This repo contains my dotfiles.
- Font: Sarasa Gothic
- Terminal:
- Option 1: Fluent Terminal
- Option 2: Microsoft Terminal with my
- Package Manager for Windows:
- Option 1: Scoop with Extras Bucket
- Option 2: Choco
- Oh-My-Posh
- Theme:
Go to Oh-My-Posh for information on how to install
, then:
Then check your theme folder, navigate there, and put SandwichTechy.psm1
Reload theme by:
Set-Theme SandwichTechy
Also, here's my PowerShell configuration profile: Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
for reference.
I use:
for better coloredls
My preview style file style.less
put it in C:\Users\{username}\.mume
spicetify-cli: Commandline tool to customize Spotify client.
My config in folder spicetify-cli
place them in C:\Users\{username}\spicetify-cli\Themes\SpicetifyDefault