<<<<<<< HEAD Geostochpy: A tool to create,filter and make plots of stochastic slip grids applied in Chile 🔧📚🌏🇨🇱 ======= geostochpy: A tool to create,filter and make plots of stochastic slip grids applied in Chile 🔧📚🌏🇨🇱 >>>>>>> 457a92b (Final Pre-Thesis Work) ================================================= Overview ================================================= geostochpy is a project that was built with the need for Being able to generate stochastic scenarios of earthquakes based on geometry in subduction areas along the trench.There has been an approach in the Chilean subduction zone.The project includes functions To generate grids, to generate SLIP distributions with different TAPERS, to obtain deformations, and for the Pre-processing of data for tsunami softwares as a comcot
Actually, the Stochastic Slip generation its based on Karhunen-Loéve expansion, that explain a stochastic process can be represented as an infinite linear combination of orthogonal functions.
For install this tool, it's so simple, you need mamba or conda package manager, which takes care of setting up a virtual environment.
First you need to clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/alexvillarroel/StochasticSlipGenerator
Once downloaded, get into folder and write:
mamba env create -f environment.yml
conda env create -f environment.yml
Once you had created the environment, you need to activate it.
<<<<<<< HEAD .. _repo:
conda activate stochpy
And write
python setup.py install
And now you can use the package!
For more information, you can visit the documentation in Stochpy Documentation https://alexvillarroel.github.io/StochasticSlipGenerator
For more information, you can visit the documentation in :ref:` geostochpy Documentation <>` >>>>>>> 457a92b (Final Pre-Thesis Work)