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Releases: alibaba/MongoShake


07 Jan 03:23
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2021-01-07 Alibaba Cloud.

    * version: 2.4.18
    * BUGFIX: remove maxWaitTime option in reader. #524


18 Dec 08:35
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2020-12-09 Alibaba Cloud.

    * version: 2.4.17
    * IMPROVE: add write_success field in full sync log metric.
    * IMPROVE: solve dup error in single_writer which is used when target
    mongodb version is 3.0.
    * IMPROVE: show source and target db version in configuration.
    * IMPROVE: enable NoCursorTimeout when source DB version >= 3.6. #451
    * IMPROVE: filter oplog.gid field when enable "filter.oplog.gids = true".


04 Nov 06:41
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2020-11-04 Alibaba Cloud.

* version: 2.4.16
* IMPROVE: ignore error when meets namespace not found error in delete
operation in single writer. #467
* IMPROVE: when "incr_sync.mongo_fetch_method == oplog", support upsert
if target is sharding. #380
* BUGFIX: fix bug that using change_stream mode can't fetch any data in
kafka tunnel with "checkpoint.start_position = 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z".


14 Oct 04:22
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2020-10-14 Alibaba Cloud.

    * version: 2.4.15
    * BUGFIX: in kafka tunnel, solve json marshal failed when meets NaN, Inf,
    -Inf field. #430


30 Sep 09:12
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2020-09-30 Alibaba Cloud.

    * version: 2.4.14
    * BUGFIX: 'o' field is empty when set
    "incr_sync.change_stream.watch_full_document = true". #454


22 Sep 09:34
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2020-09-22 Alibaba Cloud.

    * version: 2.4.13
    * BUGFIX: do not filter ns=admin.$cmd so that transaction works. #439
    * IMPROVE: enable NoCursorTimeout in full-sync reader. #443, #451
    * IMPROVE: set "omitempty" flag for oplog and change stream event parser.
    * IMPROVE: polish Mock tunnel log for debugging.

  1. 修复事务被过滤的bug。#439
  2. 全量阶段拉取启用NoCursorTimeout,防止拉取超时。#443, #451
  3. 设置"omitempty",对于某些配置项默认空。
  4. mock tunnel优化log。


01 Sep 12:06
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2020-09-01 Alibaba Cloud.

* version: 2.4.12
* IMPROVE: add sort and hint by _id in full sync stage.
* IMPROVE: add executor namespace writing count metric.
* IMPROVE: add WhiteListObjectIdHasher to solve the jumbo table without
unique index.
* BUGFIX: solve error: "db[xx] not exists on startTsMap". #434

  1. 全量同步拉取添加sort:{_id:1}配置和Hint: {_id:1}
  2. 添加executor中关于各个表的统计计数
  3. 添加WhiteListObjectIdHasher解决大表倾斜:v2.4.12 增加incr_sync.shard_by_object_id_whitelist参数解决没有唯一索引情况下的单表倾斜问题
  4. 修复一个bug: "db[xx] not exists on startTsMap". #434


27 Aug 06:45
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2020-08-27 Alibaba Cloud.

* version: 2.4.11
* IMPROVE: add ut_test script.
* IMPORVE: in full sync stage: replace mgo driver with mongo-go-driver in
* BUGFIX: if can not run incr sync directly, return error when sync_mode
== incr.
* IMPROVE: docSync crash directly when meets error in full sync.
* BUGFIX: do not change sync_mode whn tunnel != direct. #424
* IMPROVE: sort data before return in full sync stage.

  1. 添加单测的脚本
  2. 全量阶段读取的驱动由mgo改为mongo-go-driver
  3. 修复bug:sync_mode==incr,如无法直接进入增量同步,则直接退出
  4. 全量同步阶段,报错则直接crash退出,不等待全量同步完毕再crash
  5. 修复bug:如果tunnel不为direct,sync_mode不会进行自动判断转换。#424
  6. 全量阶段返回的数据进行排序


14 Aug 07:25
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2020-08-14 Alibaba Cloud.

* version: 2.4.10
* IMPROVE: modify the logic of transaction merging in change stream mode
to improve synchronization performance. #370
* BUGFIX: fix bug of "panic with session already closed" in StartIndexSync
* BUGFIX: remove autoIndexId when autoIndexId and idIndex co-exists in
create collection oplog. #400
* IMPROVE: when meets DDL in sharding, do not crash when fetch_method is
* IMPROVE: when fetch_method is change_stream, do not set worker thread
to MongoD number when source side is sharding. 

  1. 优化change stream模式下,事务合并的逻辑,提升同步的性能。#370
  2. 当autoIndexId和idIndex共存是,去除autoIndexId字段。#400
  3. 当fetch_method=change_stream,遇到DDL不再直接crash。
  4. 当fetch_method=change_stream,worker的个数不再强制设定为源端mongod的个数。


06 Aug 10:57
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2020-08-06 Alibaba Cloud.
* version: 2.4.9
* BUGFIX: checkpoint doesn't work after restart. #403
* IMPROVE: mandatory set read concern to majority for change stream. #406
* BUGFIX: filter, not only mongoshake.

2020-08-07 14:35 update:
MD5: c72dfa8a3c96f1ce1e0b37d467e92ea4

  1. 解决重启后checkpoint不生效的问题
  2. 对于change stream模式,强制设置read concern=majority
  3. 修复bug:checkpoint db名不为mongoshake,则该db会被同步