Releases: alibaba/MongoShake
Releases · alibaba/MongoShake
add change stream option to fetch the incremental data.
pay attention: this version is not compatible with the former version.
主要特性:增加change stream对接接口,用户可以选择用change stream的方式进行拉取解决move chunk的问题,从而不需要关闭balancer。
2020-03-25 Alibaba Cloud.
* version: 2.4.0
* IMPROVE: support change stream to solve move chunk problem.
* IMRPOVE: add feature compatiable version(fcv) for configuration and
* IMPROVE: optimize orphan document filter.
* IMPROVE: block password in conf and log.
* IMPROVE: retry to insert document when duplicate error happen in full
sync stage.
* IMRPOVE: add 'full_sync.create_index' in configuration.
* DISABLE: temporarily disable oplog stored to disk during document
replication released on v2.2.1.
2020-03-15 Alibaba Cloud.
* version: 2.0.9
* BUGFIX: transform namespace bug. see #302. thanks monkeyWie.
* IMPROVE: do not drop any database when replayer.collection_drop==false
2020-01-22 Alibaba Cloud.
* version: 2.2.1
* IMPROVE: support oplog stored to disk during document replication.
* IMPROVE: support reading from kafka in by different tunnel message type.
2019-12-12 Alibaba Cloud.
* version: 1.4.7
* BUGFIX: merge bugfix from v2.0 of version judgement so that use
bulkWriter instead of singleWriter.
- version: 2.2.0
- IMRPOVE: support filter orphan document in full synchronization for mongodb sharding
- IMPROVE: support move chunk in incremental synchronization for mongodb sharding
- IMPROVE: support ddl in incremental synchronization for mongodb sharding
- IMPROVE: support different sharding key or index at destination mongodb
- IMPROVE: support global consistence checkpoint
2019-09-30 Alibaba Cloud.
* version: 2.0.8
* BUGFIX: fetch data from kafka failed. update "sarama" driver, see #212.
* IMPROVE: support for the compilation of windows environment. see #233.
* IMPROVE: remove some parameters in configuration.
* IMRPOVE: add TPS in restful metric.
2019-08-17 Alibaba Cloud.
* version: 2.0.7
* BUGFIX: exit when the oldest ts bigger than full-sync-begin
timestamp so that data may lost between full sync and increase sync.
see #218.
* BUGFIX: bugfix: set white namespace filter for sharding replication
cause db filtered. see #222.
* IMPROVE: add switch in configuration to support syncing some special
database like 'admin', 'local', default is disbale. see #223.
* IMPROVE: set `adaptive.batching_max_size = 1024` by default to reduce
memory usage. see
2019-08-08 Alibaba Cloud.
* version: 2.0.6
* IMPROVE: filter views in syncing, see #206.
* IMPROVE: when the synchronization mode is full synchronization,
support for the case where oplog does not exist. see #215.
* IMPROVE: let mongoshake exits when finish full syncing. see #210.
* IMPROVE: add `log.dir` to write log and pid file in absolute path.
see #211.
2019-07-29 Alibaba Cloud.
* version: 2.0.5
* IMPROVE: support sharding comparison. see #197.
* BUGFIX: fix bug of negative count. see #199.
* IMPROVE: set worker number to shards number. see #198.
* IMPROVE: support sharding active-active architecture. This is only
used in Alibaba-Cloud.
2019-07-15 Alibaba Cloud.
* version: 2.0.4
* BUG FIX: fix bug of batched oplog size exceeding 16MB, This bug was
not completely resolved in version v1.4.6. see #122 and #187.
* IMPROVE: add chinese comment in configuration.
* IMPROVE: print warning log when the oldest oplog is bigger than the
checkpoint timestamp, see #189.
* IMPROVE: flush heartbeat checkpoint with interval 180s. see #189.
* BUG FIX: use runCommand instead of applyOps to support sharding. see
* BUG FIX: partial log dump with parameter `all` equal to false.