val/test CSV files with the following columns:
SMILES,Target Sequence,Label
where SMILES
is the drug SMILES string, Target Sequence
is the amino acid sequence of the target, and Label
is a 0/1 value to indicate non-binding or binding, respectively.
CSV files should be placed in data/custom/
Models utilizing SaProt as the --target-featurizer
must have structure-aware sequences in the Target Sequence
column and the CSVs should be renamed to *_foldseek.csv
where *
is train/val/test.
Models can be trained using:
ultrafast-train --exp-id custom --task custom --config configs/saprot_agg_config.yaml --model-size large