This project is a follow up of a previous project, Laverna. Compared to the previous one, we used a custom 3D printed chassis (Fork of Brandon Makridis's design), invested more into ligher materials & moved to an Arduino Nano for decreasing size and implementing on a breadboard for better modularity.
All turns are independently handled. That means PID is turned off at turns and Laverna uses a simple way of tackling Acute, Obtuse and Right angles.
We secured a place in top 3 positions for 6 out of the 8 participated line follower competitions conducted across different colleges in Kerala during 2019-20. Notables ones are NIT Calicut (Tathva 19), College of Engineering Trivandrum (Escape 19) & CDAC (Techfiesta 2K20).
All Libraries are included in the repository, upgrade after trying out the included one.
- Polulu QTR-8RC Reflectance Sensor
- 6V 300RPM Micro Gear Motors and Wheel (x2)
- Polulu Castor Wheel & Motor Mounting Brackets
- L293D Motor Driver - IC Only
- Printed a Custom Chassis (ABS Plastic - White)
- Chassis Source (Changed The Design To Accomodate Our Components)
- A3DXYZ India (Printing Costed Approximately 450 INR)
- Arduino Nano (Select any arduino board with sufficient pins)
- LIPO 7.4V 850 mAh
- One Button Switch and One Power Switch
Abish Vijayan ( |
- Abhijit M (
- Adith GM (
- Kaveri TS (
This project is Open Source, Feel free to do whatever you want & also contact any of us if you have any queries.