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Agustin Alexander edited this page Nov 29, 2022 · 12 revisions

Please follow these steps before starting:

  1. Go to and follow the Google Drive auth setup guide from sabeechen
  2. Append your CLIENT_ID and then go to this URL FILL_HERE_YOUR_CLIENT_ID
  3. Give permission to the app and copy the CODE provided
  4. Fill in the Parameters with CLIENT_ID, SECRET, and CODE
  5. Run it the first time and let it start Sync
  6. Once it starts you can now remove the CODE variable from this template to be safe
  7. Enjoy Grive2!!
  8. Set GRIVE_PARAMS to for example -s my_drive_folder to sync that specific folder on Google Drive
  9. Leaving this field blank will sync your whole Google Drive.
  10. Set up a crontab on CRON
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