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Ploppable RICO and Plop the Growables

algernon-A edited this page Feb 4, 2021 · 6 revisions

The 2.3 update of Ploppable RICO Revisited, released in July 2020, incorporated functionality from the now-abandoned Plop the Growables mod. These two mods can still be used together; however, if you do so, you need to make sure that the two mods' settings don't conflict.

Only one function of Plop the Growables was not included in Ploppable RICO Revisited 2.3; this was the option to lock all plopped growables to a specific level (Plop the Growables' 'disable automatic level-up' option). There were two main reasons for this decision:

  1. Plop the Growables implements this option via custom savegame data serialization, which makes it difficult for other mods to access that data, and as such it was decided that it was best to leave this to Plop the Growables (so that people using this feature historically wouldn't have to worry about manually recreating their settings in another mod).
  2. The subsequent (to Plop the Growables' original release) addition of the 'historical buildings' functionality to the base game, and the availability of fine-grained building level control mods such as Advanced Building Level Control, mean that this function is generally less needed by players compared to when Plop the Growables was originally released.

For those who want better control of their plopped building levels than is available through Plop the Growables, version 2.4 of Ploppable RICO Revisited includes functionality to work with the Advanced Building Level Control mod to provide an alternative implementation that is (optionally) customizable on a per-building basis.

Using both mods together


For example, if you have enabled Ploppable RICO Revisited's option to make plopped growables survive outside of their correct zones, then the equivalent function in Plop the Growables should be DISABLED, and vice-versa.

The easiest way is to disable all the relevant options in one mod's options panel (for Ploppable RICO Revisisted, under the 'Growable options' and 'Complaints options' tabs), and let the other mod manage those behaviours instead.

A note on implementation differences

Although the outcome to the player is the same, it should be noted that Ploppable RICO Revisited's behind-the-scenes implementation of Plop the Growable's functionality is, codewise, quite different. This is partially because of additional functionality available to Ploppable RICO Revisited through the Harmony 2 modding library which was not available when Plop the Growables was released, and partially due to the experience gained by the broader Cities: Skylines modding community after the original release of Plop the Growables. The combination of these two factors means that Ploppable RICO Revisited is able to use simpler and more robust methods to achieve the same functionality.

The reason the two mods don't conflict directly is precisely because they use different approaches to achieve the same results. However, this is also what makes it important to ensure that their settings don't conflict.

See also

Growables and Ploppables.