Run PPPwn on Apple Devices (Mac) with ARM64
- A Mac with an Ethernet port
- Ethernet cable
- MacOS
- Wireshark installed
Before you install Wireshark, run this command:
sudo xattr -rd "drag pppwn executable here, DO NOT DRAG PPPwn folder"
- "SIP" is enabled. Open Terminal and run this command to make sure:
If SIP is enabled, the message will read “System Integrity Protection status: enabled.”
csrutil status
DO NOT RUN the exploit just yet (don't press Enter yet) but prepare this command on your prompt (see ifconfig for the correct interface):
sudo ./pppwn --interface en9 --fw 1100 --stage1 ./stage1_1100.bin --stage2 ./stage2_1100.bin --auto-retry
With ❤️ from akbarhabiby