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JS library for creating setting panels.

License: MIT Codecov GitHub Release Date

GitHub top language npm

SmartSettings Preview



yarn add smartsettings


npm install --save smartsettings


Default creation

import SmartSettings from 'smartsettings';

const panel = new SmartSettings();

Creation with parameters

import SmartSettings from 'smartsettings';

const panel = new SmartSettings({
    name: 'My panel',
    top: 40,
    left: 300,
    disabled: true,
    listener: (update) => console.log(update),

API overview

Root methods and properties

There are a few methods and properties that are available for all nodes and controls, and that are defined in the RootNode abstract class:

  • get id - returns instance's identifier
  • get name - returns instance's name given to it during the creation
  • get invisible- returns an information about instance's visiblity
  • set invisible - specifies instance's visiblity status
  • get disabled - returns an information about instance's disability
  • get properties - returns instance's internal state object (without the id property)
  • rename(name) - updates instance's name
  • show - show's the instance if it's invisible
  • hide - hide's the instance if it's visible
  • disable - disables the instance
  • enable - enables the instance
  • setListener - an abstract method defined individually on each class. It lets the user to define global/local listener function.

Node methods and propeties

There are also a few methods and properties that are available for nodes (such as Panel, Section and Node) only:

  • get collapsed - returns an information about instance's collapsed property
  • open - sets collapsed property to false
  • close - sets collapsed property to true
  • toggle - toggles collapsed property

Panel methods and properties

  • get position - returns PanelPosition object
  • setPosition(position) sets new panel position
  • setListener(listener) sets global change listener on the panel
  • destroy - clears panel's registry and listeners list, removes its element from the parentElement (usually document.body) and performs Object.freeze on its state and on the panel instance itself
  • remove(name) - removes first node with given name from the panel (this method works on the section's scope too)
  • removeById(id) - removes node with given id from the panel (this method works in the section's scope too)
  • removeAll removes all controls and nodes from the panel
  • control(control, options) creates new control
  • section(options) creates new section node
  • set config - loads panel's children using provided config object (setter)
  • get config - returns panel's current config object. Returned config object will always consist of controls'/nodes' identifiers as the keys

Section and Slot properties

  • control(control, options) creates new control
  • set config - loads section's children using provided config object (setter)
  • get config - returns section's current config object. Returned config object will always consist of controls' identifiers as the keys
  • remove(name) - removes first node with given name from the section
  • removeById(id) - removes node with given id from the section
  • removeAll removes all controls and nodes from the section
  • setListener(listener) sets local change listener

Common control's methods and properties

  • get readonly - informs if the control is readonly or not
  • set readonly - sets control's readonly property


const section = panel.section({
    name: 'Section',
    collapsed: true,
    disabled: false,
    invisible: false,
    listener: (update) => console.log(update.value),
const section = panel.slot({
    name: 'Slot',
    collapsed: true,
    disabled: false,
    invisible: false,
    listener: (update) => console.log(update.value),


const button = panel.control('button', {
    name: 'Click me!',
    listener: (update) => yourCallback()

no custom methods or properties defined

const checkbox = panel.control('checkbox', {
    name: 'Is Awesome',
    checked: true,
    listener: (update) => yourCallback(update.value)
  • get checked - returns control's checked value
  • check - sets checked property to true
  • uncheck - sets checked property to false
  • toggle - toggles checked property
const file = panel.control('file', {
    name: 'Data',
    listener: (update) => yourCallback(update.value)
  • get accept - returns file input's accept value
  • set accept - sets file input's accept value
  • get files - returns a FileList bound to the control's input
const number = panel.control('number', {
    name: 'Humidity [%]',
    min: 0,
    max: 100,
    step: 1,
    value: 30,
    listener: (update) => yourCallback(update.value)
  • get value - returns value
  • set value - sets new value
  • get min - returns min value
  • set min - returns min value
  • get max - sets new max value
  • set max - sets new max value
  • get step - sets new step value
  • set step - sets new step value
const range = panel.control('range', {
    name: 'Gravity',
    min: 0,
    max: 100,
    step: 1,
    value: 10,
    listener: (update) => yourCallback(update.value)
  • get value - returns value
  • set value - sets new value
  • get min - returns min value
  • set min - returns min value
  • get max - sets new max value
  • set max - sets new max value
  • get step - sets new step value
  • set step - sets new step value
const text = panel.control('text', {
    name: 'Text input',
    placeholder: 'Your value',
    listener: (update) => yourCallback(update.value)
  • get value - returns value
  • set value - sets new value
const textarea = panel.control('textarea', {
    name: 'Textarea input',
    value: JSON.stringify(yourData),
    readOnly: true,
    listener: (update) => yourCallback(update.value)
  • get value - returns value
  • set value - sets new value
const dropdown = section.control('dropdown', {
  name: 'Dropdown',
  selected: 'first',
  items: [
      id: 'first',
      text: 'First',
      value: 'first',
      id: 'second',
      text: 'Second',
      value: 'second',
      id: 'third',
      text: 'Third',
      value: 'third',
  • get expanded - returns expaned value
  • set expanded - sets expanded value
  • get selected - returns a value of the selected item
  • get items - returns the items list
  • set items - replaces the items list
  • toggle - toggles expanded value
  • select(value) - selects an item with a specific value
const color = section.control('color', {
  name: 'Color',
  value: 'rgba(19, 29, 135, 1)',
  • get color - returns color value as a CSS RGBA string
  • set color - sets color value as a CSS RGBA string
  • get expanded - returns expaned value
  • set expanded - sets expanded value
  • toggle - toggles expanded value