is a modern-plugin for Paper (or forks) that allows you to create customizable-tags to use and show prior or
in front of your nick, and select them through a highly-customizable menu. As well, perform modifications to these tags
in-game easily.
- Create, delete, and modify tags.
- Select them trought a customizable-menu.
- Executable actions for menu-open and items-interaction.
- Customizable Menu Items (left and right-click actions, glow-effect, permission-required, tag-assigned).
- NMS usage for tag's scoreboard-team management and visuals.
- MiniMessage Support.
Some previews of the plugin's features and functionality.
If you want to use the menu-configurations shown in the previews either as guide or anything else, you can got them here
The plugin's uses Gradle and requires Java 21+ for building.
git clone
cd teams
./gradlew shadowJar