AFreidz AwesomeWM Dotfiles
- OS BTW, I use Arch Linux
- WM AwesomeWM v4.3.alkjdsflkadsf AUR
- Shell ZSH with OH-MY-ZSH
- ZSH Theme Elessar Github
- Terminal Rxvt (Unicode) Pacman
- File Manager Nautilus AUR
- GTK Theme WhiteSur GNOME-LOOK
- Icons Reversal-Blue GNOME-LOOK
- Launcher Rofi Pacman
- Browser Brave AUR
This setup assumes you have installed Arch Linux, yay
, git
, and xorg-server
or otherwise can start an x session. It also assumes that you have ssh keys for the machine added to Github. That should be it. If you are on something other than Arch Linux, you will have to manually install all the dependencies and clone this repo to get all the config files.
If you have arch/yay/git/xorg-server up and running you can get the files in this repo into their respective locations with the following:
cd ~/.config
git init
git remote add afreidz
git fetch afreidz
git pull afreidz master
rm -rf ~/.config/.git
(to break the link with my github repo and give you freedom to expand)
This config relies heavily on the colors defined in .Xresources. I know its an outdated pattern, but I prefer as many colors defined variably as possible. Therefore, you will find my .Xresources file here. You can copy/ln -s
this to the ~/
directory and load it with:
xrdb ~/.Xresources
I have tried to automate some of the installation process into a bash script. Running it will prompt you for 4 separate actions:
- Required Dependencies this is awesomewm, picom, and all the CLI packages this config makes use of.
- Required Binary Programs there are a few lightweight programs used in this config to handle some things I have yet to script. Some of these may not be TRULY required, but YMMV if you choose to skip this
- Optional Binary Programs these are just a few heavier binary programs that I prefer to use daily. Some/all of them may have awesomewm keybinds, so skipping this could cause a few errors when executing the key combos.
- Fonts there is a system-wide font and an icon font I use in this config. I had decided that installing them programattically would be non-trivial and therefore I will assume you can install them on your system yourself.
- SF Pro
- Material Design Icons Desktop
- Operator Mono Lig (licensed font, either you can obtain it, or change the config to something different)
You can run the setup script with
bash ~/.config/awesome/scripts/
With a little luck, this should give you a decent amount of the config I have in the screenshots. One thing I notice is that there will be no wallpaper by default. Odds are your screen will be black. If you run nitrogen
you can add a folder of images and set your wallpaper. From there, the config should handle setting it each time you log in.
Keybinds (I use Mod4 or cmd
as my modifier):
launch urxvt (careful, if you use a different terminal you will have to update the entry in config.lua or you pretty much wont be able to do anything)mod+b
launch Bravemod+f
launch Nautilus File Managermod+space
launch rofi to help execute all other appsmod+shift+q
reload awesome (it will first prompt you to unlock so you can't bypass the lock screen with a reload)mod+left/right
move focus to a new clientmod+shift+left/right
swap clientsmod+[/]
resize a small amountmod+shift+[/]
resize a large amountmod+0-9
switch to tagalt+tab
show tag switcher (+ will add a tag to the current mouse screen)mod+w
close clientmod+Mouse1
move client (make floating)mod+Mouse3
resize client (make floating)mod+ctrl+left/right
move client to next screenmod+ctrl+0-9
move client to tag nmod+shift+f
toggle client floatingmod+ctrl+f
toggle client fullscreen
Other things:
- right click on an open desktop area to launch the hub (with the display tab)
- click on any icon in the center utilities widget to open the hub with the corresponding tab
- click the date to open the hub (with the calendar tab)
- click the power button to open the power menu
- click the arch button to launch rofi