ACSEOFastShowGeneratorBundle allows to quickly generate show actions based on annotation or yaml This bundle was initiated by Nicolas Kern (ACSEO).
Version: 2.0 Compatibility: Symfony ^5.0 || ^6.0
$ composer install acseo/fast-show-generator-bundle
Composer will install the bundle to your project's vendor/ACSEO
In entity :
use ACSEO\FastShowGeneratorBundle\Annotations as ACSEOFastShowGeneratorBundle;
For each property :
* @ACSEOFastShowGenerator\Show(label="My Property 1", show=true, groups={"default"})
In controller :
$fastShow = $this->get('acseo_fast_show_generator.driver.annotation');
$fastShow->setEntity(new MyEntity());
$fastShowData = $fastShow->getShowableData();
Create the a file in your bundle for each entity :
label: My Property 1
show: true
groups: {"default"}
label: My Property 2
show: true
groups: {"default"}
In controller :
$fastShow = $this->get('acseo_fast_show_generator.driver.yaml');
$fastShowData = $fastShow->getShowableData();
label : string - optional - if not set, uses the property name capitalized
show : boolean - optional - if not set, value is assumed to be true
groups : array - optional - if not set, group name is "default"
Now, in your twig file, something like that :
<table class="table table-striped">
{% for propertyName, propertyValue in data %}
<tr><td>{{ propertyName }}</td><td>{{ propertyValue }}</td></tr>
{% endfor %}