A Python library for the Demisto API.
First, get Demisto api-key. You can generate one via Demisto client - on settings
->API keys
Create demisto client instance with the api-key and server-url:
import demisto
client = demisto.DemistoClient('<your-api-key-goes-here>', 'https://localhost:8443')
Alternatively, you can login with username and password:
import demisto
client = demisto.DemistoClient('', 'https://localhost:8443', '<username>', '<password>')
client.Login() # Should return <Response [200]>
You can create incidents:
client.CreateIncident('incident-name', 'incident-type', 0, 'owner', [{"type": "label", "value": "demisto"}], 'details', {"alertsource":"demisto"})
By setting the parameter "createInvestigation" to True, the newly created incident will also create an Investigation. This will allow for Playbooks to be triggered automatically for the newly created Incident.
client.CreateIncident('incident-name', 'incident-type', 0, 'owner', [{"type": "label", "value": "demisto"}], 'details', {"alertsource":"demisto"}, createInvestigation=True)
You can search for incidents by filter:
Will return all incidents, with a max limit of 100 incidents to return, and page 0 of it
A bit more complex search:
Will return incidents with name test
- Note - on macOS, the system OpenSSL does not supprot TLSv12 which Demisto server mandates. To run the examples on macOS you will need to install brew and then OpenSSL and Python via brew.
If you don't have brew installed:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
To install Python with new OpenSSL support:
brew update
brew install openssl
brew install python --with-brewed-openssl
To run the examples:
/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.13/bin/python example -param val -param val