CodeCourses is an e-learning website that offers articles, courses, quizzes and even chat rooms for instructors and students in various topics. Instructors have a score that is based on their course ratings and contributions. Students have a rank that is based on their score that increases by reading articles, enrolling in courses, taking quizzes, etc. Admins have full control of the website and can remove content they deem inappropriate. The admin profile contains various statistics regarding the website's content and users.
✔️ Clone the repository by pressing the green button.
✔️ Once in the folder, type CMD in the address bar.
✔️ To run the database server:
- Install xampp
- Run the server with connection parameters:
- host: 'localhost'
- user: 'root'
- password: ""
- database: 'codecourses'
- port: 3306
- Import the file codecourses (1).sql (in Database folder)
Alternatively you can connect to the azure MySQL Database deployment (not stable)
host: '',
user: 'codecourses@codecourses',
password: '17102002aA@',
database: 'codecourses',
port: 3306
✔️ To run the backend server:
- Type cd Backend
- Type npm i
- Type nodemon app.js
✔️ To run the frontend server:
- Return to the root folder, then type cd frontend
- Type npm i
- Type npm start
✔️ Open the browser, and navigate to http://localhost:3000 or try the deployed github page