This is "just" a fork from sasedev/mpdf-bundle. The puporse of this fork is to keep it installable with Symfony up to 6.4 but I will NOT actively maintain it as long as it works for me. Also, I am no "pro" with composer and its versioning stuff. Nevertheless, feel free to use it at your own risk as long as you don't blame me for anything :)
If you choose to use it, adjust your composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require" : {
"sasedev/mpdf-bundle": "dev-master",
Pdf generator for Symfony.
This is a Symfony Pdf Factory for use inside a controller to generate a PDF file from twig rendring using MPDF lib.
Step 1: Download HiddenEntityTypeBundle using composer
$ composer require sasedev/mpdf-bundle
Composer will install the bundle to your project's vendor directory.
Enable the bundle in the config if flex it did´nt do it for you:
// config/bundles.php
return [
// ...
Sasedev\MpdfBundle\SasedevMpdfBundle::class => ['all' => true],
// ...
You can use the factory in your controllers just like this:
use Sasedev\MpdfBundle\Factory\MpdfFactory;
// ...
public function pdf($id, Request $request, MpdfFactory $MpdfFactory) {
// ...
$mPdf = $MpdfFactory->createMpdfObject([
'mode' => 'utf-8',
'format' => 'A4',
'margin_header' => 5,
'margin_footer' => 5,
'orientation' => 'P'
$mPdf->SetHTMLHeader($this->renderView('twigfolder/pdf/pdf_header.html.twig', $TwigVars));
$mPdf->SetFooter($this->renderView('twigfolder/pdf/pdf_footer.html.twig', $TwigVars));
$mPdf->WriteHTML($this->renderView('twigfolder/pdf/pdf_content.html.twig', $TwigVars));
return $MpdfFactory->createDownloadResponse($mPdf, "file.pdf");
// ...
Feel free to report any issues. If you have an idea to make it better go ahead and modify and submit pull requests.