The architecture of both the applications are same. Choose one of them as required
# Database (For testing purpose only)
ATLAS_URI = mongodb+srv://
# Install dependencies and run backend
cd Backend
npm install
npm start
# Install dependencies and run frontend
cd Frontend
//choose one from instagram or facebook
example: cd Instagram
npm install
npm start
- Each Post have Name , Username ,Profile picture, Date , and Picture to be uploaded along with some text.
- RESTful Architecture.
- A homepage like ,that should display all the Posts added by different users so far.
- User can create new Post, edit or update, delete and show particular Post i.e implementation of full CRUD. functionality for each Post.
- User authentication (local strategy).
- Comment functionality.
- User can see all the Post added by him/her seperately.
- Complete profile page for particular user displaying username, no.of posts, followers and following.
- Like /dislike feature for each Post.
- Real Time Chatting functionality using sockets.
- Follow/unfollow functionality for each user.
- sumankalla
- sumitlata
- kirancherian
- minalidyal
- haimikakar
- nikhilverma
- kanvarpratapsingh
- arshdeepsingh
- nilimasahni
- harishchopra