This tool generate CI config for any given CI tool (Github Action, Circleci) from a given generic CI template. It ensures consistency of the CI template across all the deployments. This tool is particularly useful in the era of microservices architectural style whereby several microservices would share the same deployment pipeline. This tool allows us to generate ci config for all these services from a one given ci template. See the diagram below for the detailed flow:
This CI templater ensures the followings:
- CI pipeline for all the deployments are generated from a
CI template. - Updates the CI pipeline for all deployments in one single run.
- Creates Pull requests for all updated deployment pipelines.
This tool relies on two configuration files as input:
- Configuration file defining all the deployments with their corresponding Git repos - see config.yml. See a snippet below
description: Generic template to generate github action configuration files for the repositories defined in the config file
- repo:
service_name: test_repo
key1: value1
key2: value2
....: .....
keyn: valuen
The above configuration file contains list of the Git repositories we aim to generate or update the CI pipeline for. The url
is the only mandotory parameter. You can define as many parameters in the form of key
and value
- Template file - This file contains the CI template from which instances of the CI piepline will be generated - see Github action sample.
Note that you can also define templates
within the CI template - see circleci pipeline example:
Declare the template as follow
{[define "DEPLOYMENT"]}
\\ something
Invoke the template for each environment as follow by passing the relevant parameters
{[template "DEPLOYMENT" map "Env" "dev" "Name" .service_name "AWSAccountNumber" "xxx128601811" ]}
{[template "DEPLOYMENT" map "Env" "staging" "Name" .service_name "AWSAccountNumber" "xxx345174122" ]}
{[template "DEPLOYMENT" map "Env" "prod" "Name" .service_name "AWSAccountNumber" "xxx2574511" ]}
You can either checkout the ci-templater project or simply use the distributed binaries, see below details:
a. Create a folder structure as shown in the examples/github-action
b. Download the latest release from here and unzip the binary in the above folder
c. That is it, you are ready to go and following in the instruction below
d. Update the config.yml
with all your target git repositories and add your CI templates in the templates
folder. Remove the existing ones as they are just samples.
e. Run the tool with following command:./ci-templater
You can simply checkout the whole ci-tempalte
project and update the config.ymml
and templates
with the relevant CI pipeline templates. Remove the existing ones as they are there as an example. Then follow the step below:
- Export the following as environment variables
export GITHUB_TOKEN=xxx
export GPG_PASSWORD=xxx - only needed if GPG signing is enabled
export GITHUB_EMAIL=xxx - this is the email address associated with your git account
- Generate GPG private key if GPG signing is enabled
You can generate the private key as follow. First, extract the GPG secret key
by running the following command:
gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG
The output of the above should be something similar to this:
sec rsa4096/B3FBB1D34AA9E501 2020-06-18 [SC] [expires: 2022-06-18]
uid [ultimate] <>
The secret key should be B3FBB1D34AA9E501
Then use the above secret key to generate GPG private key
gpg --armor --export-secret-keys ${ID} > gpg-private-key
- Now you can run the tool with the following command:
go build && ./ci-templater
The default set up of this tool is that it creates a pull request for each generated template. You can disable this by setting the DryRun
flag as follow when running the tool
go build && ./ci-templater -DryRun=true
By default the tool will extract the deployment details from config.yml
then uses the appropriate template for each deployment. To apply the filter for only one deployment run the tool with the repo
go build && ./ci-templater -repo=test_repo
Currently, this tool assumes the generated ci pipelines are going to be pushed to Github repository. Support for other repositories will be added in due course. Enjoy!!